Targeting the Hope Center, Assembly passes measure to force women’s shelters to accept biological males


The Anchorage Assembly on Tuesday night heard testimony on a change in local law that would force shelters for women to accept biological males.

Then the Assembly voted 8-2 to revise Anchorage Municipal Code Title 5, the Equal Rights section, to prohibit women’s shelters from barring men who say they are women.

Assemblywomen Jamie Allard and Crystal Kennedy, both from Eagle River, voted against the measure.

The measure is in response to the Hope Center in downtown Anchorage, a Christian shelter which allows women to sleep shoulder to shoulder on mats on the floor, but does not permit biological males in the shelter, even if they identify as women.

The Hope Center faced a complaint by a transgendered individual and successfully fought it in court, ultimately settling with the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission. The Municipality of Anchorage paid $100,001 to the Hope Center and was forced to allow the shelter to continue operating for biological women only.

People testified on both sides of the matter before the vote was taken. One testifier said that because the Assembly had in a previous meeting appropriated funds for a transgender shelter for 18-24-year-olds, it had established precedence that some people need specific safe spaces.

The changes to Title 5 had already been through two work sessions but sets up the city for a lawsuit down the road, if a women in a shelter is attacked or traumatized by having to share space with a male.

It appears the liberal Assembly is trying to push measures like this through before Dave Bronson is sworn In as mayor on July 1, when he would have the power to veto such changes.


  1. What is wrong with these Fools?! I wonder what STAR says about this garbage.

    Recall the woke, Marxist Assembly idiots!

  2. Bronson will not be able to get anything done, since the Communists have a veto proof majority (not to mention control of the courts, the media, the ballot machines, etc)

  3. It may be that Bronson will simply expose the majority of the Assembly for all of us to know what foolish errands they keep running with the people’s money. He can veto all he wants, but if the assembly says everyone must put their pants on backward, it will pass. And predictably, the populace will obey if given ANY reason.

  4. As long as women’s shelters cling to their non-profit permit, they are subject to whatever government wants to push on them.
    They need to find some way to turn their shelter into a private residence, where they can exclude anyone they choose, and government won’t be able do anything about it.
    An independent third-party non-profit could perhaps collect grants and donations, which would then flow-through for the private residence’s operating expenses.
    I’ve been working on a plan for a “UnChurch” which doesn’t have a non-profit permit, so it isn’t beholden to the government. It will be legally able to exclude anyone, for no reason at all, just like you can in your own home. Decentralized, much like how the early church was.
    At the moment my hopeful funding source is me winning Nebraska Powerball, or something equally unlikely. No begging for donations. If I don’t win some lottery, well, then, so what? The world will be no worse off.

  5. This temper-tantrum from the leftist members of the Assembly is just a taste of the siege Bronson will take the brunt of until April ‘22. Today’s mayoral certification was a great moment, but this is a stern reminder that the movement back to sanity on the Assembly needs to continue for another 11 months.

  6. That’s all you can do, keep telling the story and keep exposing these idiots to the public so that they can be voted out. You could find out where they live and set up a peaceful protest outside their home on public property letting them know how you feel. The freaks should not be allowed into the women’s refuge. The freak should not be able to play in women’s sports anywhere. There should be a separate freak League for these people to play in. That’s the only way it can truly be fair. So we have boys high school sports girls high school sports and freaks high school sports and the same thing in college and in the Olympics. You don’t see any freaks running around the NBA or the NFL do you?

  7. Let me see, they tried and lost in court to allow the very similar thing and [we] had to pay $100,001 on top of that. Now they are going down the same path again? West Tank Farm?

    “The Hope Center faced a complaint by a transgendered individual and successfully fought it in court, ultimately settling with the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission. The Municipality of Anchorage paid $100,001 to the Hope Center and was forced to allow the shelter to continue operating for biological women only.”

  8. Nothing good will come from this. You’ll have fights, disturbances, and probably some new babies born. All while under the responsibility of the city and pocketbooks of the citizens.

  9. The only avenue left for abused, threatened or stalked women is the best one. Learn gun safety and practice gun safety. Carry a gun at all times. Aim for center mass. Keep shooting until you feel safe, then reload. Sam Colt made all men and women equal.

