The Alaska Republican Party currently has more voters registered with the GOP than just about at any time in its history. Over 150,000 Alaskans are currently registered Republicans.
Since last February’s monthly report from the Division of Elections, Republicans gained over 7,000 new voters. Democrats gained about 1,000. For every new voter who registered as a Democrat, another seven Alaskans registered as Republicans.
Of course, undeclared voters still represent the biggest group, as they do across the country. There are 273,371 registered undeclared voters in Alaska. Many of these voters are on the voter rolls due to being automatically registered as they apply for a Permanent Fund dividend, which puts applicants in the undeclared category if they are not registered voters already.
Nonpartisan registrants only gained about 150 voters in the same year-over-year timeframe.
It may be the Trump effect, with conservatives coming back to the party to join in what feels like a patriotic movement to save America from the leftists who have held control for years.
Carmela Warfield, chairwoman of the Alaska Republican Party, said it’s that, plus more:
“The Alaska Republican Party is now an active and engaged Party and people see it. We have been expanding our Party and people are standing with us in record numbers – giving of their valuable time and treasure to join with us,” she said.
“The path to unleashing American energy dominance runs right through the great state of Alaska, and we stand ready to help realize President Trump’s Day 1 Executive Order of ‘Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential.’ Our Party also looks forward to helping President Trump bring about his America First agenda, and to the positive impact of his leadership on our nation over the next four years,” Warfield said.
“We will be actively working to aggressively build on these great numbers of newly registered Republicans, to make our Party even stronger, and we will be ready for the 2026 and 2028 election cycles,” Warfield said.
It may follow a national trend, in which the Democratic Party is held in low esteem, according to recent polling.
As one Anchorage commentator put it, “The Left lost power for the first time, even though they lost elections many times.” People may feel encouraged.
The good news for Republicans is dampened only in that the total number of registered voters in Alaska is now at 616,587, which must set a record for a state that has a population of only 733,406.
To compare, Wyoming, the state with the smallest population in America, has 293,617 registered voters in a population of 584,057. That is about 50% of the population being registered to vote.
In Alaska, however, 84% of the entire population (of Alaskans age 0-110) is registered to vote.
Alaska has the unfortunate reputation of having the dirtiest voter rolls in the country. While every March, the Division of Election does a purge of the rolls and the total number of registered voters is trimmed, it still is starting with a remarkably high number this year.
Just before last year’s March purge of voter rolls, there were 602,973 voters registered. After the purge there were 590,778 remaining.
If last March’s baseline was 590,778, and this month the number of registered voters is 616,587, that means another 25,809 voters have registered in the past year. Election analysts will be watching to see what the numbers look like in early March, when the purge is completed.
Kelly Tshibaka for US Senate (2028)
We still need true conservatives to vote for to do the right thing in Juneau and no cave to the democrats as usual.
Maybe it’s about time the GOP fixes our fraudulent elections and gives us legitimate MAGA candidates….until that happens, this is all a big joke.
Kick out of the party the traitorous backstabbing RINO filth like Murkowski, Merrick, Geissel and Shutes, and the Alaska Republican Party would garner a whole lot more registered voters.
And I STILL have never heard or read of any explanation, or justification, for members of the majority party (the Republicans) spurning some of their party colleagues to caucus with the opposition party (the Democrats). Can anyone enlighten me on the rationale for this egregiously underhanded maneuver?
Democrats bribe them with committee chairmanships and better offices. But essentially they caucus with Democrats because they are liberals. Alaska has far more radical left Republicans than any other state.
All RINO women. Drunk with their own inflated egos. Ultra vanity. Turncoats. Liars. The Alaska GOP has to work much harder to expose and defeat them at the next election cycle.
Gary Stevens, Jesse Bjorkman, and Bert Stedmen caucus with the Democrats in the Senate and Chuck Kopp cacuses with the Democrats in the House. Kelly Merrick and Cathy Giessel caucus with the Democrats in the Senate and Louise Stutes cacuses with the Democrats in the House.
It’s more of a problem with who is elected and less of a problem of what gender is elected.
This is great news. Genghis Khan said it best, “The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” It’s a first step. Now to recapture the ASD school board, the Municipal Assembly and drive the madness out of our city.
Well stated Rollo I enthusiastically agree
Glad to see you care about your fellow Alaskans.
Don’t agree with Rollo-he’ll kill you and rape your children.
Quality person you are.
It will be interesting to see if the new tranche of Alaskan GOP voters are going tontake their cues from the state party or the MAGA/DOGE national wing. Many Alaskan statues and customs are in opposition to the national party. The big ones including:
1) Abortion and contraception access are enshrined in Alaskan law. Its unlikely there will be national restrictions, will the state party take action to change these laws?
