Sullivan: Alexei Navalny, Russian dissident, was murdered, and Putin gave the kill order

Alexei Navalny. Photo credit: Michał Siergiejevicz

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan released a statement in response to the reported death of imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died in a prison in Siberia.

Navalny was a Russian opposition leader, and activist who organized demonstrations and ran for office to unset Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government

“Alexei Navalny was a very courageous Russian leader, respected by millions of Russians. His murder—and, let’s be clear: he was murdered—underscores the danger of the world in which we’re living and the brutality of the Putin regime,” Sullivan said.

“But it also underscores a huge vulnerability for the dictators of the world—Putin, the ayatollahs in Iran, and Xi Jinping: They fear their own people. Navalny had millions of Russians who looked up to him and wanted him to be an elected leader. As Putin was heading into his elections in the next several weeks, he decided to kill Navalny. The fact that dictators around the world fear their own people is a vulnerability that we have to work harder to exploit in our fight against authoritarian aggression,” Sullivan said.

President Joe Biden said that while he doesn’t know the details of Navalny’s death, “there is no doubt that the death of Navalny was a consequence of something Putin and his thugs did.” It appears the president is using the death of Navalny to gin up support in the House for the funding for the Ukraine defense against Russia and Israel’s defense against Iran and other terrorist-fueling countries.

Alexei Navalny had already survived being poisoned and he had spent months in isolation, when he died in an Arctic Circle maximum-security prison. The 47-year-old Russian was seen on video on Thursday a court appearance in the Russian penal colony. He was smiling and making lighthearted comments.

Sullivan made his remarks from Munich, where he is leading a delegation to the Munich Security Conference.

“One of our greatest strengths relative to our adversaries—China, Russia, Iran, North Korea—is our vast network of allies, which administrations and U.S. Senators have built up over decades,” said Sullivan. “Given the increasingly dangerous world we live in, we need to deepen those alliances and strengthen U.S. credibility. The Munich Security Conference is a good opportunity to do that. The conference is also an opportunity to deliver a message from the American people: We expect our NATO allies to meet their defense spending obligations.”


  1. Sullivan instead of making accusations against a foreign leader ( which you probably could not prove in a court of law) why don’t you concern yourself with leaders in our country allowing fentanyl into this country killing thousands.
    Stay home and do your job!

    • Correct. Not a peep out of the Traitor senator sullivan when Gonzalo Lira was murdered by the Ukrainian government. Never bother the Traitor senator when there is a full-on invasion of our home country. Fooled into voting for the coward twice….NEVER again!

    • AGREE! Sullivan should stay in Alaska to address Alaskans’ concerns. IF he really is concerned about the needs of service-disabled veterans rather than having a beer with “high-rollers” in Munich, there is plenty of work for him to do in Alaska. The Anchorage CBOC functions poorly under the terrible “leadership” that he takes credit for installing and veterans are figuratively and literally “left out in the cold”.

      Sullivan’s constituent affairs staff in Anchorage is inept. She is generally uninterested and unhelpful. He needs to apply himself to a more direct supervision and oversight of his entire Anchorage staff.

      Note to Alaskans: It is doubtful he will read any of this. After seeing the glamour of Washington, DC, Tokyo, Paris, and Munich, nothing in Alaska interests him much.

    • Yesterdays strong on defense conservative’s switched places with liberals and are now pacifist extreme right wingers and weak on defense.
      Senators Sullivan and Murkowski are strong on defense and are in favor of stopping the Russian front as it moves further west.

      • 3rd, you mean these uniparty neocon-led warmongering puppets are strong on OFFENSE, not “defense”. The USA has not engaged militarily in anything smacking of actual defense since World War II. Its/our foreign policy is purely aggressive and offensive in nature, and has been for decades.

        Wake up and smell the neocon-brewed coffee — it stinks.

      • They never switched places, there are just a lot of people playing dress up and they are confused about their true identity. Some even admit it from time to time.

        • You do have a point they’re Steve. I just hope there’s enough strong never give-up’ers that won’t allow Russia to take Alaska 😉

      • Do you mean the ones that get their contributions from the Defense Contractors for their strong support of the Forever War Machine? Time to take your dark glasses off and see what you see ! Feeding the Military Machine has been good for the Alaska economy in the past but now it’s economically killing our Country and that is counterproductive to all of us. What’s even worse is that it’s walking us right into WW111.

    • EBB, I believe that you are correct in saying that Sullivan won’t read these comments. He must be getting a hell of a deal from the globalists for turning his back on Alaskans and handing them over to the globalists. I wonder how his wife’s extended native family feels about Sullivan selling them out? As far as that goes, I wonder how Dunleavy’s extended native family feels also?

