Signature gathering is strong for Rivera recall at Golden Lion; organizers set up at Kriner’s Diner on Monday


The signature gathering effort to recall Anchorage Assembly member Felix Rivera was strong this weekend, with organizers saying that they did well at all their locations and they’ve added a new one for Monday — Kriner’s Diner, at the corner of C Street and Fireweed, 2409 C Street, from noon – 3 pm.

The Sunday signature gathering takes place at the hotel controversially purchased by the Anchorage Municipality — the Golden Lion — which cost the city over $9 million, plus will cost several million more to rehabilitate it so it can be used for drug and alcohol rehabilitation. The public has expressed outrage that the Municipality used a shell game with CARES Act funds in order to move money around legally to purchase what was going to be an illegal use of CARES Act funds.

The group must turn in the signatures by the end of business on Tuesday to put the question on the ballot: Shall Felix Rivera be recalled?

For Sunday’s signatures, the group will be at the Golden Lion until 4 pm.


    • If I lived in his district I’d sign the thing, ask my wife and kids to sign it, and have my dogs and cats sign it! Alas, I don’t live in his district, but still suffer his position.

      • Midtown will become the new downtown oneday. Downtown will be as cheap as Mountain View property, which I think why I see the original owners that made this community its attractive and prosperous selling and moving out. The new neighbors the generation under 55 have no sense of community beyond what they can recieve. You can sell your home and move here where Midtown will grow its significance. District 17 can use more voting Red Red Red Republicans.

  1. And take note: if the assembly “changes the rules” and votes in favor of what Rivera is proposing that will make it more difficult to remove him, I urge you – no matter your political affiliation – to NEVER vote back into office, those that vote yes. Changing the rules, laws, city charter, etc. to benefit a member of the assembly will come back to bite you in the @ss. Don’t for one minute think that those of you in favor of this nonsense can’t be the next victim of it. Step away from the insanity!

  2. We believe Anchorage’s Assembly forced their easily corruptible mail-in vote scheme on voters in part to make sure incumbents can’t be recalled.
    Seems reasonable to expect the recall petition won’t see a vote… remember, the city employs clerks and lawyers to make sure recalls don’t happen.

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