2) Likewise, recreational pot is legal up here. Trump is loudly anti-drugs, and there is a large base in the GOP which would like to sanction states with lax pot laws. Will the AKGOP try to receiminalize it, and will the voters agree?
3) Alaska’s biggest export market is China. (Canada is 5th, after Japan, ROK, and Aus). Will Alaskan businesses prefer their local reps to hamper business for nationalist reasons?
I’m not registered Republican, I’m a filthy non-partisan. I’ve voted for plenty of GOP candidates and independents, so i’m curious to see what kind of candidates emerge next cycle.
Jimmy Madison, worth noting is President Trump supported a 2024 ballot measure in Florida to legalize recreational weed. Fortunately the people of Florida voted it down having seen what has happened in the many states that have legalized it for recreational use. Those who support it claim the $$$$ will pour into state and local coffers as new businesses and grow operations rise up. Those who oppose it believe the bad outweighs any good that comes from legalization.
Abortion in Alaska used to be illegal after the 4th month and no government paid for it. Pot was initially decriminalized in 1975. Yeah, China.
I’m also a nonpartisan, but because of RCV, I had to register as a Republican in order to vote for Trump in the primaries.
No you did not have to register as a Republican to vote for Trump in the primaries.
Prior to RCV, any voter could request any primary ballot. Be a hardcore leftist conservative hating Democrat, go to the polling place, and ask for a Republican ballot. And, boom, there it is.
The presidential nominee is decided by the parties, not by the regular primary. The parties conduct their presidential preference polls and people may register as a Republican on the spot and take part. It’s just different for the presidential elections, otherwise, you are correct that with the jungle primary, people of any political party have the entire field to choose from and Republicans can no longer determine their own candidates. – sd
The Republican party before Trump came along was nothing like it used to be. Now, maybe it is swinging back to where it belongs.
I hope so, but there still are far too many idiots that make up party leadership and continue to be elected (think Murkowski and many in the Alaska legislature), which makes them no different than the Democrats..
Used to be registered as a Republican but after many years I didn’t see the point anymore, as all it meant was I got extra spam, junk mail, and robocalls. Dropped the registration and that disappeared quickly. I still always vote Republican but don’t suffer their spam anymore. Seriously don’t understand the point of being registered with a party, unless you want to be counted as part of the club I guess.
Trump fallout. Pure and simple. Trump and MAGA is on a long, long, prosperous run. Probably for at least 12 years to 2037.
A lib friend in Seattle texted me and said after what he witnessed this week he was thinking of going MAGA . What can I say. ??♂️
Maybe dog, Frank, cman and Greg will wake up and get on the right side of the problem instead of being part of the problem as they have been lied to stole from and fooled.
They are awfully quite now that the truth is coming out.
You cannot call the people running (almost typed ruining… it would have been equally accurate…) the Democrat party are not liberals any more. They are leftists.
A liberal is a live and let live kind of person. A leftist is a do it my way, or you are wrong kind of person. Your friend in Seattle was likely a classic liberal, and the left side of the political aisle moved away from them.
Welcome them back to reality. We are happy to have them here.
I didn’t realize that many cemetarians received PFDs…
How many of them are Democrats pretending to be Republicans?
For many of us until we see a Republican Party who “fight, fight, fights” (in the words of President Trump) for conservative principles and the party platform we will remain undeclared voters who vote red. Right now many of us are not convinced. It will be up to the Alaska Republican Party to prove they are up to the job. Actions speak louder than words.
Now ALL Republicans, especially in Anchorage need to get out and vote in April. Our city is A MESS! Time for a CHANGE locally!
The new Democrap voters are obviously new to Alaska coming here thinking they can change us to a blue state
The percentage of the population that is supposedly registered to vote is a provable falsehood with very little investigation. This state and the municipality of Anchorage are absolute cesspools of voter fraud.
For entirely too long, the average person has been afraid to speak their mind due to the threat of reprisals from the left. Cancel culture ran rampant, and it resulted in folks on the right side of the aisle keeping their opinions to themselves.
People like President Trump, Argentina’s President Milei (sp?), and JD Vance speaking their minds and actively shooting down the leftist narrative to embolden the average person. And, in doing so, it gave them the push to register as a Republican, instead of non-partisan.
People are tired of politically correct and cancel culture use as a cudgel to ensure compliance. And, when you see people on the world stage ignoring the attempts to cancel them, it is invigorating. And, it results in the population as a whole hearing the message, not just the narrative.
I wonder if they’ll get the same treatment as many of us did. Thanks for your vote but let those of us who
“get it” handle things.
This is the same group that gave us the cowardly lion, Giessel, and Walker.
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