‘Tired of it’ Biden shows wear and tear from travel as he addresses mass shooting in Texas


President Joe Biden, visibly weary and reading haltingly from a teleprompter, expressed grief and sympathy for the families and friends of those who died in Texas during the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. An 18-year-old man entered the school and killed 19 children and two adults.

Biden told an incomprehensible joke about how there aren’t deer wearing kevlar vests in Texas, and he blamed the “gun lobby” for fighting what he calls reasonable gun legislation. He said, “We must do more” to crack down on weapons and he noted the fact that he had just been in Japan and Korea, where they do not have such gun violence.

“Why are we willing to live with this carnage?” he asked the camera.

On Tuesday morning, Salvador Ramos first shot his grandmother, then crashed his car near the school. He engaged in a shootout with police, who chased him into the school, which he was able to enter even though it was locked down. He had on him a “handgun and possibly a rifle,” according to Texas officials. The number of dead is now at 21.

“As soon as he made entry into the school he started shooting children, teachers, whoever was in his way, he was shooting everybody,” said Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson Lt. Chris Olivarez.

Governor Greg Abbott issued a statement following the shooting:

“Texans across the state are grieving for the victims of this senseless crime and for the community of Uvalde. Cecilia and I mourn this horrific loss and we urge all Texans to come together to show our unwavering support to all who are suffering. We thank the courageous first responders who worked to finally secure Robb Elementary School. I have instructed the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas Rangers to work with local law enforcement to fully investigate this crime. The Texas Division of Emergency Management is charged with providing local officials all resources necessary to respond to this tragedy as the State of Texas works to ensure the community has what it needs to heal.”

Biden, during remarks in which he appeared frail and exasperated, said Congress must “do something,” but he didn’t say what Congress could have done to prevent this specific crime.

Tucker Carlson, on his Fox News show, said, “The president of the United States, frail, confused, bitterly partisan, desecrating the memory of recently murdered children with tired talking points of the Democratic Party, dividing the country in a moment of deep pain rather than uniting.”


  1. Well, we are tired of Biden. This false flag seems to be the pattern of late. It seems we are getting hit everywhere we turn with the world collapsing yet we are supposed to turn to government for the only solutions? They are the problem.

  2. You and Tucker Carlson know no shame. Even the deaths of 19 young children can’t stop you from trying to denigrate our President and make political points. Is nothing too low and dirty for you?

    • So I assume you oppose abortion and are disgusted with the pro abortion faction.

      Being so concerned with dead children and all.

      • For someone who would have us believe that they are « Pro-Life », how many more children must be shot and killed just so you can keep your guns?!
        Military weaponry should never be available to civilian purchases.

        • Children are not being shot so that I can keep guns. That is a ridiculous argument. Emotionally driven, childish even.
          I am a law abiding and responsible person. I use my guns (and my knives, my power tools, my household chemicals, and my motor vehicles) in a law abiding and responsible manner. I have yet to misuse anything I own in a deliberate attempt to cause harm to another human being, or anyone’s property.
          Please explain to me why a product I have demonstrated decades of responsible use should be taken away from me because someone I have never met, who lives in a different state/time zone “might” use a similar product to commit a crime?
          Do you want me to apply the same standard to the items you own and use legally and responsibly? Want me to inventory your possessions and remove anything that can be used to harm a child? Doubt it.
          As to military weaponry… define that.

          • First off, “might” isn’t the issue and you know it. People are legally purchasing such weapons and using them to commit crimes, including mass casualty events. I don’t drink and drive, but there are still laws against it–turns out, not everyone is the same quality of upstanding citizen as us.

            Second, the guns in question (semi-automatic rifles [e.g., AR platforms, AK-47 style rifles) are tools of war–military weaponry if you will. They are not tools of the house. I have never used my .223 to fix my diesel, plant my garden, repair my house, or take a caribou. These are not tools that you “need” unless you absolutely need to inflict human carnage or are playing dress up warrior. If you feel this strongly about weapon legalization, then in your purity of ideology, you must feel outraged that you can’t own a Stinger or RPG (granted, they would make a Barrett .50 look cheap). Where should the line be drawn? Should we do away with even the cursory background checks that are in place now? Should we do away with all age restrictions? Should fully automatic rifles be legal for an 18 year old to purchase, without even a waiting period?

