Sullivan asked Secret Service, FBI officials tough questions about assassination attempt. Their answers were vague

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan speaking to CBS's Major Garrett during the Republican National Convention. He was on a briefing call with the heads of the Secret Service and FBI this week regarding the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan was on a bipartisan call with the heads of the U.S. Secret Service and FBI this week, being briefed on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Sullivan was one of four senators on the call who were given the opportunity to ask questions about the state of security around Trump, who survived an assassin’s bullet on Saturday.

The briefing statements from the federal top law officials appear to have been vague and unsatisfactory. One senator asked about the use of drones in their security work. The answer was yes, but drones were not utilized in this instance because Secret Service had augmented their security with snipers.

Sullivan said he was able to get three questions in, and none of the answers were that helpful. The first question was why the manufacturing building outside the event where Trump was speaking had not been secured. The pre-event walk around the grounds by security officials showed them that the building was a real security risk. But the building was still not secured during the event. There were no police stationed on it or around it.

That building Crooks was on was outside the perimeter of the event itself, and so was the responsibility of state and local law enforcement in coordination with the Secret Service, so there was some kind of breakdown in communication, since Crooks was seen by many people. Secret Service is in charge of coordinating the security for such an event.

Officials told senators that up to 63 minutes had passed between the time Secret Service snipers first spotted the Thomas Matthew Crooks on a rooftop and the time shots were fired at Donald Trump, while he spoke at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, sources said.

The officials had again spotted Crooks at least by 5:52 pm, and Crooks was able to shoot at Trump at 6:12 pm. Crooks’ bullets hit others behind Trump, killing one man and injuring two others, officials told others.

Sullivan also asked how Crooks got up on the building. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle “literally said, ‘We don’t know yet.'”

In response to the briefing segment about a separate attempt on Trump’s life by Iranian operatives, Sullivan asked for more details on the Iranian threat and asked what the law enforcement arms of the United States plan to do about the threat.

FBI Director Christopher Wray said the Iranian threat was unrelated to Crooks, as far as they know at this time, but that Iran’s lethal targeting of senior American officials has become “very brazen and aggressive.”

Some believe the reported Iranian plot to kill Trump is in retaliation for Trump ordering the drone strike that killed Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian military officer who served in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps until his death on Jan. 3, 2020. Trump had killed the most notorious terrorist on the planet.

Since the shooting on July 13 in Pennsylvania, the Secret Service has come under withering scrutiny for its emphasis on “diversity, equity, inclusion” hires and not hiring for lethality, skill, and judgment. Secret Service Director Cheatle has been subpoenaed by the U.S. House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Many questions are unanswered, with top federal law enforcement officials not revealing as much information as an average citizen could gather by simply reviewing video footage taken by hundreds of people at the event, all of which is widely available now on social media.


  1. Princess? Hello Princess?

    Not at all curious about a massive failure in the protective arm of government?

    Or are you too busy fishing with Mary?

  2. In light of the Iranian threats, it makes this assassination attempt and the lax or incompetent security that much more worrisome.

  3. These questions are nearly as tough as the ones he had with that National Park Service lady! You don’t want to mess with this guy.


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