State arguing that residency doesn’t matter in elections


Rep. Lance Pruitt, who lost by 11 votes to Liz Snyder in District 27, will be arguing on Friday that specific actions by the State of Alaska Division of Elections led to his loss. Those specific actions were that the Division didn’t notify voters in Precinct 915 that it had changed the voting location.

In a brief filed with the court, the State of Alaska is arguing to the Alaska Supreme Court that Pruitt’s claims are “false and reckless allegations against dozens of innocent voters …”

The State of Alaska’s brief strangely delves into a matter that is not actually part of the case, and asks the court to do something extraordinary: The State of Alaska is asking the court to clarify that post-election residency challenges cannot void an election. It is saying that research done by campaigns after an election cannot be used to void the results.

The State says that Pruitt’s team harassed voters by calling them after the election and asking them if they live in the district, and that Pruitt’s team combed through public records to see if voters had sold their homes and moved, making them voters in another district.

Pruitt’s team, in fact, found several who had voted in the district but who did not live there, including campaign staff for Rep.-elect Liz Snyder. But this portion of the election is not under appeal.

A reader would not know that, however, from the State’s brief filed before Friday’s Supreme Court hearing.

“He [Pruitt] accused a long list of voters—by name in public court filings—of wrongdoing. [R. 196, 314-15] Although Mr. Pruitt has since abandoned these claims, these voters’ names—and Mr. Pruitt’s accusations of them—remain in the public court file. The Court should discourage this kind of voter harassment and speculative accusations in future close elections by making clear that such residency claims cannot void an election.”

Some of the residency claims were resolved through further research, while others were not — enough to possibly change the election results.

What the State is arguing, however, is that a final election cannot be challenged based on residency once that election is certified.

“… the history of this case should inspire the Court to consider clarifying the law so that losing candidates have no incentive—in either an election contest or a recount appeal—to harass voters and comb through their property records after an election in an effort to void a close election result.”

In an earlier court hearing, Judge Josie Garton refused to place an emergency injunction on the election because she didn’t think that Pruitt’s case would win on appeal, and because, she stated, it is important that Liz Snyder be sworn into office this month, when the Legislature convenes in Juneau.

The State lawyers may be attempting to shift the focus from the lack of notification of the voting location to something else. But that something else may be asking the Supreme Court to do something that is on weak constitutional grounds, which is to say that legal research cannot be used to change an election outcome.


  1. Judicial activists have become tyrannical overlords. It is time to return government to ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’. One person, one LEGAL vote, in person, verified.

  2. This will not happen now. Like Venezuela and Argentina, the 75% no longer matter in this nation, the 25% that wanted this nation to fall ruled over the 75%. There will never be a legitimate or fair election in this country until the democrat communist party has been removed from this nation. There are more of ‘us’ than ‘them’ – Remember that and remember that Murkowski, Sullivan and Young voted to NOT uphold the rejections to the electoral vote from Arizona.

  3. So the Division of Election Certified an Election and there were non-eligable voters voting. Sounds like they committed fraud and should be arrested and charged. That is the only way fix Election fraud by holding guilty parties liable.

  4. It is the duty of the state to investigate any reasonable allegations of voter fraud. The state actors dropped the ball and now they object to citizens doing their job for them.
    My guess is that there’s a growing number of high ranking people working on the solution right now. They’re not at all associated with the loud but ineffectual instigators who are calling for a civil war. These people are the ones who make annoying people disappear.
    Apparently CCP made the founder of Alibaba disappear recently. CCP isn’t the only one who can do that.

  5. Past time to make the courts accountable to the people. Same for the bureaucracy.
    Lance Pruitt got robbed – so did Kevin McKinley and Keith Kurber. Think election fraud doesn’t happen in Alaska? Think Gabby LeDoux anyone?
    If anything good comes from this, it should be a revision of election laws to return to legal voters with identification and verifiable signatures voting in person. Absentee ballots must be verifiable. No early voting, no generalized mail-in ballots, and no ballot harvesting – and auditable ballot counting machines. Ballots must not be destroyed until at least all the challenges have been resolved.

    • I just want to point out that Gabby was a republican. Dishonesty knows no bounds (though one party seems to make it their standard and Gabby caucused with them). In person voting with legal ID, notarized absentee only, severest penalties for cheating including loss of citizenship. I want a bronze guillotine sculpture placed in front of the capital in Juneau as a reminder that they SERVE THE PEOPLE AT THE WILL OF THE PROPLE!.

  6. Why have rule? Let’s just do whatever is needed for those that are “popular” to run everything and change to rules as they see fit? This will never go wrong. After all, isn’t that what the people what?

  7. The corrupt court system will not uphold the election laws? Our right to a fare election is never going to happen again in my life time. We can trust the government, politicians, justice system and our elections. The country I grew up in and fought for is dying a cruel death.

  8. With that attitude they may as well give Dr Al the Senate seat he lost.

    And why stop there? Appoint Bill Walker governor again. Make Bill Mahr mayor of Anchorage?

    If residency doesn’t matter, there is no point in having local elections.

    Which, actually, is the point.

  9. From the Info presented here, this seems like a tiny, local example of the many incidences spread over the entire nation, that contributed to all the chaos of this presidential election. If the Pruitt campaign had not worked to gather evidence (harassed) voters who would have? Who would they call to report & have investigated incidents of willful or simply errors of jurisdiction in voting? The State Troopers? The Elections Division itself? Do they have investigators? Or maybe the AG?

    This sloppiness or whatever it is on the part of citizens or the elections division cannot continue. Not if we want faith in any of our elections or government. You either cast a legal ballot or you don’t. If an election is certified as valid in error we must go back & do it again. Whatever it takes. And not necessarily only if it would make a projected change in the outcome. Errors or fraud are equally serious no matter the actual effect on the election itself. Why, because it’s not a valid, trusted election.

    The alternative is obvious. Either meaningless elections which are not accurate and total loss of trust in government and/or eventually what we just saw in DC but on an even larger scale & with far more serious intent. Changing the rules in the middle of the game will not cut it.

  10. This is a travesty! It seems the Alaska Supreme Court can no longer be trusted to interpret law properly. They’ve misinterpreted it too many times now and allowed the State to break its promises, as well as shirk its duties to its people.

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