Voters in Fairbanks may not be aware that House candidate Joy Beth Cottle changed her voter registration just days before she officially filed to challenge Republican Rep. Frank Tomaszewski, who represents House District 34.
While she was registered as “undeclared,” she was suddenly a Republican as of the third week of May. But her record is hard-left Democrat.
Cottle submitted testimony to the Legislature begging lawmakers to restore the costly pension program for public employees — the same program that was eliminated due to it bankrupting Alaska back in 2006, when the Legislature switched employees over to a defined contribution program, a classic 401(k) retirement system like much of the rest of the workforce has. Restoring pensions would cost the rest of Alaskans’ Permanent Fund dividends, and then some. In fact, the state is still in debt for the now-retired pension plan, and will be for years to come.
Cottle’s main issue is wanting the pension plan restored. She is a union activist and enjoys a Tier III defined benefits pension member. In a letter to the Alaska Legislature in 2021, she said she divorced “a fantastic man” and blamed the stresses of her job as a firefighter and the fact that she and her ex-husband both worked too hard to take care of their marriage.
An employee of the Fairbanks Fire Department, Cottle also signed the petition for higher minimum wages in 2014, but surprisingly has not voted in a single primary election since 2015.
On her Facebook page, she wrote, “the Daily News Miner ran a story incorrectly identifying me as running (D). I filed as a Republican and I’m requesting a correction to the article. I’ll assume best intent unless proven otherwise.” But, in fact, it was the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner that pegged her correctly on its first draft, saying the quiet part out loud:

This kind of investigative journalism is an example of the professionalism of the fourth estate this nation and state is starving for.
A 2 faced lefty ….. hard to believe.
Why are they so ashamed of their own beliefs?
Oh ….. that’s right, their beliefs are shameful …. almost forgot.
So she’s running under the guise of a republican suddenly, didn’t that just happen recently with a woman that once elected as a republican is now a democrat? I believe the term is turncoat……
Cottle should be relentlessly called out as a leftist until she either calls herself a democrat or leaves.
Feel free to try. She may even bench press you as you cry about it.
Eagle River Chugiak vote for McCarty and rid us of Merrick in the state Senate. We are solid EXCEPT for Kelly Merrick who stabs us in the back at every turn.
Goecker and McCarty have to reach an arrangement
Another Scott Kendall ploy to avenge his brother in law’s defeat in the 2022 House Race. Now, BIL Grier Hopkins will take a shot at the FNSB Mayor’s race where Luke’s legacy among wacko Democrats, is mostly laughable to borough residents. Sorry, Mr. Kendall. Everyone is now on to your sick game.
She sounds like an Alaska Republican to me.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Old trick for a new generation.
Remember Jim Whitaker, the ‘Republican’ mayor of the Fairbanks-North Star borough?
I remember listening to the radio while helping build the Walmart on the Johansen Expressway back in 2003. Michael Dukes had invited Whitaker on his local show. Typical blue-collar Fairbanks Republicans would call in and ask Whitaker questions about topics of the day, and this guy had nothing but dripping contempt for them. I remember thinking “who the F is this guy and how is he calling himself a Republican?”
Four years later Whitaker was endorsing Obama at the 2008 Convention, allowing CNN to run breathless stories ‘even Republican Mayors in Alaska are endorsing Obama instead of Palin!’ Soon after that, Whitaker he was serving as Chief of Staff for another fake Republican, Bill Walker.
Lots of energy and money spent fooling the right-leaning rubes up here, at least until they can migrate enough hipster refugees from Seattle and Portland to outvote us.
I’ve noticed the rabid AKGOP defenders are getting fewer, farther between, and less effective lately.
Wonder if they finally are facing reality the AKGOP is less conservative than the average Mississippi democrat?
What AKGOP? Looks more like democrat lite….
My point exactly.
Any democrat (or any non-conservative) who suddenly changes heart and switches to republican— needs to have a personal visit from our friend & employment verifier Guido and his pals. Guido does job interviews and background checks for the good guys.
Guido is the sole decision maker if the party change is allowed.