            Third, even for those that say they need their weapons (and body armor) to protect us from the tyranny of government–which has yet to happen in this country–I’m afraid they are a bit out armed by the actual government. All of your AR-styled rifles won’t do anything to stop APCs or even drones. Your best bet to defend freedom and liberty is to quit leaning on your guns. This absolutist attitude is eventually cause such back lash, that even greater restrictions may be put on firearms than you can imagine now.

          • Z
            Sorry, cannot reply directly to your comment, so hope you see this.
            First of all:
            “you must feel outraged that you can’t own a Stinger or RPG”
            I can own one of them. There is nothing preventing me from doing so, except for cost, and the waste of going through the destructive device beauracratic processes.
            What I find interesting is how you always seem to take any disagreement I have with your comment to the extreme. Arguments of the absurd make you look stupid. They are not clever at all.
            My question remains, and you have yet to answer it. What difference does it make what I own, as long as I use that object in a law abiding and responsible manner?
            Again. You are making the argument that I should not be allowed to own something because someone I have never met might use a different, yet similar, item in an illegal manner.
            What does need have to do with it? Do we outlaw anything that is not absolutely needed if there is a possibility it may harm another person? Lots of people have peanut or shellfish allergies, and if they are exposed, even accidentally, it may kill them. So, per you logic, peanuts and shellfish must be outlawed. I can live my life just fine without either.
            “All of your AR-styled rifles won’t do anything to stop APCs or even drones.”
            Oh…. the big bad US Military. Only an idiot would think an AR patterned rifle would be effective in any way against an APC. So, you do not target the APC, you target the supply line, and the personnel. How many fuel delivery drivers do you think will continue delivering to the military after the first few get shot? Or after pictures of their families and homes show up in social media?
            Let me ask you this. How many Air Force Pilots will continue to target US citizens after the first one comes home to find his family dead, and his house burned to the ground? The number of military personnel will drop to almost zero with days of the first domestic strike.
            Do you really think rules of engagement will be followed after the US military starts killing US citizens?
            This will be the shortest war the US Military has ever been in, and the first one where they lost beyond any shadow of a doubt.

          • I glossed over this
            “I don’t drink and drive, but there are still laws against it–turns out, not everyone is the same quality of upstanding citizen as us.”
            By the logic you are using to ban semi-auto rifles, etc…. we should also ban alcohol and motor vehicles. Sure, you can use those products in a law abiding and responsible manner, but other people do not. How many lives are lost on the roads because of DUI? Too many. No more booze, and individuals driving must be stopped immediately.
            If you do not agree with that, then your argument for banning semi-auto rifles, etc… holds no water.

    • Howdy Doodie Biden is not my President; he is the President of the Corporation of the United States. As for the latest Democrat mainstream call to destroy the first and second amendments, how many babies are aborted every year that seems to give them joy from those who are murdered in the womb and now calling for them being aborted after birth?

      • I should also have said that being another false flag, though lives may have been lost, why is it that the story changes? Here are a couple questions about this situation… 1. How is it that a border patrol agent was the one who killed the perp inside the school? 2. Why were there border patrol agents at the school during the shooting when the school is about 60 miles from the border?
        Those are just two questions. If you just listen to the MSM you believe everything they tell you hook line and sinker.

    • Low and dirty might be perceptions just like America’s taxpayer-subsidized infanticide industry, illegal alien children routinely bought, sold, raped, and killed while trying to cross our President’s open border, Biden-approved child grooming behavior in schools, ghetto children routinely killed by the hearse load.
      Children… that continuing Hunter Biden wayward child thing seems so charming in its own right, no?
      Political points… maybe a scoreboard then, all the Great Things our President’s accomplished since taking office?
      Does seem like a shame, regardless of who reports them, the parade of scandals emerging just since our President’s coronation.
      Gives one a whole new appreciation for “too low and dirty” which, since it appears to be the new normal, should one not feel compelled to emulate?

  3. Biden keeps invoking God, over and over, but does he actually send a prayer to the Lord? Of course not, he does not need the Lord, he has all the answers, about everything. Notice how many times the man says “I”, “Me”. It’s all about Joe, and his power, and you all better listen. Think we’re hurting now? He has not begun to punish us. Just you wait “my pretty!”.

  4. Create a problem, blow problem completely out of proportion, then put forward a solution that gives you political power, rinse and repeat. If any death or destruction occurs just project it on your opposition. And, never, ever admit to being wrong. Or guilty, regardless the evidence. That in a nutshell is the communist, I mean the democrat playbook. Oh don’t forget to destroy religion and the traditional family. Man plans, God grins.

