Sitkans refuse further local lockdown orders


Liberal bastion Sitka, on Baranof Island, has decided to not go along with enforceable restrictions on gatherings.

At the Nov. 24th Assembly meeting, an emergency ordinance to restrict restaurant capacity and gatherings failed to get the votes needed to pass after numerous members of the public testified against it.

Among measures was the requirement that people stay 6 feet from others and if they are singing or projecting their voices, those persons must remain at least 10 feet apart. Capacity would be set at 50% for restaurants and 25% for bars.

It was Sitka’s second try at passing a face mask mandate, limits on restaurants and bars, and other measures, including limiting gathering indoors to 50 people, with legal ramifications for violators.

Assembly members Crystal Duncan and Kevin Knox sponsored the emergency ordinance that failed 4-3, but is up for reenactment at the Dec. 22 meeting.


  1. An Assembly that listens too and follows the wishes of its citizens? What a novel concept! I wonder if MOA Assembly has considered that?

  2. I may not agree with the fact that all of rules were thrown out, the fact that the governing body recognized the opinion of the voters is impressive.
    Anchorage politicians should learn a lesson.

  3. Nice to see that we are not alone here in the Valley.
    Smart Alaskans know that a healthy immune system still is your body’s best defense.
    Wearing a mask only prevents you from expelling viruses of which we breathe in over a MILLION each & every day!

    • It doesn’t take a smart Alaskan to know that. The CDC has always said that people with underlying health conditions like diabetes heart disease asthma among others are more susceptible to possibly dying from this kung flu. What are they supposed to do just let you cough and breathe all over them and say oh well you people were sick anyway screw all of you? As usual you provide no meaningful dialogue to the situation here.

  4. Yay SITKA! This is exactly how it should be, and bedamned their government ordered protocols. Since when do We, The People TAKE ORDERS from the people WE EMPLOY? They answer TO US!! (though they gladly have brainwashed our offspring of the exact opposite, while we were all too busy working 18 hours a day trying to make ends meet) They’ve done us a favor, really. Now we can plainly see what they are and are not doing.

    All the while, they’re all making hefty salaries from our dollars AND they each got stimulus checks and business loans, too. (And then they spent the CARES funding like drunken sailors as soon as they got the bottom line) Yes, they each and everyone received the same stimulus checks that you and I needed just to stay out of homeless and destitute situations; us ones trying to save our family businesses, homes and college savings accounts for our kids. And don’t forget that whenever there’s a budget shortfall, they rob even more of the PFD to pay THEMSELVES, padding their own pockets and department slush funds with their excess waste and misappropriation of all funding and taxes they take in. THIEVES AND LIARS.

    Is there any business owner here who would allow ANY of your employees to commit a hostile takeover of your company? Ne, either! No business owner in their right mind would even consider that.

    Yet, these ELECTED and overly compensated REPRESENTATIVES have forgotten on which side their bread is buttered. They are living it up, locking us down and destroying us financially, forcing many to become welfare dependent, while they shred our Constitution and statutes with every illegal action against us; and, may I remind: at no loss of wages to ANY OF THEM!

    They remain on a self imposed and indefinite, covid-fear-pushing vacation, crying wolf constantly.
    So, when I consider the source of the lockdowns and demands and their implications, I shout out to these tyrants, and to all Alaskans and Americans, that We, The People need to show our teeth and stop complying with these traitors of America.

    So I am 100% behind SITKA. Keep resisting the tyranny Alaska, every where you stand, STAND YOUR GROUND! We, The People can build up courage in other Alaskans to stand against this growing tyranny if we all show our support for those who do.

    We must send a loud and clear message to those rogue and criminal Anchorage assembly communists (and anyone else who thinks the tail should wag the dog) that it is time to cease and desist. We must be brave and stand for what is right, now, or we may as well be prepared to stand with our gun in our hands, ready to defend our very lives and freedoms in a civil and world war, very soon after the Democrats/socialists/communists regain full control of all 3 executive branches (“by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.” -nancy pelosi)

    They are coming for America. Trump is merely standing in their way. We must stand behind him and show him our support by taking back our country from these bullies in office. He is also a hard working American capitalist,
    living his American dream and his offspring are deserving of the same. He is highlighting, for all to see, their crimes sgainst we, the people. We need to come forward to be heard and to be seen standing up for our Constitution and for this Nation. Our offspring and ALL of the free world, are counting on us. The Last Stand is here, on our own soil.

  5. Now there is a Light shining across Sitka, Sitka people are breathing, taking deep breaths, while places as Juneau and Anchorage are holding their breaths, turning blue.

    • That’s the difference between being free citizens and government sheep. Anchorage residents are clearly government sheep, or they would have arrested their illegal acting Mayor and disobeyed their assembly’s illegal orders by now.

      If it is unconstitutional for the federal and State governments to mandate masks, what makes these moron Mayors think it is suddenly constitutional at the city level? They know they are violating our constitutionally protected rights, and they don’t care.

  6. So, if the people said no, then why is it scheduled to be voted upon again next month.
    Is it their ploy to keep doing this every damn month, until they wear the folks down with the same continuous voting issue until they get the vote outcome they want. Bull Roar..
    It’s good to know the names of the two assembly members who keep pounding this annoying rejected issue vote every month. “Pink slips”

    • Control-freak statists are the Terminators of politics — relentless, remorseless, and wil never, ever rest until you (and/or your freedoms) are dead.

  7. It’s possible that Sitka could have a measurable spike in cases, which could be used as a “See! Told You!” moment, but I’m confident that they weighed the possibilities, and made their choice with their eyes open.
    The majority there are Native, and per their long habit and practice, they consulted their elders, the one’s at most risk. Evidentially, their elders weighed their personal risk against the good of the many, and gave their blessing.
    I’m 75yo and don’t consider a couple years shorter life much of a sacrifice. If I die a little early, I will probably be spared pooing in my pants in my old age. Not counting “old timers” and every other alement we’re prone to.

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