Trump advisor Peter Navarro arrested for disregarding subpoena to House Jan. 6 committee


The FBI on Friday arrested former Trump adviser Peter Navarro as he was boarding a plane at Reagan International Airport in Washington D.C. A federal grand jury had indicted Navarro on charges of criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to appear before the partisan Jan. 6 committee, which is investigating what the Department of Justice calls a “domestic terrorist attack” on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. That was a protest of the election that turned riotous inside the U.S. Capitol, leading to the death of one unarmed protester, who was shot by Capitol police.

Navarro was placed in handcuffs and leg irons at the airport and taken to court for his first appearance. He told the judge that he was going to Nashville for a media event. He was then put in jail.

“What they did to me today violates the Constitution,” Navarro told reporters outside the courthouse.

During the Trump Administration, Navarro was assistant to the president, director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Department of Justice had earlier indicted former Trump adviser Stephen K. Bannon for refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the committee; Bannon’s trial is scheduled for July 18. The Justice Department has declined to indict Mark Meadows, President Trump’s last chief of staff, and Dan Scavino, the deputy chief of staff for communications.

Navarro, 72, has been charged with one contempt count involving his refusal to appear for a deposition and another charge involving his refusal to produce documents, despite a subpoena from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol.

“In its subpoena, the Select Committee said it had reason to believe that Navarro had information relevant to its investigation. Navarro, formerly an advisor to the President on various trade and manufacturing policies, has been a private citizen since departing the White House on Jan. 20, 2021,” the Department of Justice wrote.

Each count of contempt of Congress carries a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of one year in jail, as well as a fine of up to $100,000. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors, according to the Department of Justice.

The indictment can be read here:


  1. There is one set of laws for us and a completely different set of laws for them. Remember this when they come and try to take your guns. It’s coming.

  2. Peter Navarro is a patriot and a Trump loyalist. I recommend his 2021 hardcover book, “In Trump Time,” the inside story of how Trump had to fight the SWAMP for four years. The entire purpose of Pelosi and Schumer going after guys like Peter Navarro is because they want to turn him against Trump. Ultimately, the Democrat’s plans are to indict Trump and make it impossible for him to run for the Presidency in 2024. The Democrats are under pressure to get this all complete before the 2022 mid-term elections, while they still control Congress.

  3. Gestapo. The Democrats (and Liz Cheney) have made this a Banana Republic.

    Meanwhile the Senate, both parties, are coming for our guns.

    The Founders gave us a Republic. We couldn’t keep it. Correction: we gave it away.

  4. Navarro had his liberty stolen. The US Constitution is not silent about process due for taking an American freeman’s liberty. Ths US Constitution expresses that freedom is taken for whims of politicos. Yes? NO!!!
    It says: for murder! Is that what Navaronne was doing? NO!
    It says: for rape, breaking and entering, kidnapping, stealing. Were any of these things done? No? Where is respect if the laid down fumdamental law of this country. Do they get a pass? No.
    where’s the speedy trial of his peers? Oh it wasn’t reported. A bit on the premature side?
    A popular legal tradition out of compliance with the piece of paper – The US Constitution.

  5. To label what happened on January 6th of last year an “Insurrection” (but not to similarly and accurately characterize the violent ACTUAL insurrection of summer 2020 by BLM and other radical leftists) is to twist and abuse the word in the most cynically hypocritical and worst Orwellian sense.

    • I disagree with your deflective claim. Apart from the attempt to hang the Vice President and murder the speaker of the house we should include in the term insurrection the orchestrated administrative attempt to use a slate of fake electors and the documented lies of trump, Meadows, Eastman, Rudy G, Bannon, and several senators.

      It was a detailed plan and a violent attack to overturn the core of our beloved Constitution – fair elections.

      I would think that would matter to you.

  6. The indictment was a work of art. The margins meet federal court rules. Font appears to be correct. It should be just one page long though: who, what, where, why and when is all that is needed. Append the rest of the jargon. Save a tree.

    • Where’s the Court order and the bench warrant for Navarro’s arrest? Pelosi and Congress cannot instruct the FBI to make an arrest. It must come through a bench warrant.

  7. Unbelievable! The FBI has become the Gestapo for the Democratic Party! They arrest old men with little to no flight risk, but let an alleged international money launderer/dope addict/ pedophile, Hunter Biden, who has been under investigation for months now, travel the world freely. Where is the outrage?

  8. Eric Holder was in contempt of congress and he wasn’t drug away in chains in the middle of the night. This should tell you all you need to know about this rogue government that hijacked our country.

  9. This is what happens when Democrats are in charge, they could care less about the Constitution and violate it on a daily basis.

  10. Remember when Eric Holder ignored a subpoena and was arrested?
    Neither do I.
    Two sets of laws in this country and if you’re not in the favored group look.

  11. Dems ignore congressional subpoenas; nothing happens. Republicans ignore and they drop the hammer in a very public place in a very public manner. I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!

  12. AND(?) … I presume Daddy’s Little Princess and Danny-Boy, our elected leaders from AK-907, have “no comment” and/or indifferent to this injustice. Ironically, their silence is not only deafening but, so telling and emblematic of cowardice, spinelessness, and an absolute shameless abrogation of duty – responsibility.

  13. So Navarro has had a run of bad luck–too bad! He is just another loser in the social economy of life. “Altruistically,” I don’t care one way or the other what happens to him: he’s been of no benefit to me, nor am I going to put myself out for him! And, yes, reciprocity is a factor of altruism, to think otherwise is idiotic!

    • “The U.S. Constitution applies equally to all.” Ain’t that a sweet but vaguely true one-liner? Why, I needn’t add to my worries: Navarro will take care of himself and protect his own interests!

  14. Two sets of rules. One easy on leftists, one over the top and difficult for conservatives. It is BS and there will be a reckoning on election day in November 2022.

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