The ol’ double standard strikes again



Those of us who believe in fair play, the tit-for-tat variety, continually are flabbergasted at how the media treat folks based on their political leanings.

Take, for instance, the recent case of Tammy Randolph, Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s nominee to the University of Alaska Board of Regents. She withdrew her name from consideration this week after a storm of criticism for past social media posts.

The Anchorage Daily News reported: “The Alaska Democratic Party blasted some of her posts on its social media feeds on Friday, describing her appointment as “outrageous.” Fairbanks writer Dermot Cole posted screenshots of her posts on his blog. The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner also posted screenshots from Randolph’s Twitter feed.”

Frankly, some of the posts contained harsh language and were, to be kind, a little rough – certainly not something you would expect from a university regent. She owned up to them, apologized and pulled her name.

Then, take the case of liberal Anchorage Assemblyman Chris Constant, who, in a fit of liberal pique last year fired off stunningly crude, shocking Facebook posts directed at the editor of a local news and commentary website, Suzanne Downing, a Republican who needles the political Left mercilessly.

Constant oh-so-cleverly told readers she is a  “calumnious unfit noisome turd” and a “callous unfit nasty trashmouth.” Pretend you are 14 years old and, as he urged Facebook readers, read between the lines.

Read the rest of this commentary at Anchorage Daily Planet:



  1. Christopher Constant, the poor man’s Spiro Agnew. Did he use a random phrase generator to come up with that?

  2. No, Suzanne, there is no fair play. But there is substantial justice. Its called Must Read Alaska. I bet you have a far larger readership than Dermot Cole, who is lucky to find his way to the nearest liquor store in SquareBanks. Dermot has been around so long that his playbook is being revisited from the 1970’s. Pretty lame writer and poison wordsmith for the Left. In short, Dermot is out of kind words and any original thoughts. Thus, the liquor store gives the final fuel for his frenzy and terrible temperament. A product of meanness, bitterness and drink. Too many harsh winters with no sunshine. Burp!

    • Looky looky. Dermot Cole’s latest article in FDN, 2/6/2019. In a not-so-cleverly written piece about Kelly Tshibaka and her Harvard Law School education, implying that she should not be broadcasting her Christian background, promoting home schooling, and speaking out that homosexuality is unnatural. Of course Cole would focus on these issues and not on her real qualifications as Dunleavy’s Commissioner of Administration. Typical Dermot Cole. Jealous of the accomplishments of Conservatives, especially in education. Dermot is like a trained writer of the German Nazi era. Propaganda. Deceipt. Lies. All of the ill-will that must be referenced in order to combat Christian’s, Conservatives, and Truth seekers. Have another drink, Dermot. The pickles are firmly planted within the cells.

  3. Just the Lefties getting even with Dick Randolph, who is out to change the AK Constitution vicariously through Dunleavy. Lefty desperation. Let’s check the credentials and FB postings of the current Regents. I’m sure there will be some surprises.

    • Sure, Marla. You could start with former Regent Karen Perdue. Commissioner of DHHS under Tony Knowles, employed for decades by Republicans Terry Miller and Ted Steven’s, married into the Bettisworth family, fake Republican……and yes, another fake Indian to benefit greatly without a drop of real Alaska Native blood. This is how to succeed. Pretend to be Indian or Eskimo. Except when it works against you, such as a relative’s criminal involvement. Then, use your community clout to keep THAT out of the newspaper. Another fraud who’s done well, but has hidden guilt complexes.

  4. Interesting story here, so I did some digging. Sure enough. Karen Perdue’s sister’s son was shot to death by Alaska State Troopers during a shoot out in Fairbanks a couple years ago. There was a story and an obituary that was written in the Newsminer. No mention of “Aunt Karen Perdue.” She must have gone straight to the Newsminer and had her name pulled from the story.

  5. The Karen Perdue Story. There’s a real double standard for you. Be a Native when you can advance your career and profit from it. Don’t be a Native when it embarrasses your family. Hide from being a fake Native if the matter goes public. She is obviously Alaska’s Pocahontas.

  6. Yes, I know about the crime of Karen’s nephew. Karen Perdue was a Regent at the Univetsity of Alaska when this happened. That’s why she kept her name out of the newspapers.

  7. Ashamed of being related to a Native criminal? I thought Karen Perdue’s father, Ralph Perdue, had a Fairbanks detox center named after him. Is she ashamed of that too?

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