Take Must Read Alaska poll: Murkowski vote on Kavanaugh confirmation


Must Read Alaska launched a simple “yes, no” poll on Friday morning, asking readers how they want Sen. Lisa Murkowski to vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for U.S. Supreme Court.

You can take the poll here, but hurry — it ends in just a few hours:



  1. Suzanne: at 2:11 PM on the 21st of Sep, there is no link to the poll. the poll will fail. hope you catch this and get things working in time to get some results. PS thanks for providing another “voice” in the alaska news.

    • Technical difficulties, Lyle, but right now there is a basic link to the Facebook @MustReadAlaska page and the poll is the top item. Thank you!

  2. Lisa better vote yes for Kavanaugh, or I will never vote for here again.
    I wish we could find someone to replace her.
    It was shady the way she got her job to begin with, through her Daddy.
    If you weren’t here look it up.
    She should just be gone, like good ol’ Mark. Maybe they could open a coffee shop together, since they vote alike anyway.
    Have I expressed my feelings clearly?

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