  10. I’m not a lawyer, so would someone please explain to me how “because the Assembly had in a previous meeting appropriated funds for a transgender shelter for 18-24-year-olds,” is a superior precedent to “The Hope Center faced a complaint by a transgendered individual and successfully fought it in court, ultimately settling with the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission. The Municipality of Anchorage paid $100,001 to the Hope Center and was forced to allow the shelter to continue operating for biological women only”? Please and thank you.

  11. At least SOME of those women are there because of domestic violence or worse – they have no right to a safe space away from any males? This isn’t about LGBTQ “rights” or discrimination – it’s about safety and safe spaces for victims. The new mayor needs to rescind this stupidity by executive order before Anchorage gets sued by a rape victim. AQD, you would have been far better off buying another old motel to serve as an LGBTQ shelter.

  12. The Assembly heard some really well-thought out testimonies against the idea mixing biological males with biological females. All except Members Allard, Kennedy, and Wellington thoughtless heartless response was disgusting to watch. They don’t care anything about abused women just their transgender friends. Chair Rivera made that preference very clear in his closing comments, He cares only for abused transgender men never considering the evil possibility of real men pretending they are a female just to get a free bed, hot meal, or worse a perpetrator getting inside to attack his victim all over again. If a real male can dress up as a woman character for Halloween, then what stops him dressing up in costume for evil purposes?

  13. Remember too? When there wasn’t an AWAIC shelter and it was started by a group of women friends of a woman who was brutally abused and killed by her husband, she couldn’t get away from him and there was no safe shelter for her. It was the first shelter for abused women in Anchorage. These women took it upon themselves to raise the funds themselves to build the project by the community contributions. If these women could been this independent, then the LGBTQ anchorage community could be that independent to had independently raised the funds to build their own transgender shelter.

  14. This is clearly a war on biological women, whether sports or shelters, they keep getting punched. The sad part of all this is that American women, as a whole, have basically been friendly towards homosexuality and gender changing. Now many probably see where this has gone and I hope they regret it. It’s not wise to fool with the order of Creation.

  15. Women: We are strong and independent. We are equal to any man and can do any job a man can.

    Also Women: Men are dangerous, we need segregated spaces and our own unequal services.

    Are women strong or are they weak? Are they so fragile that they will fear half of the population because of life experience? If I said I was scared of black people because I was robbed, I would be called a racist, but we treat women like they are fragile children. We allow them in the military when they cannot perform to the same standards as the men, look up the issues with why they keep changing the new PT test (hint: almost no women can pass so it has to be changed), which is stupid because war is the most demanding sport. The Olympics were a stand-in for war games and we have to create additional leagues to give women a chance to compete, as there are no rules preventing them from doing most male sports. Do women want special treatment or do they want to be equal.

    I really hope they pass the equality act one day and prevent all special treatment for gender and race. Women will suddenly understand exactly how much they benefit from programs when the playing field is equal. They will lose the benefits of things like lower insurance rates and having double the number of scholarships available by gender.

  16. I don’t think this has anything to do with trans gendered but rather control. The Hope Downtown Soup Kitchen is doing a great job and at every turn is showing to government backed shelters systems how to do it right. This is that establishment upset that groups of social workers are not making big bucks off the homeless and less fortunate. Rather, the Soup Kitchen is showing how it should be done.
    The Anchorage Assembly, for the most part is not smart enough to figure out they are being duped and used.

  17. They are clearly targeting this shelter because it is faith based and Christian in particular. They are bullies and cowards!

  18. I have in times past wondered how leftists could reason that something like the issue above had any validity whatsoever.

    It wasn’t until I came across a statement by Theodore Dalrymple, (pen name of Dr. Anthony Daniels, a Britisher) that I had an epiphany. Dalrymple explains that in his study of Communist Propaganda he came to the conclusion that its aim was not to persuade, convince or to inform. Its purpose was to humiliate and that the further it was from reality, the better.

    When you can force someone to remain silent in the face of such lies and even better for the Leftist, get them to repeat these obvious lies, they tend lose their sense of probity.

    To assent to such a lie is to cooperate with evil, and perhaps for some to become evil themselves. Having swallowed the lies above one becomes emasculated and unable to resist the next round of lies and therefore is easier to control.

    Why do the leftist on the Anchorage Assembly hold women in such contempt? Especially these women who are in such a fragile state? I think it speaks volumes about who these Leftist Assembly members are and what their agenda is.

    If the Leftist really cared for the downtrodden, they would provide security and safety for the Women first and foremost, instead they use these poor women as political cannon fodder. That is evil.

