Trump calls Alaskans to promote Sullivan, Young


In a 20-minute phone call Sunday with thousands of Alaskans, President Donald Trump held a “tele-rally” meeting to promote the campaigns of Sen. Dan Sullivan and Congressman Don Young, who he called great public servants for Alaska.

Trump called from the White House shortly after returning from a campaign trip to Bangor, Maine, and between duties at the White House Halloween party, where children attended in costumes and candy was distributed.

In his call, Trump reminded Alaskans of the importance of the election and was highly complimentary of both Sullivan and Young, and how effective they are for Alaska. He mentioned opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for responsible oil development, and said whenever he has a question about the House of Representatives, he calls Rep. Don Young.

With just three electoral votes for Alaska, serious presidential candidates never campaign in the 49th state during the final stretch, and it was unusual for the president to even take 20 minutes from his schedule to make the call, the details of which were kept under wrap until the final hour due to the president’s travel schedule.

The Sullivan campaign didn’t know how many Alaskans received the tele-rally call but said it was safe to say “thousands.”


  1. Well, I guess the Gross and Galvin families can get together at Thanksgiving and blame the Pilgrims.
    Nothing like eating crow sandwiches with lots of horseradish and sour pickles.

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