Track Palin popped for DUI in Wasilla


The adult son of Sarah Palin was arrested by Wasilla police on Saturday afternoon for operating a vehicle under the influence of a controlled substance. He was released and faces a out date “pending.”

Palin, 33, has had a number of run-ins with the law, ranging from domestic violence to resisting arrest and weapons misconduct, and he has spent time in prison.

His mother, Sarah Palin, is a leading candidate for U.S. Congress for Alaska.

In 2016, just as Palin was endorsing Donald Trump for the presidency, Track was arrested and charged with assault, interfering with the report of a domestic violence crime, and possessing a weapon while under the influence. The incident took place at the Wasilla home of Sarah and Todd Palin, after calls were made to 911 to report a domestic violence situation. Track’s girlfriend reported he had punched her in the eye and kicked her knee, and she thought Track was going to shoot himself.

Track was also a problem guest at a party in Anchorage in 2014, when members of the family got into a brawl at a party on the hillside. No charges were filed in that incident.

Track Palin’s ex says family pressured her to not report

Track isn’t alone in the politics of getting arrested for DUI this summer. The executive director of the Alaska Democratic Party also was stopped and ultimately arrested for attempting to interfere with the law enforcement’s detection equipment.

The Democrats also had trouble with its former executive director, Jay Parmley, with reported incidences of sexual harassment before he came to Alaska.


  1. I was a lost soul, one day my mom told me she has done all she can. She handed me a Bible and let it be. That book is all it took. I had her back all out right up to 6:09 in the morning of her last breath. Shepherds chapel dot com dish Chanel 256.

  2. He’s been a troubled kid as long as I can remember hearing his name.

    Hopefully someone can reach him before he spirals out of control.

  3. As a dad, I am very sorry for this to happen. He’s actually a good kid. His mom spoiled him rotten even though she was never around to help him with the rough patches. Politics, fame, and the pursuit of riches were on her radar, while the poor boy was not.

    • Todd, didn’t Track beat you up and Sarah had to call the State Troopers to the house? With a mom who is hell-bent on being a publicity whore, it’s no wonder all of these Palin kids are messed up.

  4. My heart goes out to The Palin Family.
    It doesn’t matter who they are or how much money they have there son needs help and understanding. No family is perfect. The Media needs to give us news not scandalous reporting. How about our Veterans and the real people in need.

  5. My opinion alaska shouldn’t be talking about track. He a private citizen, he
    always been a private citizen since 2016. He’s not todd, sarah, and bristol.

  6. My opinion alaska shouldn’t be talking about track. He a private citizen, he
    always been a private citizen since 2006. He’s not todd, sarah, and bristol.

    • If there is consistency of this guy, despite his mama and sister, he maintained his private
      citizen status. Never taking any public gigs.

  7. Sexism is still alive and well. They have done it to Palin for years and are doing it to VP Harris also. If tracks dad was the political person this would not be reported at all.

    • Floyd, you are so right, it’s sexism! Why just look how badly Hillary Clinton was treated! Thrown in jail and all. Wait?!

  8. Who didn’t see this coming “said no one”. Keep enabling this person and this what we get. He was treated with kid gloves because of his mom.
    If he was black or brown skinned he would be getting 3 hots and a cot treatment. Time to give him sometime in “yale”. It appears he either has emotional or sustance abuse problems or both. Luckily he didn’t hurt someone or himself while driving under the influence. And what do the 2 democrats getting arrested have to do with Track Palin getting drunk and driving. Try to be better than that SD. Because dems do it; it somehow makes it ok for TP to do it.

    • What’s with the brown person comment? Like they get thrown in jail more easily? Nonsense, how many times have we seen a person of color commit a crime, released on no bail, and commit even more heinous crimes. Far too many. Time for you to stop your bias. The worst thing for the Palin family was Sarah being chosen for McCain’s running mate.

    • Maybe to reassure everyone that no matter what your last name is, the law applies to everyone. Also with alcohol abuse and drug abuse and domestic violence on the rise in Alaska, a scanty conclusion might be drawn by some that if it can happen to them it can happen to anyone. If someone is depressed about their similar situation, maybe they can find some comfort in that.

  9. Politics can be very hard on the families. Sad to hear this. Vacations are not liquids. Alcohol seriously makes everything worse.

  10. Another reason I will never support Sarah Palin. She raises dangerous and disrespectful kids. And never one word of apology out of Ms. Hollywood Alaska. Drunk drivers are killers.

  11. It’s unnecessary and inappropriate to be publishing this material, even if it’s within MRAK’s legal rights. It’s also not “news”, just gossip meant to defame someone through one degree of separation.

    • @Fan………..until Sarah Palin’s kid crosses the center line while driving drunk and kills your own child.

    • SD accomplished her goal of torpedoing Palin in favor of Moneybags Nick the RINO spoiler, and new we’re stuck with lefty Peltola for the time being

      • Why did Sarah Palin support pedophile-enabler Bill Walker and his Lt. Governor Byron Mallott in 2014? Any ideas about that, Mr. Chuck? That’s why I voted for Nick and didn’t rank Sarah.

  12. I left a 20.00 bill at big county liquor for Ran off the Track, hopefully he will try to keep his life between The rails in future

  13. I don’t really follow the Palin family. Got my own to focus on.

    Has anyone ever tried to get this kid the help he clearly needs?

  14. More Paparazzi reporting. Great job digging for dirt to discredit Sarah Palin. MSNBC reporting in Alaska.
    “ We think this one is fair, in the same way Hunter Biden reporting is fair.”
    Hunter is engaging in international intrigue and political chicanery. He’s giving monetary kickbacks taken from our sworn enemies to “The Big Guy”, Joe Biden himself. Hardly the same situation or national security issue. Leave attacking politician’s families out of your reporting unless it’s relevant please. Thanks.

  15. Just a typical evening for the Palin’s. Don’t worry folks, they’re used to dealing with… adversity. Old hat.

  16. This person needs to be out of the public eye until he can get ahold of his inner being. Personally, I don’t like to hear about famous people being in trouble. But, if the broad ‘message’ of the ‘media’ in reporting about this allows someone else to ‘choose’ mental health over everything else, then by all means, go for it. “Mental illnesses are common in the United States. Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (52.9 million in 2020). Mental illnesses include many different conditions that vary in degree of severity, ranging from mild to moderate to severe.” Publicizing this probably helps someone when considering the failing policies of Anchorage mayor to care for the homeless in one of the largest towns in America.

    In the lower ’48 there’s a lot of talk about a ‘famed’ female entertainer who’s got some issues that she seems to be encouraging public commentary and misunderstanding about various mental disorders such as PTSD, paranoia, borderline, bipolarity, avoidancy, narcissistic, OCD, dependency, antisocial etc which make it difficult to live and work in the context of large society context (lower ’48 entertainment field). I don’t see where this young man is encouraging a wealth of publicity, and I don’t see how this report can help him personally if he is actually attempting to ‘be best’ despite instability in his own mental condition but I guess if reporting about him makes a difference in the much smaller local society of Alaska, maybe someone other than those that clearly ‘appear’ disheveled and dead drunk on Fourth Avenue could get Alaskan advocacy going. I dunno.

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