Show of force: Anchorage Assembly had protection from at least 15 officers at Tuesday’s meeting


It was like a crime scene. The police swarmed the Loussac Library in a show of force never before seen at an Anchorage Assembly meeting.

The Assembly had at least 15 Anchorage Police officers stationed in and around the building during the Jan. 12 regular meeting, which takes place on the ground floor.

Some observers said it was over 20 police officers who were called in to keep control, in the apparent expectation that a large and unruly crowd would make trouble, possibly like protesters did when they swarmed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

Six of the officers were inside the Assembly chamber itself, where the Assembly was extending emergency powers of the mayor through April and condemning Trump supporters who went to Washington, D.C. to protest the certification of the Electoral College.

Four more officers were guarding lobby, and several were outside, including parked at the Natural Pantry parking lot across the street. The normal security guards were also present.

About three dozen members of the public were inside the chamber as well to attend the meeting and register their unhappiness with the Assembly and acting mayor. Some members of the public were herded into a spillover room, as Chairman Rivera decided to further limit people allowed in the room.

Just five Assembly members were actually present in the chambers — Assembly Chairman Felix Rivera, and Assembly members Meg Zalatel, Suzanne LaFrance, John Weddleton, and Jamie Allard.

Other than the usual vigorous testimony from opponents of the business-killing shutdowns, only one person was physically escorted from the chambers, after she yelled at the Assembly.

Must Read Alaska has learned from law enforcement sources that typically only 26 officers are on duty at any given time in Anchorage, which means most of them were assigned to the Assembly meeting for several hours.

As far as the need for the police, it was a nothing-burger. This was pretty much a normal meeting for the year 2021 in Anchorage.

Some officers left after a resolution was voted on that condemned Trump supporters for what happened at the nation’s Capitol on Jan. 6. That was also about the time the mayor also exited the meeting, having given her mayor’s report.

There were but two protesters outside the building and they held “Save Anchorage” signs, walking back and forth to keep warm while the meeting continued indoors.

Late Thursday afternoon, two days after the meeting, Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson sent a memo to all municipal employees saying there are no credible threats of political violence in Anchorage, according to law enforcement sources.


  1. You have to remember that Rivera is in a lawsuit and is doing some real obnoxious things against the population of Anchorage. The guy is scared. He is also suicidal and acting crazy.

    • This is abuse of our police officers!
      And truly their civil duties!

      We have true folks in true need of help!
      Assembly took advantage! And away from true needs!

      • This is a lesson for conservatives the only people the police protect and serve are the elites that sign their union contracts. they won’t think twice about putting a bullet through your neck at the drop of a hat if they or their masters feel slightly threatened

        • Really? Are you speaking for all police officers? They do take an oath to uphold the law. The law applies to all of us, elected officials and non-elected citizens. Most, and likely in Anchorage, all, are very committed to that, and truly care about keeping their communities safe.

        • Exactly. The police are not your friends. They are bought and paid for union thugs and they will take your guns and you and your family away to a detention camp.

    • Let’s pray not. Chairman Rivera, AQD, and Constant all still need someone sow seed of the Real Christ into their dark hearts and get them face reality repenting for their homosexual sin. Afterall Constant revealed he have grandma, and her discription of her made her sound nice. If she really was a true blue jew, she be praying for her grandson constant. Everyone is born in sin. Although, anyone commit suicide, they died in sin and they go to hell. Best no one does the permanent act because of they cant change the final choice.

      • That’s a wonderful heartfelt plea, Jen. no one could have said it better. God does not want anyone to perish. He says he does not delight in the death of the wicked. He wants all to be saved. And salvation is thru His Son Jesus.

      • To maintain the fiction of Mother Mary, (and all of the Saints) being alive in heaven, the Catholic Church denied that the dead are “asleep” seeing and hearing nothing. They told the lie that when believers die, they automatically go to heaven to be with Jesus.
        Then there was a decades long rash of suicides by people wanting to be in heaven with their departed loved ones.
        To try and stop that, the church told another lie, that suicide was an unforgivable sin.
        The Christian Church failed to repudiate these lies.
        There’s only one unforgivable sin, claiming that the workings of Yahweh are supposedly of Satan instead.
        Why is it such a fearful thing … to simply read the Bible for yourself, think and reason if and what you’re going to believe?
        It is written that Yahweh will teach is all things about Himself, and that we have no need for any person to teach us.

