Switcheroo: Ed Sniffen out as AG, Treg Taylor now in


Gov. Mike Dunleavy made a Friday afternoon announcement that his choice for attorney general has changed. Ed Sniffen, his designee, is out, and Treg Taylor is now in.

Without providing an explanation, Dunleavy announced that Sniffen, after decades of state service, is leaving state employment.

Mr. Taylor started with the Alaska Department of Law in 2018, serving as Deputy Attorney General in charge of the civil division. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and a law degree from Brigham Young University. He and his wife Jodi and five of their six children live in Anchorage.

“I am honored and humbled that the Governor has asked me to serve as Alaska’s Attorney General. I have spent my entire legal career in Alaska, including the past two years as Alaska’s Deputy Attorney General,” said Attorney General Taylor. “I have a profound respect for the role of the Department of Law and for its dedicated employees. I hope that under my leadership the department will continue to provide outstanding legal service to the State, for the good of all Alaskans.”

Attorney General Taylor’s name will be submitted to both the Alaska House and Senate for confirmation in the near future. His photo is attached to this press release.


  1. Perhaps the new AG will sue the Biden Administration over his injurious executive orders concerning Alaska.
    In his spare time, he might look at the Anchorage Assembly’s activities.

  2. And I so wanted to comment about how the Nobel peace prize means nothing to me. It’s been a joke for awhile now.
    ~I was actually thinking about nominating my one sock, that never got lost like its mate did~

    • Possibly. I don’t know anyone who actually knows but the consensus seems to be that he may have been found to have helped Clarkson in some way that is now inconvenient in ongoing processes with the young lady (who may get more than a new job and a new dress out of this, maybe even more than the severance pay obtained by a UA President). That is, he protected/collaborated with his boss in a way that is not allowed in state government even though in the self-governed legal profession it might have fit under attorney-client privilege. Attorneys flock together and all that. A Republican Governor has the problem that the attorneys at the Dept. of Law are all flaming liberals (or they would qualify for the big bucks lobbying for and representing big oil, etc.), so he/she looks outside for an AG. At the same time, the AG has to be approved by a Legislature that is all over the place on every question. So a Republican Governor can and often does come up with dolts (aka dogmatic jerk-offs) whereas a Democratic Governor can choose from among a group of competent crooks.

  3. Don’t care who he is, only that he will fight the feds. If so great, if not, keep shuffling through them until you find one with the stones to stand up for Alaska.

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