  5. Maybe Biden and the democrats should look at some of the root causes instead of hollering for more gun control while upping the ante on the trash they and the NEA are teaching in school. First and foremost is the identity politics model they use which keeps people separated instead of being one race, the human race as well as Americans. Second is the CRT, critical race theory that teaches children to look at each other from a skin color perspective, and as an oppressor or a victim depending on that skin color, instead of what is in the person’s heart. Third is the teaching or should I say the insistence on gender issues starting in grade school where children are encouraged to think of themselves as different from their natural gender. Children are easily influenced by adults and teachers and many regret their decisions later. Fourth is telling kids that they are smarter and better educated than their parents, encouraging disrespect of the family adults and unit. Add to this the trashing to the country and its history as being “racist” just when people were really starting to see each other as fellow Americans and you have a disaster of monumental proportions.
    All of these mis-teachings and propaganda are causing kids to be totally confused and can lead to mental problems as kids and as adults. When subjects like math and language are “racist” and nothing is done to go back to teaching the subjects that will prepare the kids for adulthood, the situation can only get worse.
    Some parents are starting to monitor the schools and attempting to take them back. The problem comes when the NEA and the DOJ then point to these concerned parents as “domestic terrorists.” The administration that does this, in this case the Biden Administration and the democrats, need to either reevaluate the results of their actions or get out of the way for more sane approaches. I won’t even start on the “woke” agenda, which destroys people and businesses they don’t agree with in a country that is supposed to have a freedom of speech amendment in the constitution.
    While we are at it, let’s go back to the days when people started ironing out their differences once the campaigning was over like adults and achieved great things together instead of continued ideological bickering. Mutual respect is a great leveler. Much better than the sniping and sabotage Alaskans had after the 2018 election when one candidate that supposedly dropped out had subordinates and allies undermining a winner’s term. Time to hold all people accountable.

    • Sheila, do any of the root causes you cited here (e.g., critical race theory, “gender issues”) seem to have any bearing to you on the mass murder that occurred in Texas yesterday? This just reads as a list of grievances against anything progressive–which, if this is your opinion on said subjects is amply within your rights–and it fails to make any connection to the near unfettered and unrestricted right of an 18 year old Texan to purchase firearms and body armor. The killer had no history of mental health issues and the school had one or two armed school district security members on campus (who confronted the gunmen before he entered the school). What exactly did the National Educators Association do wrong here? Did this senseless rampage occur because some teachers have collective bargaining rights?

      Side question–why did you put quotation marks around “racist” when describing U.S. history? Is slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, David Duke, etc., not apart of our country’s history?

      • “…seem to have any bearing to you on the mass murder that occurred in Texas yesterday?”
        Too soon to say. The motive of the shooter is unknown at this time.
        However, those things absolutely, 100%, definitely, and completely were involved in the NYC subway shooting, the Buffalo shooting, and the Waukesha terrorist attack.

      • You make some good questions, but miss the point. Progressive should not mean destroying the family, abolishing mutual respect and dividing people instead of toasting the people who have made it through the glass ceilings and have then made it possible for others to follow in their footsteps. Look at the list of Lt. Governor candidates this year, and the majority of women present. And tell me how telling a kid in kindergarten to 3rd grade that he is trans-gender when he/she doesn’t even know what that is is progressive. And when is it progressive to not teach children the basics that will help them succeed as adults? Progressive used to mean finding the best way to unify us and be more inclusive. The democrats at one time emphasized everyone having quality and having positive value to society. Sorry, but the present divide and conquer of the emphasis on differences is not getting us anywhere and is indeed, self destructive. It certainly isn’t progressive.

        • Shelia:
          Don’t get distracted. This is about gun control, and the reasons why someone might have a psychotic break and decide to kill a bunch of people. Do not let the leftists get you involved in a debate about LGBTQWERTYWHATEVER+ rights, CRT, grooming, pedophilia, socialism, or anything else they are all excited about.
          The discussion here is trying to stop mass murders. If you engage on other topics, you are letting them draw you into a debate that is not relevant.

    • Shelia, in a nutshell you have captured some of the root causes of America’s problems. Thanks.

  6. Funny how he’s concerned about dead children now. He should be freaking apoplectic about the dozens of children who get shot and killed every year in Chicago.

    But somehow he isn’t.

    I guess the deaths and suffering of inner city black kids/families is OK with him. After all, Illinois is a blue state. No political points there.

    • Children should be safe when attending school.
      Protecting inner-city children is just as important.
      Military weaponry should not be sold to civilians and certain people should never have access to guns at all.

