President Donald Trump ordered the United states to build what is called an “Iron Dome,” or missile defense system that can protect the country from ballistic, hypersonic, cruise missiles, and other aerial attacks, which he says is the biggest threat to the nation.
Israel has an Iron Dome, which has saved the Israelis from sure extinction in a part of the world where they are constantly under attack my militant Islamists. Israel reports its Iron Dome is 90% effective.
Trump announced his order at a Republican House retreat in Miami on Monday. He said the construction would start immediately. It’s estimated that to build one that covers the entire United States could cost over $2 trillion.
This is one of Trump’s campaign promises. At the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in 2024, he said:
‘We will replenish our military and build an Iron Dome missile defense system to ensure that no enemy can strike our homeland. Israel has an Iron Dome, they have a missile defense system. Why should other countries have this, and we don’t?”
Trump’s executive order reads:
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including my authority as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose. The threat of attack by ballistic, hypersonic, and cruise missiles, and other advanced aerial attacks, remains the most catastrophic threat facing the United States.
President Ronald Reagan endeavored to build an effective defense against nuclear attacks, and while this program resulted in many technological advances, it was canceled before its goal could be realized. And since the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002 and initiated development of limited homeland missile defense, official United States homeland missile defense policy has remained only to stay ahead of rogue-nation threats and accidental or unauthorized missile launches.
Over the past 40 years, rather than lessening, the threat from next-generation strategic weapons has become more intense and complex with the development by peer and near-peer adversaries of next-generation delivery systems and their own homeland integrated air and missile defense capabilities.
Sec. 2. Policy. To further the goal of peace through strength, it is the policy of the United States that:
(a) The United States will provide for the common defense of its citizens and the Nation by deploying and maintaining a next-generation missile defense shield;
(b) The United States will deter — and defend its citizens and critical infrastructure against — any foreign aerial attack on the Homeland; and
(c) The United States will guarantee its secure second-strike capability.
Sec. 3. Implementation. Within 60 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Defense shall:
(a) Submit to the President a reference architecture, capabilities-based requirements, and an implementation plan for the next-generation missile defense shield. The architecture shall include, at a minimum, plans for:
(i) Defense of the United States against ballistic, hypersonic, advanced cruise missiles, and other next-generation aerial attacks from peer, near-peer, and rogue adversaries;
(ii) Acceleration of the deployment of the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor layer;
(iii) Development and deployment of proliferated space-based interceptors capable of boost-phase intercept;
(iv) Deployment of underlayer and terminal-phase intercept capabilities postured to defeat a countervalue attack;
(v) Development and deployment of a custody layer of the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture;
(vi) Development and deployment of capabilities to defeat missile attacks prior to launch and in the boost phase;
(vii) Development and deployment of a secure supply chain for all components with next-generation security and resilience features; and
(viii) Development and deployment of non-kinetic capabilities to augment the kinetic defeat of ballistic, hypersonic, advanced cruise missiles, and other next-generation aerial attacks;
(b) Review relevant authorities and organization of the Department of Defense to develop and deploy capabilities at the necessary speed to implement this directive;
(c) Jointly with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, submit to the President a plan to fund this directive, allowing sufficient time for consideration by the President before finalization of the Fiscal Year 2026 Budget; and
(d) In cooperation with United States Strategic Command and United States Northern Command, submit to the President:
(i) An updated assessment of the strategic missile threat to the Homeland; and
(ii) A prioritized set of locations to progressively defend against a countervalue attack by nuclear adversaries.
Sec. 4. Allied and Theater Missile Defense Review. The United States continues to cooperate on missile defense with its allies and partners to aid in the defense of ally populations and troops and of forward-deployed United States troops. Following the submission to the President of the next-generation missile defense reference architecture under section 3(a) of this order, the Secretary of Defense shall direct a review of theater missile defense posture and initiatives to identify ways in which the United States and its allies and partners can:
(a) Increase bilateral and multilateral cooperation on missile defense technology development, capabilities, and operations;
(b) Improve theater missile defenses of forward-deployed United States troops and allied territories, troops, and populations; and
(c) Increase and accelerate the provision of United States missile defense capabilities to allies and partners.
Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
- the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
- the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
An excellent initiative that could be implemented in AK907. Specifically, at Ft Greely where there’s ample room for expansion.
