Transparency: The hidden story of what Mallott did



One thing nearly all politicians share in common is this: They’re all about transparency until it’s time to be transparent.

Here was Alaska Gov. Bill Walker four years ago in his swearing-in remarks:

“My administration will work to restore some faith and trust that has been lost. I vow to you that we will have an open and transparent government.”

And now?

Now Walker running mate Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, the Democrat candidate for governor four years ago who abandoned his party to join Walker on an independent ticket in order to oust incumbent Republican governor Sean Parnell, has resigned his office and severed his relationship with the incumbent governor.


Walker isn’t saying much. Mallott has left the stage.

And Walker deputy chief of staff Grace Jang, a former journalist, is pleading with her former colleagues to ignore their responsibilities to tell the truth about public officials and walk away from this story.

What is known

Walker said Mallot made “inappropriate overtures” to a woman Sunday night. 

Mallott wrote of “inappropriate comments” in a resignation letter. 

Walker spokesman Austin Baird said there is a “victim” involved.

The incident appears to center on inappropriate sexual overtures and inappropriate sexual comments, but no one in the governor’s office has explicitly said this. The entire incident has transpired behind something of a veil.

Mallott’s letter of resignation didn’t even say if there was a woman involved. Instead it referred to a placing “a person whom I respect and revere in a position of vulnerability.”

The vulnerability phrase would appear to indicate Mallot suggested that if the “person” didn’t cooperate, there would be consequences. There is no hint of what those might be, although Walker administration officials have said no state employees were involved so apparently the loss of a job or the loss of an opportunity for a job can be scratched from the list.

The mainstream media has reported little more on this story than the official statements coming out of Walker’s office, but there is plenty of talk in political circles and among old Mallott friends about what happened. The name of a Fairbanks woman involved in law enforcement has come up repeatedly.

For two days now, has tried to reach her.  She has been repeatedly queried about any possible involvement. She has not responded.

[Read the rest of the story at]


  1. How about a criminal investigation by the FBI so we hopefully get the entire story???? These SOB s think they don’t have to answer to the tax payers. Well I got news for them you damn well have to answer.

  2. I’ll avoid naming names and other specifics, but the repeated description of “a Fairbanks woman involved in law enforcement” led me to believe that the most likely culprit is the same person charged in July with two counts. This followed an incident which began with the woman having the attitude that the laws she enforces don’t apply to her.

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