      • “…and certain people should never have access to guns at all.”
        Now, that is something I agree with totally. Can you explain why the current laws preventing this never seem to be enforced? Can you explain why the last several mass shooters were known to law enforcement, but still legally purchased guns?
        Dylan Roof, the NYC shooter, the Buffalo shooter, Aurora, Giffords, and the list goes on and on. All of them were known to the police as dangerous. And all of them purchased their guns legally.
        But, you solution is to take guns away from the law abiding. Got it. Makes sense.

        • The Texas shooter wasn’t on anyone’s radar. Nor was the Las Vegas shooter, who’s bumpstocks allowed him to inflict massive human carnage. Should we expect law enforcement to now preemptively determine who will be a criminal? That sounds like a plot for a science fiction movie and a scary, fascist state. I don’t think anyone would like that. It’s great to hear that you would support banning the ownership of firearms for people with mental health issues or with criminal records–maybe anyone with any felony or misdemeanor on their record should never be allowed to own a firearm. But I suspect that would be a bridge too far for the firearm lobby.

          • Pointing out the exception does not disprove the rule.
            By the way, I did not say I anything about mental health issues. Never mentioned it at all. Curious you added that to my response. Why did you make that assumption?
            And, before you go all internet troll and say I now want psychotics to have guns, realize I never said anything like that at all either. What I need to know is what exactly is a mental health issue? Which ones would prevent an individual from owning a firearm? What level of mental health issue? Who makes the call, and under what standards?
            I am also guessing that you do not already know this, but felons are already prohibited from legally purchasing firearms, and it is a serious felony for them to be caught in possession of a gun. Additionally, the person who knowingly allowed them access to the gun is committing a crime as well.
            Facts are stubborn things. Research and education are valuable assets.
            Finally, the firearm lobby (whatever that is) already supports the prohibition against felons/criminals. There is a reason why the NICS system exists, and was not opposed by the various gun rights groups.

      • “Military weaponry..” So, everything would be ok if this guy had shot those people with a lever action .30-.30 and a 12 gauge pump……. He was in perfect mental health.

      • Please describe to me your definition of military weaponry. I won’t hold my breath waiting because I’m certain you won’t come back to this article.

        • See body armor. See semi-automatic rifles with 30 round magazines. Disagree that those are weapons of war? Look at Ukraine–semi-automatic rifles and body armor. Why exactly do you need to own that? How may tyrants have you taken down? Why does an 18 year old need access to such a weapon? Would a bolt-action rifle, revolver, or pump-action shotgun have killed people? Absolutely! Would it have allowed this kid to have murder 19 children? Not so likely. So, yeah, I stand by the theory that reducing the access to firearms and body armor will save lives. While these comments want to blame CRT, gay/trans people, Obama, too many school entrances, or whatever other deflection folks can come up with, the commenters on this site or quite okay with the status quo–Americans kill Americans (and themselves) at an extraordinary rate that is beyond unrivaled any other western nation. If you’re okay with that, I wish you’d just say it: “I like my guns and am not willing to reduce my access to them or submit to full background checks and licensing, regardless of how many people are murdered.” You can have your opinion, but you should admit you aren’t willing to come to the table to discuss how some of these events might be prevented or mitigated.

          • “Why exactly do you need to own that?”
            What difference does it make what I own as long as I use it in a law abiding and responsible manner? Please tell me how my responsible use of a 30 round magazine makes any difference whatsoever in a stranger’s life?
            “Would it have allowed this kid to have murder 19 children? Not so likely.”
            Speculation at best. A pump action shotgun causes horrific damage, especially at short range. Do you know what buck shot does to flesh and blood? And, with about a hour of practice, I can reload rounds almost as fast as I use them.
            This “it takes time to reload” argument is created by people who have never practiced any kind of reload drills.
            “but you should admit you aren’t willing to come to the table to discuss how some of these events might be prevented or mitigated.”
            Oh, but we are more than willing to come to the table and discuss how these events can be prevented or mitigated. We just have the bad grace to point out that gun bans do nothing to stop people from killing each other. And, as a general rule, personal ownership of firearms prevents more crime than it enables.
            We want effective methods of stopping murder. Not emotionally driven claptrap that has been proven ineffective over and over again. The assault weapons ban did nothing to reduce crime, per FBI data, despite what pResident Biden claims. Chicago should be a shining example of what a crime free city looks like, with Baltimore following a close second, but they are not.
            How about you guys coming to the table ready to listen to an opinion and data that disagrees with your already made up mind?

