Spawned out story: The #metoo net unravels



Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy is now eyeing his next appointment to the Alaska Board of Fisheries with the dust stirred up around one of his last appointments still far from settled in the wake of a sexual harassment claim.

The Alaska Legislature on April 17 voted down the reappointment to the Board of retired Anchorage Superior Court Judge Karl Johnstone after Anchorage Rep. Ivy Spohnholz lobbed a #metoo bombshell into the proceedings.

Spohnholz said on the floor of a joint session of the House and Senate that “more than two” women who worked for the Board told her that Johnstone sexually harassed them. There was, and has been, no confirmation of those claims.

Johnstone was provided no hearing to defend himself against the accusation before his confirmation was blocked. It is widely believed the sexual harassment accusation was unleashed after Johnstone opponents concluded they didn’t have the votes to block the confirmation of a man who’d run into a firestorm of opposition from commercial fishermen accusing him of being biased in favor of sport fishermen.

Here’s what has happened since in the country’s biggest fishing state where major political battles have regularly erupted around fish:

[Read the rest of this column at]


    • EL, do you really think that Representative Sponhnholz will step down. I think that she is proud of stopping the confirmation of Mr. Jonhstone and will be rewarded by her supporters. There will not be any repercussions to her from the leadership of the House Majority either. I will not be surprised if she is reelected.

  1. Spohnholz is reacting exactly how I predicted. Everyone is wrong but her. Back tracking on “part” of her inexcusable lying, but not all of it. Is this the example of a “lawmaker”, to teach our children? I certainly think not. Her “justification” of the specious accusations against Judge Johnstone, is as phony as the accusations. A real piece of dim/lib/socialist work. She needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, by the rest of the “politicians” that she “influenced.” I don’t think that will happen. It’s what “should” happen.” The main point here, to teach our children, is that dishonesty doesn’t pay (unless you’re a dim/lib.) Then, “all’s fair”, and it’s not “love and war.”

  2. Back in 1560, in a former life, Mary, queen of Scots made suggestive comments to me. That’s where the #MeToo movement is going to end up.

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