State’s Covid information hub scaled back


This week the Department of Health and Social Services stopped updating its Covid-19 Information Hub on a daily basis, and is now reporting the updates just three times a week.

The exceptions are hospital data  and vaccine monitoring dashboards, which will be updated five days a week. Daily summary emails and social media posts will also be reduced to three times per week, the department said.

Last June, the state was seeing a sharp uptick in Covid-19 cases, and was alarmed at the new highs being set routinely as the virus spread across the state. A 44-case day last June 25 shocked the state.

This year, there were 50 new cases of Covid-19 over three days and few paid attention to it. The statewide alert, once high, is now low.

  • June 4 cases – 19 residents, 0 nonresident
  • June 5 cases – 22 residents, 0 nonresident
  • June 6 cases – 8 residents, 1 nonresident

And 47 percent of Alaskans ages 12 and older have been vaccinated, while 53 percent have received a first dose of Covid vaccine.

The vaccination rates across the state show that Juneau is at the highest level, with more than two-thirds of its people vaccinated, while just one-third of the Mat-Su Valley residents have been vaccinated, ranking at the bottom. Juneau has experienced 1,303 cases, or about 4.3 percent of the population, while Mat-Su Borough has seen 11,623 cases, or 11 percent of the population:

  • Juneau Region: 67%
  • Other Southeast Region – Northern: 63%
  • YK-Delta Region: 61%
  • Southwest Region: 55%
  • Other Southeast Region – Southern: 54%
  • Northwest Region: 51%
  • Anchorage Region: 49%
  • Other Interior Region: 49%
  • Kenai Peninsula Region: 41%
  • Fairbanks North Star Borough: 40%
  • Matanuska-Susitna Region: 32%

A total of 67,698 known cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed in Alaska, while the total number of nonresident cases diagnosed in the state is 2,822, In the year and a half since the pandemic, 1,581 Alaskans have been hospitalized with the virus and 362 deaths are reportedly due to Covid-19.

There are currently 21 patients diagnosed with Covid-19 who are hospitalized and two additional patients who are considered persons under investigation for a total of 23 current Covid-related hospitalizations. Four of these patients are on ventilators. The percentage of patients currently hospitalized with Covid-19 is 2.3%.

A total of 2,300,710 tests have been conducted, with 20,413 tests conducted in the previous seven days. The average percentage of daily positive tests for the previous seven days is 0.87%.


  1. Today, June 8, there were ZERO new cases reported yet not one single local media outlet has made mention of it. There is something very wrong about this.

  2. Please tell me Dr Zink’s family that traveled outside thru Canada ( when we couldn’t travel ) are okay! I don’t believe anything the Feds or the State says about anything! Let me die in my own time!! No shots no BS. I’ve lived 72 yrs with no vaccines other than the sugar cube polio serum! If they put the various Covid Vaccines in a Sugar cube would you take them???

  3. Zink, she’s the Big/Important, Alaska sheep, so she can go where we can’t.
    Do as I say, not as I do.

  4. Zink must be devastated. She’ll have to do even more simpering virtue signaling on her twitter.

  5. So, correct me if I’m wrong … the figures used within this article represent a Death Rate of ~0.5%.
    Is this what we’ve shutdown and lockdown the economy, mandated lifestyle changes, abdication and forfeiture of rights and liberties? Resulting in exactly what meaningful benefit?
    It’s quite clear, this Covid event was planned and implemented with a multitude of nefarious players maximizing the demise of Americans and America.

  6. Meanwhile, MIT and Stanford’s findings about the vaccine are being censored from the internet. Our top virologist say this this is not a vaccine. Can’t believe half of Anchorage felt they had to virtue signal and inject this experimental serum into their bodies for a flu that is 100% survivable.

    Maybe Hillary Clinton was correct by saying the “culling” was about to begin.

    Maybe the stupid sheeple heard needed thinning out by way of injection. We could seriously be living through the greatest global depopulation in history.

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