          • Out of 195 countries on Earth, the USA provides the highest level of freedom of speech. It is no coincidence that we also have the highest level of right to keep and bear arms.
            The reason we need military-grade weaponry is to keep out-of-control tyrants at bay. You ask, “how many tyrants have you taken down?” The answer is none…. for the very reason we are armed and they know it. We are thereby also protecting you sheep from said tyranny.

            As to school children being murdered, it makes perfect sense in the current politically-correct state of affairs. The insane morons go to gun-free zones because the authorities have chosen to keep the occupants defenseless; as easy to shoot as fish in a barrel. There is a reason the morons don’t go to police stations to commit mass murder. Its actually very easy for teachers to learn how to use pistols as defense. Take the scales from your eyes; our freedoms will be retained only if we man-up to the responsibility of protecting them.

  7. One more trip overseas will do Biden in. He can’t take it. He’s frail, mincy, and completely brain dead. He will be lucky to make it to November 2022, just in time to watch his party crash and burn.

  8. This is NOT gun problem…it’s a mental problem…brought in by the Democratic party years ago and expanded each year…especially in public schools! They are now the party of hate and discontent! Sad that our beautiful country has been so complacent to what has been happening in our so-called government! We pay for their wages..and we’re not getting our money’s worth!!

  9. …And demis want to take away citizens guns. By the terror increase, america is under attack. Interesting the terrorist pick places where less likely anyone would be
    armed. Thats how
    nations are easily
    taken over. If the crowd had guns the terrorist couldn’t get far.
    Nra they should come out with advertisement
    Public trust dumb
    corney demorat
    slogans like
    ‘My gun protects you, and your gun protects me ‘ in a nation facing terror

    • I guess the one or two armed school district security guards who engaged the shooter before he entered the school didn’t get your memo.

      • Turns out there were no armed school district security guards engaging the shooter before he entered the school. Also, some reports say he was outside of the school, shooting at random stuff, for almost 20 minutes before entering.
        Here’s a pro tip. When news like this breaks, wait a minimum of 48 hours before deciding you know anything at all about it.

  10. Hey Usurper PotatoHead, we are “tired of it”, too.
    With “it” being your consistently divisive and sociopathic Destroy-the-USA political agenda.
    You know, “the thing”.

  11. The depravity of this opinion site–the articles and the commenters (and wow! some/most of these comments are so extreme that they should be at the margins of society, but they are daily being incorporated into more mainstream political positions and mined for profits on sites like this). Suzanne couldn’t even just provide a simple piece of reporting on the shooting of 19 children ages 10 and younger. MRAK couldn’t even provide a basic description of the likely forthcoming political hand wringing about how we have a mental health crisis in this country, not a gun problem. There is no space for reasonable debate on sites like this and it is quite unfortunate that larger swaths of the country–media, politicians, citizens–are moving to these extreme positions. But it does look like the extremist wing of conservatism is winning, getting exactly what it wants: unfettered access to weaponry and body armor, more targets (outlaw of abortion choice–which should have reasonable limits on it too!), “religious freedom” (also known as the legal right to discriminate against), the open murder of minorities… if this is what making America great looks like to y’all, there isn’t much hope for this country. But hey, at least you can go buy your semi-automatic rifle and 30 round magazine, Kevlar vest, and other cos play items, it’s just a shame that your unfettered right leads to so many people being murdered. Nice work. Great country.

    • “But hey, at least you can go buy your semi-automatic rifle and 30 round magazine, Kevlar vest, and other cos play items, it’s just a shame that your unfettered right leads to so many people being murdered.”
      Please explain the logic you are using. I own several semi-auto rifles, plenty of standard capacity magazines (the 30 round magazine IS the standard capacity for an AR pattern rifle.), and I use them in a law abiding and responsible manner.
      How does my possession of these items lead to murder?
      Better yet. How does my possession of any item cause another human being to commit murder?
      Should I restrict your ability to own and use any number of products because someone you have never met might misuse that product to commit a crime? Perhaps I could pop over to your house, and inventory the items in your garage and kitchen. I will remove every single item that, if misused, could harm another human being. I am pretty sure you would find that unreasonable.
      Please, explain to me how my law abiding and responsible possession and use of a firearm is leading to murder.

      • I don’t mean to be too obvious here, but Texas. The mass murder committed yesterday was with a legally owned Daniel Defense rifle. Your possession does not lead to murder (unless your weapons are stolen and then used by someone else who is less responsible), if you are stable and not prone to violence–I don’t know you so I won’t proffer an opinion on the matter.