The star wars program was working. We had working models. Bring it back
It’s still up there. Reagan wouldn’t recognize it though. It’s so far advanced. Ironically, McConnell will be holding onto the purse strings on this and other defense spending. Trump forgets budget restraints.
The Art of the Deal has struck. I support the initiative. But a campaign promise should be kept, not weaseled out of “subject to appropriations”. Find a way to get it done Mr. President.
I the late ’60’s we had an effective defense: the Nike system. We even had yypersonic interceptor missiles: the astonishing Spike. And these were 60 years before anyone else had effective systems. Of course we will do it and even better.
At one time high grocery prices were the top priority. Now Islamist terrorists are the top priority?
Yeah. Kind of a ploy. Scare tactic based on the recent droan hoax. In reality, probably a way to introduce the 30 year old tech that already exists.
Based on the recent “droan” hoax? I assume you mean “drones.” No, this was a promise made on the trail, as stated in the above article, which was long before UAPs or drones were amassing over various parts of the country. It’s not like you don’t see them a lot in Alaska, either.
I don’t see droans in Alaska. I’m not there.
I guess you do not care if the women in your life are enslaved to a brutish political system disguised as a religion. And, that you will have a choice to convert, or be enslaved as an infidel. Just as long as the cost of bread is low.
And, why can we not do both? Protect the US and lower the cost of living? Perhaps, the two are interrelated.
Not all players in the current administration want both… it’s all about control.
Let’s pretend that is something more than just your hatred of everything President Trump, and discuss it a bit.
Not all players want both? So, most do want both? And, for some reason you think the majority will cowtow to the minority and focus on control? Why? (Oh, you are a leftist, and when the leader says jump, you all ask how high) Sorry, but free people do not stand around idly waiting for the person in charge to tell them what to do. They know their job, and they do it without requiring handholding. So… yes, the administration can, and will work toward both goals.
Your delusion that President Trump has some kind of unbreakable control over his staff is not based in reality.
Lack of energy is the top priority. Lowering energy costs will help lower grocery prices. That executive order has already been signed. It’s amazing how many promises have already been kept and it’s not even February yet. Isn’t it something to have an actual president again?
I am interested to find out if HAARP is going to be used as part of the Iron Dome system.
I’m not sure how a university’s aurora test site would contribute to missile defense. HAARP is more akin to Alascom than missiles.
You mean like to put out forest fires that burn all the houses but hardly any of the trees?
It would be nice to have the lasers pointed at the attack vectors instead of just sitting back and pretending they don’t exist.
Smoke a few of those spray planes and things will change.
I have a dream.
Many military analysts doubt the efficacy of Israel’s Iron Dome. It is certainly not at the 90% effective level often quoted, especially when dealing with hypersonic missiles as the Houthi’s have often shown recently. Also, it is very easy to overwhelm the system with cheap drones & old missiles. Not very cost effective to bring down a two thousand dollar drone with a half a million dollar missile. Also, Israel is a tiny amount of sky as opposed to the huge areas in the USA. That being said, the Pentagon has probably spent more money on less worthy endeavors than this one in the past. The Woke agenda comes to mind.
We sell them the cheap, garage sale stuff though. They aren’t getting the good laser driven stuff. It’s been 30 years since we shot down a satellite in orbit with a fighter jet. We’ve come a long way baby.
Wow, it’s been forty years.Where has the time gone?
We don’t have 2 trillion dollars We’re 37 trillion in debt (give or take a few trillion, no one seems really sure).
It’s only money. Worth less every day.
This shows that TRUMP KNOWS our old tech, anti-ballistic missiles CANNOT STOP Russia and China’s nukes and EMP weapons! Until this Iron Dome is built, which will take YEARS, we are WIDE OPEN to being completely destroyed by Russia and China!
After one year with no electricity, over 90% of Americans will die, and Mexico and China would invade. And Russia wants Alaska.
Lisa Murkowski gutted the bill that had already passed the House, that was going to start hardening our power grid for just a few $billion.
She’s a traitor, and no one is talking about what she did by stopping EMP protection.
We may only have a few years left. That’s why the real Christianity spiritual revival needs to happen now!!!
Right now, we’re sitting ducks, completely vulnerable!
Lisa Murkowski Blocked Effort to Protect US Power Grid — Within 12 months of an EMP attack or massive solar flare, 90% of Americans would perish!
Makes one wonder who financed that ‘initiative’ of hers…
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