  2. Fearmongerer Sullivan votes for 95 Billion for foreign countries a nothing for America’s Border. And that dude escaped to Germany but chose to go back.

  3. Who gave the kill order on JFK?

    60 years on, and the deception tree has many rings in its trunk now. Our government’s credibility has been SHOT for at least that long.

    No amount of jaw boning by one of our very own SPECIAL U.S. Senators (or any other) is going to change that.

    Warmongering A-holes be damned.

  4. If you think about it, his fate was not so different from many of the United States Citizens convicted of participating in an ‘insurrection’.

  5. I am really impressed with how much Senator Sullivan improves the lives of Alaskans. He is constantly in the media touting all the ways he is helping Alaskan small businesses and families. He is a stalwart champion of Bill of Rights, as he often visits Alaskan communities and boroughs and forcefully and directly speaks on theses issues effecting American liberty. Alaskans know they have a champion in Senator Sullivan. He spoke out early and often regarding forced jabs, alternative therapies for covid, and civil and religious liberty. Senator Sullivan can be counted on to protect Americas borders, as well as protecting our girls on the playing field or in the locker room. He is always advancing legislation on both issues. Most of all Senator Sullivan is an advocate for peace. His steady, rational diplomacy has paid many dividends for global security.

    • Did you miss the part where he voted for a bill sending millions of money abroad and not one cent to border security?

      • Border security is a completely different issue and should be addressed as such, not lumped in with foreign appropriations!!

          • Lefties tried to get a soft/open border policy passed and thought a defense bill was an easy target. Now that they have to do a stand alone bill it will be harder to sneak soundbites through the process.

    • Wow, great rhetoric.

      Sullivan is a warmonger and a disgraced Marine. Those bread crumbs you are speaking of are nothing compared to what really matters.

      Typical weak GWBush GOPer. Happy with crumbs while allowing the enemy to slit our throat.

      He is a warhawk who has enriched himself off the war machine and endorsing the commie Murkowski.

      Thankfully you are the minority of Republicans and Conservatives.

      • A bit of a lesson to both you and TMA.

        All of the points I made about the good Senator’s record are easily understood to be untrue. In fact most are the exact opposite of his actions or public opinions.

        Combine this with over the top rhetoric praising him.

        Or… 1+1=2.

        Don’t be so on the front foot that you miss (obvious) nuance/subtlety or you will be easily manipulated and played. We have to be smarter and wise as serpents.

      • How, exactly, is Swampy a disgraced Marine?

        Be damn specific.

        Him not voting the way you want him to, or not being on the front line of every battle for the last 100 years doesn’t count.

    • Dripping with sarcasm.

      Witnessing his recent and relatively abrupt penchant for sentiment influence pieces, I do wonder who it was that told him that HE was responsible for some of the comms front running whatever false flag is planned or being planned.

    • Hey Micah — I have to disagree with most of what you wrote. He has ignored the needs of many service-disabled veterans who did not pass through his (lazy) gate keepers and were denied constituent affairs services (His office is supposed to hep veterans resolve problems with federal agencies). I, as a small veteran-owned business, who was screwed over by the local Small Business Administration and could get no traction with his office. And I can’t get Sullivan’s office or him interested in the very dysfunctional Anchorage VA. The Vet Center is also very bad. He takes ever opportunity to get himself in front of cameras, but the job he coveted and was elected to is more than television interview and fun times in Munich.

  6. The murder is appalling and immoral. Nevertheless, it is worth considering that one leader can do something like this while another leader can barely recall where he is at the moment.

    • JMARK, and yet we see a weaponized DOJ going after Bidens main opponent with indictments and endless multiple trials. Doubtless the kill shot is in the works if all else fails.
      Oh, and didn’t Biden deny RFK Jr. Secret Service protection as well?
      In the end, there is little difference between a Biden and Putin.

  7. What if 12 million Russians had illegally crossed the US/Mexico border in the last 3 years would Danny care then? Truth is the people crossing now are a lot more dangerous than any Russians.

  8. If Obama can sick the CIA and the FBI on civilians, especially civilians running for president, is our country all that much better than Russia?

  9. Looking forward to the bevy of Putin apologists on here that don’t address the actual issue of Putin killing his political foes and instead deflect.

    • As opposed to the Ukrainian government killing US Citizen Gonzalo Lira? Or Jan 6th protesters dying in prison? Get a grip on reality. It is not ok for ANYBODY to die from neglect while incarcerated; ANYWHERE.

    • The article should state that Senator Sullivan has claimed ‘without evidence’ – that Navalny was murdered by Putin. Not responsible to confuse the public by conflating facts with an unproven accusation. Those are the post-Trump media rules – so we should hold them to it. Or do those ‘citation needed’ rules conveniently only apply when we are talking about stolen elections?