        And yes, we should restrict my right to own specific weapons even though I wouldn’t use them in such a way. I’m willing to give that up–including my .223 semi-automatic rifle (and collection of 30 round magazines and few thousand rounds of ammo). It’s not needed. It’s not needed for home/personal defense and is an impractical hunting weapon (outside of maybe taking coyotes out on the ranch). It’s a toy. I’d give up a toy to prevent a few hundred or thousand murders per year.

        If you’re going to suggest the machete in my garage or the Bowie knife in my truck has to be taken away because someone else could use them maliciously and inappropriately, you’ve proven you do not have a reasonable argument.

        • “I’d give up a toy to prevent a few hundred or thousand murders per year.”
          So. Give them up. See what difference that makes. Please, I encourage you to do so immediately. In fact, I know of several folks that would be more than willing to take them off your hands today.
          “If you’re going to suggest the machete in my garage or the Bowie knife in my truck has to be taken away because someone else could use them maliciously and inappropriately, you’ve proven you do not have a reasonable argument.”
          Yet. That is exactly the basis of the restrictive gun control laws. I, a law abiding and responsible individual, should not be allowed to own a firearm because some criminal I have never met, that likely lives several time zones away, ‘might’ use a similar item to commit a crime.
          What you have just said is the argument for restrictive gun control is not reasonable.
          Thank you.

        • Glossed over this tidbit, and want to drive a point home.
          “I don’t mean to be too obvious here, but Texas. The mass murder committed yesterday was with a legally owned Daniel Defense rifle.”
          A legally owned Daniel Defense rifle.
          I do not own a Daniel Defense rifle. Nor have I ever seen the one this criminal used. And, there is a near 100% probability I was never in the same area code with that rifle.
          So… how exactly does my ownership of an AR patterned rifle, (not even a Daniel Defense by the way) result in someone I have never met committing a crime? Please, the cause and effect logic.
          Step one: CBMTTek owns an AR patterned rifle.
          Step two: ?
          Step three: Someone commits a crime.
          Kind if missing step two there. Help me out.

        • The fundamental fallacy in your argument is to say your weapon is “not needed for home/personal defense and is an impractical hunting weapon (outside of maybe taking coyotes out on the ranch).” Got news for you Skippy, the 2nd Amendment was not written for hunting.. It was written solely for personal defense and opposition to out-of-control government tyranny (see Jefferson, et al). If two or more criminals invades your home, 30-rounds could be the difference between your life or death. Wake up to practical reality.

        • You know… your post is the gift that just keeps on giving.
          “And yes, we should restrict my right to own specific weapons even though I wouldn’t use them in such a way.”
          OK, explain how that will make a difference?

    • Well said. I only read MRAK to get an idea of how conservatives think. I am done. Reading this “article” and the comments leaves me to believe that there is nothing left to try and understand. Disgusting is all I can say at this point. Waiting periods and universal background checks is all Democrats are trying to legislate and even that is seen as some huge government take over. Just let children be shot is all I am hearing from Republicans.

      • Waiting periods have yet to stop a single crime from happening. CA has had them in place for years, and so far, no measurable difference. In fact, if I had reached a point in my psychotic break that I thought it was a good idea to start shooting HS students, I am pretty sure a 10 day wait would not stop me.
        Universal background checks are unenforceable. How will the government know whether I sold a gun to a friend, neighbor, or what the heck, a total stranger? Please explain how that will keep guns out of the hands of criminals? Do you think the criminals are going to report the sale/purchase of a gun from another criminal? Not seeing it happening.
        Do you have any proposals that have not already been tried and demonstrated to be ineffective?
        “Just let children be shot” said no Republican ever. Got any documented quotes? Perhaps the NRA said something along those lines? Please share.
        Or are you making assumptions about people because they do not agree that your “solutions” are going to make any difference whatsoever? What I see here is someone trying to shut down the debate, not someone actually interested in talking about what is going to be the most effective path forward.

    • ???
      History not your strong point? Plenty of school shootings/school related mass murders have happened around the globe. US news sources are not the only place for information, try checking out other country’s news feeds.

      • History is my strong point. Please Reference one school shooting outside the USA. There have been a few, but by US standards minor.

