Snowless Anchorage is sign of ‘a better managed winter city.’ Which assemblyman said that?


From Southcentral Alaska to Southeast Alaska, winter has been remarkably snow free. There has been twice the snow in New Orleans, Louisiana than has fallen in Anchorage this winter. Only 3.8″ of snow has fallen in Anchorage. When Mayor Dave Bronson was in office, 133.3 inches of snow fell in the winter of 2023-24 and LaFrance and Constant said that the snow removal problems were due to his incompetence.

But Anchorage Assembly Chairman Chris Constant, who heads up an Assembly that governs 40% of Alaska’s population, thinks the streets are clear because of the fine leadership of Mayor Suzanne LaFrance.

In a Facebook post, Constant wrote that the clear streets are “Telltale signs of a better managed winter city.”

If Mayor LaFrance is credited for the lack of snow, critics say she also gets credit for the growing homeless encampments, including open fires, such as this one along A Street outside of Barnes & Noble’s store in midtown:

Homeless encampment in Anchorage in January, complete with open fire. Signs of a better managed winter city?

In addition to these homeless encampments that are popping up everywhere, the growing number of homeless that have been brought into the Spenard neighborhood has led to a visible increases of homeless using the airport for shelter. Homeless people are now sleeping on the floor in baggage claim and in the checkout.

When Mayor Bronson was in charge, Constant and the other Democrats made it impossible for him to solve the homelessness issue by blocking his every move.


  1. Politicians can never just say the truth they just word salad, it so they look good.
    The non educated voter believes the BS and votes for them.
    End result some of us are not fooled by fancy talk.

  2. There has been more than 3.8 inches of snow this winter recorded at the airport. 3.8 inches has fallen since December 1st. October had 21.5 inches and November had 5.3 inches. The total for the winter is 30.6 inches.

      • OK, but that is highly unusual for the NWS to use Dec through March for winter snowfall. Then you are inconsistent, because this 133.3 number is not meteorological winter, .it is the entire winter season.

        When Mayor Dave Bronson was in office, 133.3 inches of snow fell in the winter of 2023-24

  3. The better question is which of their pet social projects will they squander the left over snow removal budget on?

  4. Sad part about this, the full group of these people can not be this ignorant. Which leave one to look at this as intentional on their part to destroy the city. The next question is why?

  5. No, the snow piling up was due to the millions spent on housing bums rather than clearing the streets. Typical socialist red herring attack.

  6. I have to correct the article here: Anchorage has certainly received more than 3.8″ of snow this winter.

    According to the National Weather Service, Los Anchorage has officially received 30.8″ of snow since July 1st of last year.

    Of course, that is still well below average, and takes nothing away from the typically disingenuous radical leftist tripe of Chrissy Constant.

          • I believe you Suzanne, but that represents an unintelligent change to seasonal snowfall reporting, a change rendering the snowpack and snowfall water equivalent available for snowmelt runoff prediction useless. I suggest you get an opinion from the NWS Alaska Pacific River Forecasting Center: (907) 266-5150

  7. Just wait for those precious Homeless vagrants – miscreants – scourge (living tax-free // rent-free at the expense of Property Taxpayers) start a fire during a hot – windy spring or summer day, incinerating hundreds of acres and countless homes – business!!! Then, I’m quite certain these ‘libtards’ will continue to show their true colors, blaming everyone (especially the conservatives) but not themselves.

  8. When are Republicans going to learn that the only time a Democrat has an orgasm is when they lie, cheat, or steal from the public and get away with it. Democrats can’t get enough sex, regardless if it’s homosex, lesbian sex, unisex, tranny sex, or any other derivative of abnormal sex. That being said, once you take away sex from a Democrat the public will benefit and prosper.

  9. What if 1,000s of Anchorage citizens who are fed up with this guy showed up at an assembly meeting, packed the assembly chambers front and back, side to side and pointed and laughed at this clown?

  10. Not sure about everyone else, but this is by far the most treacherous winter I’ve seen in my neighborhood.

    If hazardous and unaddressed road conditions mean the mayor is incompetent, then LaFrance is by far the most incompetent mayor yet. I can’t recall my kids sliding all the way down the driveway and street with the previous mayor. It has become our joke to quote, “incompetence has a price tag” every time they slip or fall. LaFrance “costs” infinitely more in this department than her predecessor ever did.

  11. It seems obvious that climate change would necessitate a reduction in the snow removal budget. I suggest hiding the decline using Mike’s Nature Trick.


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