  10. Is Mr. Putin the first head of government to decide that treasonous behavior is a capital offense?

    I don’t believe so.

    Sh*t disturbers always merit comeuppance. Always.

      • There are far too many people on this forum who toss around the term treason with no real understanding of the term.

        Not really their fault. Public education.

        • Far too many lemmings, er, people also toss around the term “insurrection” without having the least idea of what that word really means as well.
          But CommunistNewsNetwork and PMSNBC told them to think it, so they do. Unquestioningly.

        • I’ve read enough of your dreck that I’d be shocked to find you understood much outside condescension and insult. While you’re looking up dreck, if it’s not too much of a stretch consider blessing us w/ your revision of the Webster definition of ‘treason’. If you can’t do that consider never typing again.

          Oh and GFYS you ignorant troll, meant in the nicest way.

      • Are you attempting to make Navalny out to be a saint, Jefferson? What you’re calling political opposition only works in republics such as our own. Outside of the US and a few other countries you run a risk which your Mr. Navalny assessed and then chose poorly.

        Treason has a meaning other than the kinder gentler one you’re assuming I should advocate as well.

    • So opposing an autocrat like Putin is treason? Navalny was a very brave man who lived by his principles and paid the ultimate price for it.

      • It is often better to be alive than to be a brave man that lived by his principles. If you intend to oppose an autocrat with a history of disappearing opponents your plan s/b to disappear the autocrat as no other will work as reliably. Navalny either missed that meeting or was too slow for the dream he had.

        • Easy to be critical of someone for standing up for their principles and trying to free their country (at the cost of their very life) from tyranny whilst typing on a keyboard Trouser.

  11. Where is your panty twisting over the 4 Americans killed on J6 Dan? Say their names: Benjamin Phillips, Kevin Greeson, Rosanne Boyland, and Ashli Babbitt. Oh, and I am waiting for your outrage over the political persecution of the multitude being held without trial and those who are being sentenced.

  12. The leader of the free world is a giant vagina who at his most decisive is either killing the US petrochemical industry, abandoning US troops and machinery in a war zone or pulling an odd sorority girl’s passive aggressive BS like:

    Q: How will you blow up the pipeline, Mr. President?

    A: I can and I will.


    “Whoa! That wasn’t me!”

    What Mr. Sullivan is complaining about is at least the mark of a decisive man. I’m not saying it was right or wrong and don’t care either way but it’s markedly different from the lack of leadership skill we’ve been saddled with recently.

  13. Putin bad!
    Tucker bad!
    Orange man bad!

    Someone call in the emotional provocateurs! Because the American people can’t see through a bald manipulation at a salient time such as this!!

  14. Senator Sullivan, I am very grateful for your wise comments here on this great man, Alexei Navalny, now a martyr for liberty. Alexei did not have to return to Russia after recovering in Germany from being poisoned by Putin’s nerve agent. But he did in loyalty to bringing freedom to his country, Russia. That kind of courage is hardly required to be a blog troll.

  15. Where is Dan’s statement about the political persecution of President Trump? Guess some dictators get a free pass in Dan’s world.

  16. What about your outrage over the political prosecution of David Eastman in your own state…..oh, that’s right, you aren’t really from here, are you Colonel Mustard?

    • I agree about Eastman. It has been crickets by every single politician. Have their families been threatened if they say anything or help David Eastman? Must be so. I pray for David to stay strong and keep marching forward. He stands for truth, honesty and protecting Alaskans – all traits that no one else has cared to exhibit.

  17. Biden may not have not executed Trump. But he is using all the government people and agency personnel he can to keep him from running as president. Not any difference at all.

  18. Imprisoning your political opponents is a RUSSIAN issue? And what’s going to happen to Trump if he goes to jail? Suicide????? Give us a break Sully. You honestly think we are so dumb.

  19. Let me try to get this straight, us Senator Sullivan is in Germany after for more money to Ukraine, is ignoring our southern border, and making a statement about hearsay/opinion while at a securities conference???

    What the heck is going on with our government?!?!

      • There is an old wise saying you dip sticks (Keep your friends close and your enemies closer). Any leader knows this. These eastern block countries are head smashers and we are living in a country of snow flakes. People better wake up in America. Putin/ xi / crazy kim and 3/4 of the Middle East would find joy in chopping all our heads off after rapping and killing our children and women.

      • Women want to control their bodies, family and future. It’s despicable that the Feds want to remove our freedoms of privacy, family planning and intimacy.