  19. Sick, evil, unacceptable.

    When you see these assembly members, remember the words of Congresswoman Maxine Waters:

    “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

  20. It is unconstitutional to grant a greater amalgam of civil rights to trans people who desire to shelter overnight in close quarters with other genders especially traumatized women. Clearly this is a gain of a right to oppress. Each Assembly member should receive a NOTICE TO CURE AN UNCONSTUTIONAL ACT prepared to appellate court rules as process that is due stating who, what, when, and where is act was attempted officially. Court service and to court clerk with simple cover letter. Serve the initiators and signers next week. Send to Magistrate, Office of Chief of Police, Federal District Attorney since breaking the US Constitution is a federal criminal offense and ask for urgent calendaring legislative review with legislature. See Mason’s Manual. We need to start making our servants accountable for legal only group public actions and petitioning our form of guaranteed government (it calls itself a confederate republic) work for the freemen of Alaska again.

  21. Awesome. Just wait until the angry and vengeful abusive husband/partner of one of the women in the shelter comes dressed in drag and claims to identify as a woman, just so he can get in and shoot the place up. Mark my words, it will happen and it will be too late, won’t it? WHY in heaven’s name do you people let the insane run the asylum???

  22. Five Assembly seats are up for election next April. The majority of Woke Folk can be changed. Time to organize is now.

  23. The Alaska Legislature after urgently calendaring perhaps in executive hearing hear the detail od traumas endured by Alaskan female residents using diction though objectionable to the public may find in their considered review it is reasonable to believe an un constitutional public and unlawful public group act granting extra rights and trespass of rights to be secure in ones even in one’s homeless person occurred and sue for the trespassed parties; agree an un constitutional act and acts unlawfully were promulgated against the constitution and order the emoluments vacated and order immediate election for replacement representatives. The former representatives forfeit becoming public servants within. The US again. That is how our republic founders imagined this republic is supposed to respond and work for the people.

  24. “revise Anchorage Municipal Code Title 5, the Equal Rights section, to prohibit women’s shelters from barring men who say they are women”

    What was the language that was changed? Can you share what it said before vs what it says now?

  25. John. We don’t protect women because they are weak, we protect them because they are valuable.

    Giving everyone equal opportunity is protective, lowering standards to accommodate those who can’t make the cut weakens everyone. Some people just can’t make the distinction.

  26. The mayor can veto, but can easily be overridden by the Marxist super-majority. This needs to be fixed at the state level.

  27. @Stever Peterson:
    “This is clearly a war on biological women, whether sports or shelters, they keep getting punched. ”
    I disagree.
    This is a war against religion. Very few individuals are capable of understanding, let alone following more than one religion at a time. To the leftists on our Assembly, their religion is socialism/progressivism/communism/whatever. And in order to support their religion, they must destroy the established norms. The goal of most leftists is to make love of that State your primary relationship, all others secondary.
    Religion gets in the way, families get in the way. Two parent households get in the way. Heterosexual relationships get in the way. All of those might lead you to love another individual more than you love the State.
    Take into account that the average leftist does not even realize they are moving toward that goal. They are convinced this is a fight for equality for all, and that disadvantaged individuals require protection under the law. Yet, the inevitable outcome of these actions is elevation of the State, not the individual.

  28. The lawsuit will be forth coming. The Hope center is actually DOING something instead of passing out millions to the homeless industrial complex heads in Anchorage. The assembly seems intent on violating the rights of every conservative organization that they can get to before July 1.

  29. Males identifying as female is mental illness…nothing more, thing less…and being mentally ill should get you entry into a mental health treatment facility, not a women’s shelter.

  30. John said “Women: We are strong and independent. We are equal to any man and can do any job a man can.

    Also Women: Men are dangerous, we need segregated spaces and our own unequal services.”

    You’re disingenuously conflating women generally with women in traumatic situations looking for safe harbor, and then further muddying the waters with discussion of military PT test. This has nothing to do with PT tests administered by the military or anyone else. This is about vulnerable women seeking shelter from traumatic circumstance. If you can’t see the difference and express some empathy for them, you’re as bad as our woke Assembly.

    By your own argument, women are not as physically strong as men. Having trans women who is biologically physically stronger than the biological women in the same shelter is a mistake. There are dangerous men out there and you freely admitted women are the weaker sex. Your own meandering argument works against the point you tried and failed to make. Women in crisis situations shouldn’t be made to shoulder the burden of whatever issues you clearly have with the female gender.