        • So, you admit there have been several, but somehow, the USA has more, so… what exactly is your point?
          Besides, a few seconds on Google will prove you wrong.
          Since 1991, Australia (yes, the gun free paradise of Oz) has had six shooting. (took me all of three seconds to find that out.)
          Brazil has had five since 2001
          The other gun free paradise, the UK has had three school shooting since 1967
          Three in Finland since 1989, two in the Netherlands since 1999.
          Mexico has had 17 school shootings since 2004, and in Honduras the frequency of school shootings is so common it barely makes the news.
          Damn those facts! Always getting in the way of a good meme.

      • Seriously? Like 1% of them. There was that engineering school in Canada in the 1990s… and if we expand it to just mass shootings (not just schools), we have the two racists: the murder at that Norwegian summer camp and the mosque shooting in New Zealand. Outside of war zones, how many other mass casualty events have been committed on the public by someone with a semi-automatic firearm? How about in just the last 5 years? Or even 2 years?

        • The shooting you referenced was in 1989 and the shooter killed 10 women. Awful, but that was 33 years ago. This is an American phenomenon. Like I said, Made in the USA!

        • Google is your friend.
          Try “school shootings worldwide.” Also try “school shootings by country.”

        • Oh… and why did you write this: “…we have the two racists…”
          Why did you bring up racists? Sweeney’s comment does not mention race in any way, my response does not either.
          I am going to make an assumption here that you are a leftists, and you automatically use the term racism/racist as a way to close the argument. Instead of that, how about you explain why you used that word.

          • Sorry, the Norwegian and New Zealand murders were avowed racists–it was in their self-published manifestos. As I pointed out, mass shootings in most western countries are almost non-existent. And Google is not your friend, it’s a website that will return results based on a series of algorithms. Not all sites returned from a search are factual, accurate, or honest.

            To quote your statistics:
            Besides, a few seconds on Google will prove you wrong.
            Since 1991, Australia (yes, the gun free paradise of Oz) has had six shooting. (took me all of three seconds to find that out.)
            Brazil has had five since 2001
            The other gun free paradise, the UK has had three school shooting since 1967
            Three in Finland since 1989, two in the Netherlands since 1999.
            Mexico has had 17 school shootings since 2004, and in Honduras the frequency of school shootings is so common it barely makes the news.

            Australia has had 6 shootings in 30 years! Wow! We didn’t make it through a day here in the U.S. without a shooting…I guess I didn’t realize you were trying to prove my point. So, yes, the U.S. has an abhorrent number of murders with firearms, never mind the number of mass casualty events (typically defined as resulting in the death of four or more people, not including the perpetrator).

            My politics aren’t the issue–finding pragmatic solutions to end the carnage is our collective issue. Or you’re okay with the status quo. I’m not, but that’s just me (and apparently the majority of Americans) and you don’t have to agree with me.

    • Did a bit more checking around on this.
      Turns out there have been a whopping and overwhelming number of mass school shootings in the US. The total number, since 1966 has been 13.
      Wait… what? But… the news said there are dozens of school shootings a year. News flash. When a gang fight spills over onto school property, it is not a mass school shooting. Definitions matter here.
      Doing some quick math, in the 56 years since 1966, there have been 13 mass shootings at schools, which is an average of one mass shooting at a school every four years and four months. Hardly an epidemic.
      So… no. Not made in the USA.
      What is made in the USA is leftist media hype to push a political narrative.

  12. A majority of Americans are completely and utterly “Sick & Tired” of these swamp creatures from Washington-DC and we’re anxiously awaiting the Great Flush soon to happen. It’s never been so clear and evident exactly who these swamp creatures are, including our Congressional Delegation, truly emblematic of whom … “The Enemy Within” really is!

    • If by “great flush” you mean the November elections, I’m sure they’re desperately looking for a way to cancel those. And if they can’t, well, they have their tricks, like Dominion and ballot mules.

  13. Now nearing my eighth decade, I can attest that a spirit of nihilism has infected a growing percentage of American youth, and these school shootings are certainly the most terrible proofs of it. We teenagers possessed plenty of our own firearms back in the ’50s and 60’s, and many of us kept them on gun racks in the pickups that we drove and parked at our high schools. For my eighth grade Speech class I demonstrated the function and disassembly of my pump-action shotgun, an unremarkable event – at that time. We were teenagers in the mold of Alvin York and Audie Murphy, members of high school shooting teams, high school ROTC, and 4H clubs, hunters and recreational plinkers. School ground shootings were unheard of, unthinkable. The University of Texas (Austin) tower shooting of 1966 was one of the first mass murders in the USA, but the pivot point probably occurred during the 1990s, the decade of Luby’s cafeteria (1991) and Columbine high school (1999). What has happened in our civilization to produce these horrible events, and what must our state and national governments do in order to reduce their frequency and body counts? These questions require our most careful and dispassionate consideration, with a constant view to the lessons of history, to the plain language of the Bill of Rights, and to the goal of ordered liberty. Complete safety from murderous madness is a hopeless objective, as is seen in democratic Great Britain and tyrannical China, two noteworthy nations where guns are essentially outlawed. Outright gun bans in the USA will undoubtedly produce an increasing number of crimes, along with walled and barb-wired homesites, and hand over a terrible power to mob actions (2020) and evil politicians. NO. Brandon, I will never surrender any one of my firearms.