Joy Beth Cottle & Kelly Merrick, be aware Guido is coming
Years ago the so-called dems said they were going to infiltrate the Republican Party by running as Republicans. Typical Marxist tactics, used in soft coups to overthrow governments around the world. Explains why we have RINOs and a uniparty today.
And people here wonder why ihaven’tjumped on their NB3!!!! Bandwagon. Oddly, one of the biggest pushers has claimed to be from Fairbanks
Kindly provide verifiable facts indicating NB3 is anything other than a true conservative. BTW, mentioning the status of his relatives is a logical fallacy.
Please provide real evidence that he IIS a conservativr, other than cheap generalities from his campaign. Its up to Him to EARN votes. He has done nothing of real substance to show why he would do in office. Talks the talk,but we’ve all seen how easily that disappears when the green paper hits the table! Why should we trust him?? He should have served in some lower office to show his bona fides beings staffer doesn’t count. Show where he was the one in charge, making the calls. Not in his business, working where he was accountable to the public
This reminds us of another Democrat who now pretends to be a Republican. Donald Trump was a registered Democrat until 2009. Trump used to claim the economy was better under Democrats and how much he liked bill and Hillary Clinton. Once elected Trump then spent liberally like a Democrat- raising our national debt by almost $8 trillion dollars. Instead of vetoing massive spending, he went right along with it.
Trump has done more to damage the Republican Party than any person alive. Biden and the far left are delighted that the guy who polls the worst will be the “Republican” nominee. The ads have already started about the convicted felon…
Maybe it would help if you reviewed the facts and record of his accomplishments while in office. As an example, he appointed hundreds of truly conservative judges. Ronald Reagan, one of our most conservative presidents, was also a former Democrat. Your logic flawed.
Maybe it would help if you reviewed the facts and record of his accomplishments while in office. As an example, he appointed hundreds of truly conservative judges. Ronald Reagan, one of our most conservative presidents, was also a former Democrat. Your logic is flawed.
Wayne, while you raise a good point about some of the accomplishments, Trump has cost America dearly. We now pay $1 trillion per year in interest on out debt. This debt is going to crush our economy and devalue the US dollar- and it already is. Since Biden took over the value of your money has declined 20%. You also need to recognize the reality that Trump has now lost to both Hillary Clinton and Biden in the popular vote. Trump is so damaged that he is likely to lose to Biden- who is a total POS- but will get strong support because he’s not Trump.
Maybe it would help if you reviewed the facts and record of his accomplishments while in office. As an example, he appointed hundreds of truly conservative judges. Ronald Reagan, one of our most conservative presidents, was also a former Democrat. Your logic is flawed.
Ah yes, an article written by people who worship hardline politics and cannot fathom thatsomeone one may have ideals that split the fence. JoyBeth is a fantastic person and to attack her for being honest about why her marriage failed is just archaic mudslinging. Let’s not forget that your own messiah, the Donald, split the Republican party and paved the way for Creepy Joe to win. Anyway, she’ll ride 1,000 miles by motorcycle non-stop just to crack a cold one with the boys.
She attained Fire Chief only to surrender and return to Captain because she missed being in the action. But, yknow, muh GOP and RINOs!
How is this story not seen as defamation or negatively impacting a candidate with intent?
This is NOT accurate: “She is a union activist and enjoys a Tier III defined benefits pension member”. Tier III employees do NOT have a defined benefits pension. So, is she actually Tier I, II, or III? Facts matter.
SM–you are correct. Cottle was hired to the UAF Fire Department in 2021. Tier III employees hired after 2006 do not have a defined benefits program as MRAK claims. Also, note that in the US, most firefighters vote for conservative and/or Republican candidates.
Ooops… Because Joy Beth Cottle worked for the Fairbanks Fire Department before UAF Fire Department, she is indeed vested in PERS Tier III, and so does have a defined benefits program. But she notes that the majority of the firefighters she supervises do not qualify for PERS Tier III, but are instead only Tier IV which is not a defined benefits plan. I discovered this fact by finding a copy of a letter she had written to the Legislature to advocate for a defined benefits program for firefighters who were hired after 2006.
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