Social graces: A thank you letter from the governor



Gov. Michael Dunleavy penned a thank you letter to all employees of the Department of Corrections today after the Spring Creek Correctional Center riot was quelled. Here’s what he said:

Dear Department of Corrections Officers, Medical Personnel, and Staff:

I am extremely grateful for the professionalism, quick action, and dedication of the Correctional Officers, Staff, and Medical Personnel in response to the violent outbreak at Spring Creek Correctional Center the evening of May 7.  The coordinated immediate response made it possible for officers to manage and diffuse 62 angry inmates determined to destroy and harm as much property and personnel as possible.  The care and consideration exhibited by Medical Personnel ensuring everyone was examined and attended to during, and after, this emergent situation.

The positive outcome of training, teamwork, and dedication is much appreciated. 


Governor Michael J. Dunleavy

[Read: Spring Creek riot: 9 hours of hell]


  1. Well stated, Governor. There are real bad eggs and psychos in Spring Creek Prison. The corrections officers who gained control over these miserable convicts need to be commended as well.

  2. glad there were no injuries. Those union workers that are bleeding this state dry probably staged the riot to get overtime.

    • Mr. ‘Americus,’

      That comment is completely out of line. Those men and women face working conditions daily that you have no concept of. We should all be proud of the risks they take and the job they do for us.

  3. sarcasm sorry you did not get it. I respect the job they do. I dislike the rabid anti union rhetoric often expressed on this site. It is my way of pointing out the importance the union plays in negotiating safe working conditions for their employees.

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