    • Also kind of missing how when you were in school you couldn’t go down the road, drop a few hundred dollars, and have your 18 year old self walk out of a gun shop with a weapon that would have made soldiers of the era drool.

      You mention Great Britain and China. In 2021, GB had 594 homicides (all homicides, not just by weapon/method). In the US, that was closer to 19,400.

      In 2020, GB had 30 firearm homicides. The US has approximately 50 homicides and suicides by firearm per day. But that’s liberty–the freedom to be murdered.

      • “Also kind of missing how when you were in school you couldn’t go down the road, drop a few hundred dollars, and have your 18 year old self walk out of a gun shop with a weapon that would have made soldiers of the era drool.”
        Actually. hasalska absolutely could do that. In fact, 80 years ago, he could have called the gun shop, Sears, the hardware store, or any number of other places and had it delivered.
        “You mention Great Britain and China. In 2021, GB had 594 homicides (all homicides, not just by weapon/method). In the US, that was closer to 19,400.”
        Love this false stat. You do realize that the UK Home Office will not classify a death as a homicide until the murderer has been convicted and exhausted all appeals. A lot of homicides are never tallied. But… you go with what you want.
        “In 2020, GB had 30 firearm homicides.”
        Impossible! Completely and totally impossible. There is no way the gun free paradise of Great Britain has any firearm related homicides.
        “The US has approximately 50 homicides and suicides by firearm per day.”
        Remove suicides from that number. Suicides will take their life regardless of the presence of firearms. In my life, I have known several suicides, and not a single one used a gun, even though there were plenty available in all cases.
        Also, remove the people who are killed by guns during the commission of crime as well. Getting shot by the cops is not a murder.
        Guess what happens to your stat? It drops to between one and two people a day. (Closer to one.)

  14. HE CARES SO MUCH FOR YOUR SAFETY HE HAS LEFT THE BACK DOOR OPEN ( 14 miles of open border, unfinished ) EVEN NOW to thousands coming some on the terrorist list ALL of them will get free everything including legal help. He also signed the WHO document to take away your Sovereignty. the biden crime family wants those drugs a flowing !!!

  15. I am real tired of this dicrepid “OLD BUFFOON Biden is corrupt as hell He is bought and paid for by China His son Hunter is his “Bag Man

  16. Of 195 countries on earth, there is not one that provides citizens the level of freedom of speech as US citizens. And, it is no coincidence US citizens also enjoy the highest level of freedom to keep and bear arms. These rights are obviously symbiotic.

    As to school children being mass-murdered, it makes perfect sense. The insane morons go to gun-free zones because the authorities choose to leave the occupants defenseless; like shooting fish in a barrel. Sadly, it would be very easy for teachers to learn how to use pistols for defense. There is a reason the morons don’t go to police stations to commit mass murder.

  17. The evil nonsense of mass-murdering school children is to be expected as our culture unravels morally and abandons all common sense. These psychotropic-medicated young men will continue to kill as a trendy form of suicide. They naturally choose foolishly-designated soft targets; gun-free zones; like shooting fish in a barrel. You will never see them shooting up a police station. It would be quite easy for teachers to learn to use and carry personal defense pistols. The woke administrators have chosen to deny the occupants this ability to protect themselves… an overdue solution that would rank as high as the advent of seat-belts in cars. Where is the common sense?

    As to gun rights, out of all 195 countries on earth, the USA has the highest level of protection of its citizen’s freedom of speech. And, it is no coincidence that our 2nd Amendment protects our freedom to keep and bear arms to the same degree. These two rights are symbiotic; you can’t have one without the other. Your freedoms are only as secure as your determination to protect them (see Jefferson, et al). Oh, and don’t forget, Memorial Day is upon us. Hundreds of thousands of brave men made the ultimate sacrifice to protect your birthright of freedom. You owe it to their legacy to stand firm.

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