Tom McKay picks up big endorsement from former Mayor Dan Sullivan


Tom McKay, running against incumbent Rep. Chuck Kopp in the Republican primary, has picked up an endorsement from former Mayor Dan Sullivan.

McKay, who was recruited by several business leaders to run for House District 24, had already won the District pre-primary endorsement from Republicans, and also the endorsement of the entire State Central Committee of the Alaska Republican Party.

The Anchorage Republican Women’s Club also endorsed McKay, a retired petroleum engineer, over incumbent Kopp, who had forged a leadership team with Democrats after the 2018 election. Kopp was appointed Rules chair and has blocked Republican-sponsored legislation ever since. McKay is a former chairman of the Alaska Republican Party.

Sullivan’s endorsement appears on a mailer that saturated the district today, sources said.

The race has split the endorsements among Republican leaders, with Kopp having the support of some of his South Anchorage colleagues, such as Rep. Jennifer Johnston and Sen. Natasha Von Imhof, as well as continued financial support from a number of important unions. Others, such as Rep. Laddie Shaw of District 26, and Rep. Lance Pruitt, House Minority Leader, have stayed on the sidelines, at least publicly.

Kopp won with 70 percent of the vote in the 2018 primary election, when Stephen Duplantis ran against him. But then he chose to caucus with the Democrats, which make this race less predictable for him.


  1. Sometimes when I read your comments and think “yes he makes sense “and then you make these other annoying comments that do not benefit anyone except your own ego.

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