Take the poll: Does Tim Walz’ stolen valor matter?


The question was:

Tim Walz, Democrat vice presidential candidate, has been found to have embellished his military service, including saying he served at a higher rank than he actually did. Will this hurt him with voters in the general election?

This poll is closed. After 20 hours, the results are:

396 people said it will hut him and 82 people said it will not hurt him.

Thanks for taking part. We’ll do another one soon!


  1. Absolutely, it shows his character and lack of ethics. At least to us veterans. Remember democrats hate the military and veterans, so it doesn’t matter to them.

    • I agree with you on that. As a widow to a military veteran and a daughter of an Air Force pilot it makes a world of difference to me. Support the military, police officers and firefighters. They give their lives for us. What Walz did is beyond contempt! To put it nicely he’s a JERK!

  2. I spent 22 years on active duty from 1986 to 2008, and stolen valor is a big no no with any Vet, but then you add a political slat to it, and you get all sorts of opinions.

    Did he lie about his deployment history? Yes. Is embellishing your service record considered stolen valor? Yes.

    So yes, it matters to me. Only Scumbags lie about their service. John Kerry comes to mind.

    • Don’t forget Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut. Blumenthal was in the Marine Corps reserves. He lied about serving in Vietnam and intimated that he saw a lot of combat. He was the AG of Connecticut when he was called out on his stolen valor and didn’t even the backbone to resign.

    • I agree with you. It matters to me. BUT, the question asked if it will matter in the general election. Clearly it will not matter to Democrats who care nothing about ethics, honesty, and integrity

      • When Tampon Tim lied, I look at his motivation and whether the lie is worth the risk. He didn’t need to lie because nobody would have questioned a run of the mill reservists career. His lie was a calculated attempt at a goal that he didn’t need to achieve, which is a sign of low intelligence IMO.

        Which lends to your point, it won’t matter to this new version of the TDS virus.

      • When a person publishes a ‘factual’ story with a completely misleading title, there might just be a natural inclination for reader to wonder, and respond with a much less offensive comment such as, “oh, well, when did you decide to stop stealing candy, (or beating your spouse, or not carrying a doggie doodoo bag when you walk your dog)?” The comment by the other readers as to a declaration that valor was ‘stolen’ seems that everyone knows where to buy the grape Kool-Ade, as the issue is clearly refuted by military leadership noot to mention ordinary commonsense. One might think the average cognizant reader doesn’t consult this site as a source of fact, but to keep up with how the latest actual news will be twisted as a result of an exercise in Alaska political muckraking. For sure, anyone can say anything, as this is legal under the US Constitution. Unfortunately discernment of lies, provocation, and exaggeration is not a popular topic in institutions of higher learning.

    • Just another Democrat lying” through their teeth” to attempt to get elected. To all Veterans it is a sham to embellish your service record or out-right lying to gain recognition about your military service. If he can get away with this, WHAT in “heaven’s name” would he lie about for anything the Democrats wanting to push through to destroy our country.

  3. It certainly matters. The problem I have is that we have become numb to the all the lies that these people tell all the time. Are we just accepting it? Asking for Corn Pop

  4. It matters absolutely. Unless you’re a Democrat, ala Blumenthal, Kerry, et al. They sincerely consider their voters no more than “useful idiots” to be lied to and exploited until successfully elected, then crickets.
    As a 24 year vet few things make me madder. Just how desperate do you need to be lower yourself that far?

  5. He literally had a coin made when he was in congress with Command Sergeant Major rank on it. He’s as fake as Kamala is.

    • After reading your post I sought out if this is true. I fully agree that he is a phony however the coin issue seems to revolve around military tradition of various determinations of which he carried out as governor but no mention of his military career is imposed on it.
      Google it to clearly understand it history behind military “challenges coins” .

      • He had two coins, Al. The first one has an insignia on it that was not his rank, but was CSM. Why did he add that to his congressional challenge coin, when it was not on his second governor challenge coin? Read about it at the Daily Wire: ‘https://www.dailywire.com/news/walz-issued-congressional-challenge-coin-that-misstated-his-rank

        You can read his official congressional biography, which also states this falsehood: “Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard at the young age of 17, and retired 24 years later as
        Command Sergeant Major. Before retiring, Walz served overseas with his battalion in support of
        Operation Enduring Freedom. Walz is the highest ranking enlisted soldier ever to serve in
        Congress.” He can’t escape this or memory hole this because it’s in the congressional record now: ‘https://www.congress.gov/115/meeting/house/105558/witnesses/HHRG-115-HA00-Bio-WalzT-20170215.pdf

      • I know what a challenge coin is. He had one made while was in congress that had Command Sergeant Major rank on it.

