Traveling to China? Be ready to test negative for Covid before you return


Effective Jan. 5 at 12:01 am, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will require a negative Covid-19 test result, taken within two days of departure, or proof of recovery from the virus within the last 90 days, for all travelers, age two years and older, to the United States on flights originating from the People’s Republic of China. The rule ropes in Hong Kong and Macau and applies to direct travel or travel from a third country, citizens and non-citizens alike.

“These requirements apply to all air passengers regardless of vaccination status or nationality. Monitor the websites for the U.S. Mission in China and U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau and the CDC’s Travel Health Information page for the latest COVID 19- travel guidance,” the State Department wrote.

China has become the biggest hotspot for Covid infections, after three years of self-imposed isolation, by order of the communist government.

In early December, the government loosened the in-country travel restrictions, ended forced testing, and reduced government lockdowns. People coming to China no longer must stay in quarantine camps, and more flights are being allowed to land as the government gives up its “zero Covid” policies.

The zero-Covid policy was supposed to show the world how superior the communist country was. Instead, after three years, the people revolted. A video posted on YouTube on Dec. 1 showed a 21-story quarantine center in Lanzhou burning out of control, evidently the result of a protest that turned into arson.

The rapidly spreading Covid outbreak in China is impacting policies in Japan and India, both which require incoming travelers from China to produce a negative Covid test, like the U.S. will do in January.

“In the span of a couple of months, China has gone from being a country with an incredibly small number of infections to, perhaps, the world’s largest hotspot,” The Economist reported.

CDC’s order requiring proof of vaccination for non-citizen, non-immigrants to travel to the United States is still in effect.  For more information see Requirement for Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination for Air Passengers on CDC’s website or the CDC website for further information. 


  1. Funny. When Trump wanted to do the same, Grandpa Joe called him nakedly xenophobic.

    What changed? Oh yeah. The occupant of the White House.

    Im curious about something: if Trump was incompetent evil incarnate, why does Biden keep stealing policy from him?

    • Former governors wanting that sweet foreign lobbying paycheck. They’ll spend the rest of their lives trying to get the legislature to approve the entire permanent fund corpus to build a pipeline to sell something at 1/20th the value of a barrel of oil.

      • Are you a real sapper? I learned from The Duran, The NewAtlas, and the many YT I watch, that sappers seek mines and get rid of them. The guys on the good side, Russia and the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics (sp?), are working their a–es off to get rid of them – including the horrible butterfly mines Ukraine keeps spewing all over; especially in Donestk to harm people like us. But they’re doing it all over, and Russia and the Donbass Peoples Republic militias continue to bring in sappers to get rid of the Uke mines as best they can. So. Is your handle related to a mine searching/destroying land mi es?

      • It really cMe from the US. Canada has the patents on the lipid nano that protects the mrna but US did it here, in Wuhan, and probably Ukraine.
        China’s a sideshow.

  2. When did the foreign agent corporation registered in the City of London become the Goddess of America? Is the CDC the executive branch? Or the Judiciary, Or elected individually to state legislatures, or elected to Congress because this is the only form of government we have. Is the corporate CDC insolvent financially also? Has the CDC purchased or applied for permissions (businessicenses ) to do any businesses at all in any of the 50 states at all ever?

  3. Wasn’t the Trump Administration called xenophobic and racist for similar policies? Didn’t the left sue him for trying similar measures? Didn’t the media malign him for daring to take similar actions to protect Americans?

    That was when it was a novel disease, now we’ve had years of it, it’s killed millions and we’ve pretty much all been exposed and it is an endemic disease. Times change but the hypocrisy of the left never does.

  4. The detainees couldn’t stand being lock-down, so they burned it down. Hahahaha. If you give people an education starting with bible
    , a government can only lie to them for so long

  5. This is just political virtue signaling by the demented biden administration. Unable to force us to bend to his insanity, he’s going to mess with people returning from China. FJB.

  6. Why not sooner? We have plane loads of infected Chinese coming daily. Half the passengers on flights out of China (to Italy) recently had the China virus.


    • Using human vessels to conduct germ warfare on countries should be banned by the UN. The Chinese are using the playbook adopted by the Japanese used against them pre and during WW2.

  7. Did you know the politburo in China knows how many onions are in your refrigerator, when you purchased them and when they will go bad? They know and will send the police if your garbage was discarded “incorrectly” etc. All the new communists yearn for this level of authority over you my fellow Alaskans. Is communism really for you?

  8. Hilarious, pathetically so…
    The world’s untested pours unrestrained over America’s southern border while CDC officials suddenly awaken to the terrifying possibility that something besides fentanyl is arriving from China.
    Can’t make this stuff up.

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