The Trump/Pence election pamphlet statement you never got to see


The Alaska Division of Elections took a laissez-faire approach to the Official Election Pamphlet this year, not reaching out to the Trump campaign with information about deadlines and fees, and publishing the official booklet without the top of the Republican ticket.

The Division of Elections says it reached out to the Republican Party for Trump’s address, but received no reply, so took no further action to reach the Republican nominee for president.

That’s OK for some perhaps, but nationally, it has been egg on the face of the Division of Elections. The explanation was inadequate and the Must Read Alaska posting about it is the highest nationally read item in the five month history of this news and opinion website, with thousands of hits. No legitimate effort was made to provide voters with a complete pamphlet.

Read more here on why the Trump bio was excluded from Alaska’s Official Election Pamphlet.

Here’s the Trump / Pence election pamphlet statement voters might have seen. It’s not official, but it will do in a pinch. We’ve condensed it from his official website:

screen-shot-2016-10-17-at-8-21-13-pmDONALD J. TRUMP

Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence while expanding his businesses over many years. He is a graduate of the Wharton School of Finance. An accomplished author, Mr. Trump has authored over fifteen bestsellers, and his first book, The Art of the Deal, is considered a business classic and one of the most successful business books of all time.

During the 2014 political cycle, Mr. Trump was a top contributor and fundraiser for Republican efforts. Mr. Trump also campaigned across the country, with each candidate winning by a record margin.

Mr. Trump frequently uses this platform to advocate for Conservative causes, Republican candidates and to educate the public on the failures of the Obama administration. Mr. Trump devotes much of his time to media interviews in order to promote a free market, the importance of a strong family, a culture of life, a strong military and our country’s sacred obligation to take care of our veterans and their families.

Mr. Trump has long been a devoted supporter of veteran causes. In 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of World War II, only 100 spectators watched New York City’s Veterans Day Parade. It was an insult to all veterans. Approached by Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the chief of New York City’s FBI office, Mr. Trump agreed to lead as Grand Marshall a second parade later that year. Mr. Trump made a $1 million matching donation to finance the Nation’s Day Parade. On Saturday, November 11th, over 1.4 million watched as Mr. Trump marched down Fifth Avenue with more than 25,000 veterans, some dressed in their vintage uniforms.

Mr. Trump is the co-producer of the reality television series, “The Apprentice” which quickly became the number one show on television, making ratings history and receiving rave reviews and world-wide attention. “The Celebrity Apprentice” has met with great success as well, being one of the highest rated shows on television. The Apprentice’s record fourteenth season premiered in January, 2015. “You’re fired!” is listed as the third greatest television catchphrase of all time. In 2007, Mr. Trump received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and he is among the highest paid public speakers in the world. The Apprentice has raised over $15 million for charity.

Mr. Trump was born in Queens, New York. He is married to Melania Trump and father to Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron. He is a proud grandfather of seven.


screen-shot-2016-10-17-at-8-34-02-pmMike Pence is a former six-term U.S. congressman from Indiana and current governor of Indiana. In 2016 he was chosen as the Republican vice presidential nominee on Donald Trump’s ticket.
Born in Indiana in 1959, Mike Pence attended Hanover College and the Indiana University McKinney School of Law. After losing two bids for a U.S. congressional seat, he became a conservative radio and TV talk show host in the 1990s. Pence successfully ran for Congress in 2000, rising to the powerful position of Republican conference chairman, before being elected governor of Indiana in 2012. In July 2016, he surfaced as the vice presidential running mate for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Also read: The Ballot Measure One statement you never saw in the Official Election Pamphlet.