        Angry Cops did a whole YouTube video on it, and shows the coin. Just search for “Did Walz Abandon His Military Unit” on the YouTube’s.

    • Exactly, he and his running mate are two of the phoniest, most plastic people to be found. That is not to mention how stupid they are. Can you imagine Kamala Harris in charge of foreign policy?

  6. Unfortunately it will not, I am skeptical that any individual is on the fence between the two parties. Waltz lying about his military record is not going to affect any liberal voters.

  7. When one party lies, it is usually because they don’t keep promises.
    When the other party lies, it is usually to create a false image about themselves, or to murder the character of the opposition.

  8. 29 yrs., 4 months USAF active-duty vet….the general public does not understand the military and probably couldn’t care less about Walz military story or lack of “The Rest of the Story”. He’s not the first senior enlisted person (top 1 % / 2% of the total enlisted force) to take liberties with their rank and position to IMPRESS people. Walz’s problem is he got wrapped up in his career embellishments to the point it became real….so sad for him.

  9. It only matters to those who care about integrity.
    After Joe Biden Inc.(the Frank and Hunter show) has decimated every last measure of decency in the Whitehouse there is little left to ruin so I guess it really doesn’t matter.
    Tranny strip shows on the front lawn with gay flags proudly displayed to cocaine on hand for those late night parties.
    Not much left.

  10. It will not matter to the left. It’s perfectly alright to embellish your accomplishments. Remember he only misspoke. Technically it isn’t a lie. Politicians are aloud to misspeak (lie). If it’s a lie to support his agenda then it is perfectly ok. He was trying to take everyone’s semi automatic weapons. Or as the crazy left calls them assault weapons.

  11. I am much more worried about the horse drink rumor the internet keeps alluding to.
    Ps, voting in elections doesn’t matter. Participation implies consent in the system that is designed to destroy you.

    • Honest elections are what makes this country great, if we lose that we lose everything. Politicizing the court system doesn’t help anything either.

    • All of the Murkowskis read and weigh-in on MRAK, Marla. It’s how Nancy and I stay in touch from remote Wrangell.

  12. Not only is stolen valor illegal, it is morally reprehensible!!! Food for thought…the Communist regime has no moral compass and so shaming them does not affect them one bit. The Conservatives need to be willing to go to the mattress and if that means taking up arms, then so be it! WE ARE NOT DESCENDED FROM FEARFUL MEN??

  13. It will only matter to veterans and their families and perhaps the true patriots we have. Dems could care less, and some that might care are so low information voters they won’t even hear or read about it.

    • Thousands during his presidency, and when he wasn’t lying directly, was out on golf course bragging about his own special scores- totally unfit to represent the interests of the majority of American citizens, moreover the USA.

  14. Bill, Trump had a valid medical issue. When I was in Marine boot camp we had three recruits medically discharged for foot problems. Maybe you should stick to subjects you’re conversant in. Which is likely not much.

  15. Apart from titillating presidential-debate challenges like:
    “To what extent did Walz’s stolen valor influence your selection of Tampon Tim as your running mate?” or
    “To what extent did Walz’s stolen valor influence your selection of him as a stand-in commander-in-chief should you be unable to fulfill your duties as president?”,
    …the reality is no one who installed Walz, who keeps him in place, cares about stolen valor because: (a) they knew about it when they vetted Walz for VP selection, and (b) if certain previous congressional elections are any indication, stolen valor means nothing to the masses who’ll “elect” Harris-Walz in a landslide.
    Bottom line is Tim Walz’ stolen valor matters a hell of a lot, just not (for now) to America’s Ruling Class or to their mainstream-media stenographers.

  16. Tim Walz’s “stolen valor” isn’t nearly as bad as John Kerry’s “stolen valor” and is much easier to explain away to a fawning press corps. But none of it matters, the left doesn’t respect the military and are committed to defeating Trump at any cost, even assassination. All the “undecided voters,” if there really are any out there, probably don’t care either.

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