  31. WoW, so much evil, so much ugliness! I sure wouldn’t want to be in the Acting Mayor’s or the Assembly Members’ shoes when judgment comes banging on their doors! They’ve proven time and time again that there is no good in them…
    Lord, make right what has been wronged and cause there to be confusion and chaos in the enemy’s much so, that they turn against themselves, instead of those they are against. Put a stop to their evil agendas, in the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray! Amen!!!

  32. Listen to the commenters on here… lamenting this matter as if they are surprised by it.

    This problem started decades ago and has finally devolved into this. It now permeates our entire nation. If the problem is not reversed our culture will transform into a godforsaken pit of “darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
    Sober up people. Statistically speaking, you can bet at least 57% or more of the women in that shelter would define a transgender man as a “woman.” The misguided CHOOSE to accept this ridiculous ideology. More over, the biggest demographic segment of the reprehensible Marxist/leftist/woke movement is the majority of women. They are on a self-destructive course. Our only hope is to turn to Yahweh and boldly bear witness of His Truth to all. And, let’s not forget, His Truth is a person.

  33. These fools on the assembly are not Alaskans, no real Alaskan would be this stupid. The evil is spreading one democrat at a time.

  34. Wayne,
    You have a very valid point. A majority of women believe it is compassionate and “won’t judge” if a man wants to be a woman. In their heart, they know the truth of the matter. But outwardly, they will NOT object. They have not objected to so much ultimately destructive practices in our society these past decades. Examples: They use the courts to destroy a man, giggle and embrace the effeminate man as often superior to the traditional male, don’t ever draw the line as men now say they know how women feel because, well, they are now a woman. Just ask most women. Many women think equal outcome is the same as equal opportunity.
    The chicken is coming to roost, on a cot near you, at the Hope Center.

  35. Schenker: ‘Dalrymple explains that in his study of Communist Propaganda he came to the conclusion that its aim was not to persuade, convince or to inform. Its purpose was to humiliate and that the further it was from reality, the better.”
    Makes sense………………

  36. Since the majority of liberal ideas are based in feminism, woman can eat the weeds they sow.

    Unfortunately, thanks to the effective emasculation of men in this Country, the entire population is swirling the drain!

  37. Frankly I did not expect anything reasonable to come out of the assembly. With the exception of Jamie Allard and Crystal Kennedy, they are all on an agenda driven, hate-filled (how dare Bronson win) rampage and starkly removed from any kind of common sense. In my opinion this decision was solely based on this facility’s effectiveness, doing more with less in a religious setting and beating the city in court. It is unconscionable that abused and frightened women have to pay the price for the assembly’s vindictiveness.

  38. Andrew Troy –
    “I’m not a lawyer, so would someone please explain to me how “because the Assembly had in a previous meeting appropriated funds for a transgender shelter for 18-24-year-olds,” is a superior precedent to “The Hope Center faced a complaint by a transgendered individual and successfully fought it in court, ultimately settling with the Anchorage Equal Rights Commission. The Municipality of Anchorage paid $100,001 to the Hope Center and was forced to allow the shelter to continue operating for biological women only”? Please and thank you.”

    It’s awkwardly written, but they were arguing the opposite.

    The Assembly, by creating a specific shelter for the class of “18-24 year old transgender adults” has created the logical, if not legal, precedent that they themselves agree that some persons of such a distinct type of class deserve, require, and should expect the same kind of special protection.

    Thus, logically, the class of “genetic women escaping abuse” also deserve special protection from “genetic men seeking access to a women’s shelter” regardless of their claimed “gender identity.”

  39. Matthew A Carberry-
    Yes, thank you, sir. I see it now. I misunderstood the article, and thought that someone had argued that simply because funds had been previously appropriated for another shelter, the vote taken was justified on those grounds. Perhaps the intensity of my rapidly increased blood pressure clouded my vision a bit. Be well!

  40. This article is inaccurate. I wrote the assembly and found out the ruling only applies to PAID accommodations. Places like the Hope center are not paid and are therefore exempt and can continue to accept people by their biological sex.

    Please check your sources thoroughly.

    • Actually, the ordinance gives the director at the Muni vast discretion to decide if the rules apply to shelters. See 16.125.010 Section D.

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