Small town politics: Houston mayor, deputy mayor, treasurer quit, leaving city without leadership


The Mat-Su Valley City of Houston, population 1,952, has lost its mayor, deputy mayor, and city treasurer — all at once. The three officials sent the city clerk their letters of resignation on Friday.

Mayor Virgie Thompson, Deputy Mayor Lance Wilson, and Treasurer Sally Schug gave no reasons for their resignations, which went into effect Friday.

In the October election, David Child, Sandy McDonald, and Mike Adams appear to have overwhelmingly won seats on the City Council and those final results will be certified on Monday, Oct. 10. Councilman Paul Stout did not win reelection, as voters replaced him with former mayor McDonald elected.

In her September report to the community, Mayor Thompson said “I have nothing to report. Good Luck!” Elected one year ago, her seat was to expire in October of 2023.

Councilman Lance Wilson’s seat was not up for election and doesn’t expire until October of 2024, and Council Seat B is also vacant.

A special meeting was scheduled for Monday for swearing in the new council members, and for the council to select a new mayor from its members. But whether there will be a quorum is in question.


  1. Well I am surprised that they lasted as long as they did. Looks like corruption has come to an end. For a minute. Elect someone who isn’t a criminal. Thanks in advance.

    • > Elect someone who isn’t a criminal.

      At some point decent people need to get into local politics. I mean, I have better things to do than wade into that sewer, but somebody should 🙂

  2. If there’s a lack of quorum, there’s a remedy in the City Code that could be immediately implemented:
    HMC 2.04.035 Vacancies on the Council:
    D. If membership is reduced to less than the number required to constitute a quorum, the remaining members shall, within seven calendar days, appoint the number of qualified persons necessary to constitute a quorum.

  3. Anyone remember Roger Purcell?

    Still Alaskas most corrupt town.

    All funded by one thing: Mr. Halls fireworks.

  4. Probably a good quit. The 3 probably show up in another town only to get into local politics there. Power and wealth are addicting, its hard to give up. Why those with a more God-fearing value, who been privilaged to be blessed with smarts, need to be at the neighborhood councils and serve to keep the rats out.

  5. ‘
    From the October 13, 2022 Agenda Mayor’s Report
    These are her final words to the city she had sworn to serve for 10 plus years.

    • I bet her attorney advised that short statement.

      In the past I have spoken with her after the Millers Reach Fire that destroyed 300 homes. Fireworks were to blame.

      She would not provide details on just how much in taxes Robert Hall paid to the city to sell fireworks. He has a monopoly. She then doubled down and stated that a FOIA request for that info would be thwarted.

      I had her everything I needed to hear.

      ‘Good luck’ is right. For you.

      • You need to get your facts straight and provide context before posting inflammatory and misleading comments!
        1. The Miller’s Reach Fire occurred in 1996. Thompson wasn’t even elected until 2008, and it was several years after that before she became mayor.
        2. The exact cause of the Miller’s Reach Fire has never been determined. It could have been fireworks, but the vast majority of wildfires are caused by irresponsible brush burning, campfires and burn barrels.
        3. Precise financial details of what individual businesses remit in sales tax is confidential information. Casually divulging that information would leave a municipality legally liable if the business owner chose to object to the release of it.

  6. I find this story very strange and incomplete.
    So literally NOBODY has any idea why these three city officers all resigned at once, together? No idea at all? That seems hard for me to believe.

  7. Were they liberals who didn’t like a new conservative council? Hard to sort out since I don’t know any of the players.

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