  20. Sullivan, pretty sure if we can see what a traitor you are, then our Father in Heaven can see what is going on. Sad that you would sell your soul to the devil and for what?

      • Have I “invoked God?” How so MA? I can see what a traitor Biden is and I am confident that our Father in Heaven can see that also. Is this invoking God to say this about Biden?

  21. Dan pipes up on issues that he thinks will score him some political points, and remains oddly silent about issues that matter to Americans.
    That ex KBG operative, Putin, is an ice cold killer is not news.
    But Dan continues to sell us out by voting to continue shoveling vast amounts of U.S. tax payer cash into the insatiable maw of the Ukrainian Nazis, while our border remains nonexistent, with 10,000 illegals pouring across it……every day!
    And thousands of them are military age males, coming from countries that hates us.
    Why not speak up every single day Dan, about the obvious threat of domestic terrorism from these people, not to mention the incredible financial drain they impose on us and our country?? Or the incredibly obvious law-fare being waged against everyone who opposes the Democrats??
    Whats the matter, cat got your tongue, Dan?

  22. We wish the esteemed senator DC elite would save his nonsense for the ignorant. Navalny, a western puppet, and not a US citizen, who cares what the Russians do to their own shit disturbers. Unlike jansix political prisoners who have been put in dungeons for protesting the government and committed no crimes other than being present to protest the government. Unlike Gonzalo Lira a US citizen who died in a ukrainian prison for talking to loud. Or how about Julian Assange, who the US has imprisoned to kill off to send the freedom of the press to the grave. We haven’t heard a word from the DC elite on that, forgot where he came from.

  23. Sullivan has it exactly right. Putin is a murderous thug- and a state sponsor of terror. Freedom in Russia, under Putin, is not allowed. If one assembles on a street corner to protest Putin his police will arrest you. His courts will then provide a show trial where one will be convicted no matter how ridiculous the charge.

    Under Putin hundreds of thousands of Russians have been killed in his invasion of Ukraine. NATO has expanded, and the Russian economy is in trouble. Life for Russians under this POS dictator is worse, much worse.

  24. Sullivan, with no evidence whatsoever, agrees with Biden. At least, in this way, he shows us his true colors. Navalny, along with numerous American government-sponsored NGOs, represented a movement in Russia which pushes everything supposed conservatives in America are against: liberal democracy, the transgender movement, etc.. Putin? The CIA is a much more likely suspect. Yes they would. It’s what they do.

  25. Book-am, Dano. 34 trillion and counting. My folks used to tell me wild tales of millions of people being slaughtered by their own governments while the swamp yawned and the press lied. New agendas today?

  26. Another example of the corrupt uniparty only cares what happens over seas. WHILE POLITICAL PRISONERS ARE STILL LOCKED UP IN DC AND SULLIVAN IS SILENT ON!!

  27. Can someone explain to Dictator Donnie that what has happen to Navalny is actually political prosecution, unlike what he whines about.

  28. More BS from Sullivan! American intelligence has stated they have no evidence that Putin killed Navalny and indeed, Putin had nothing to gain by it. The Biden Administration and Uniparty neocons, however, have 60 billion reasons to have Navalny dead as the publicity will take the spotlight off the devastating defeat of the Ukrainian army at the Adiivka fortress, where thousands were killed and many more captured over the last two days. Terrible optics right now for sending more money down the Project Ukraine rathole! Navalny was not well liked by the Russian public and had many enemies there including oligarchs and Russian Mafia any of which could have offed him. He also was not in good health.

  29. With apologies to Vince Foster, could this simply be the Russian version of “Arkancide”?
    From which agency came the irrefutable fact that Putin gave the kill order?
    Would it be the agency whose leader engineered the international plot to overthrow President Trump, and we better believe or else?
    Why should Americans believe anything their government officials tell them about Russians, when the ultimate goal is, never mind the risk of starting WWIII, sending planeloads of money to Ukraine so President Zelenskyy doesn’t get mad and spill the beans about what happened between former president Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko and Team Biden?

  30. How about worrying about our own corruption here first Sullivan, Like CIA install of puppet president Zelensky in Ukraine, wide open USA borders, and so so much more. Then your recent yes vote for 95 BILLION more dollars to give to Ukraine and Israel to keep endless war, and open money laundering going. Might want to take a look in the mirror there Sullivan. Are you even aware that a lot of us are aware. I won’t be voting for a corrupt democrat but I won’t vote for you again either.

  31. Gee Dan, the Ukrainian Intelligence Chief says Navalny died of Natural Causes from a blood clot. Who’s right?
    It seems like conflicting information. Of course your version supports feeding the US WAR MACHINE ! Are they a contributor to your campaigns?

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