    • We’ve got some AntiFa / BLM sympathizers in the community. Remember the BLM banner over the PAC. Remember several instances of office attacks and campaign sign vandals, some of whom took credit as AntiFa during the last election cycle. Cheers –

      • Wannabe Al Queda domestic terrorists claimed affiliation, to dress up their evil. Same for BLM wannabes in Alaska, wanting to claim a little prestige, to go with their nothing-burger.
        Antifa and BLM are professional thugs, hired by powers that be. If they were in Alaska in force, Juneau would have been burnt to the ground already.

  2. It has been my observation all my life that bullies are actually cowards. Big time. Every leftist ‘stronghold’ has the bosses well protected. Cowards cannot face reality when they meet their match, physically or mentally. When it comes to ‘underlings’ (citizens), they are on their own. The “new world order”. It is called communism, among other things.

    • You are correct man bullies are cowards. The question to ask is what have you done so wrong that you have to have security Police at your meeting? Same way with the capital. This doesn’t act like they’re defending the capital, it feels more like an armed takeover of the country. It used to be you don’t like the way the election turned out tough titty said the kitty. Now it’s like if you don’t like the way that’s election turned out we will kill you. At least that’s the look that they want to portray. If a war is fought, it won’t be in the courts anymore, and it won’t be on north south east or west Mason Dixon line like campaign, I believe it will be in drive-by shootings, liberal businesses being torched, if you have a bumper sticker on your car that identifies you one way or the other expect it to be turned into Swiss cheese, that’s sort of thing. More gorilla type warfare then conventional. The Germans found this to be an effective way of fighting in world war II when the French underground resistance pulled it on them blowing up train trestles and disrupting supply lines. It’s sad that the Socialist and Democrats have turned many patriots into domestic terrorists. They already were prepared though in a minute man sort of way just waiting for Democrats to be Democrats.

  3. What more better work did these 15 police officers lay aside for their high paying babysitting job. These officers neglected other more important duties just to play babysitter for scared elected leaders . Pish!

    When will honor return to police officers when they will stop playing Pitbull for the politician?

    • The officers will go to the assignment they are sent to me or be fired. The problem is the system, such that the chief of police serves at the pleasure of the mayor. None of this is anything new. People need to get off their butts and change the system in this town until then this will continue and get worse.
      Get rid of the goofy Facebook Twitter Netflix and all the other garbage in your lives and start getting involved in local politics.

      • Correct. According to the Constitution, the police are supposed to serve the public, and even defend the public against the gov’t if need be. Everything the city mayor has done since last March is un-constitutional. Civil liberties are never restricted or suspended–not even in an emergency. (Or a health crisis). Mandates are not laws and the gov’t has seriously overstepped its authority. It has NO authority in ANY situation to close businesses or tell them how to operate. It has no right to force private citizens to wear masks. But I fear “We the People” has now become “We the Government”.

    • Willing to bet that most of them were called out for overtime, and you don’t want to think about what that little gaslighting operation cost.

  4. Having been in some rather exciting circumstances during my life, I have noticed a common factor. Those in the right are usually not as afraid as those who know they are in the wrong………..

  5. I will be willing to be a security guard for the Mayor and cronies. The new 15 dollar an hour federal minimum wage will be fine if there is some overtime on weekends. I will even wear a mask.

  6. If the Assembly fears the public that much they know they are in opposition to the public will. They should all resign and not use the police to intimidate us from speaking and or demonstrating!

  7. Quinn-Davidson is not the “Mayor.” That title implies Anchorage voters elected her, which they did not. The proper word for illegitimate ruler is tyrant, appropriately fitting for both herself and her authoritarian colleagues.
    (And now wondering the proper word for public employees who don’t even bother showing up for work?)

      • Frank,
        One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Curb your tongue, knave. You are headed for thin ice.

  8. The drama queens on the assembly just can’t stand to pass up an opportunity to act like they are somehow marginalized even though they are the ones marginalizing the community.

  9. The people of Anchorage voted for these people and their agenda,,, and they will do it again. Sad for the ones who didn”t vote for them . Condemning Trump supporters lumps all together,,,, something they don’t want for themselves. Not all Trump supporters agree with what happened last week ,,,, but now they have been condemned. Be nice to know the justification to have 20 of 26 officers at that meeting. The streets of Anchorage must be safe. Now when asked who I voted for I’ll have to say Ted Nugent.

  10. When the Government fears the people freedom exists, when the people fear the government tyranny reigns. Keep making them fear you.

  11. I was there returning a book, “The Handbook of Emotions.” Chapter 47 of that book is entitled “Disgust.” You cannot believe how much disgust I had when I saw 7 marked police cars in and around the library and assembly chambers. Our governments are nuts and are hell bent on ending our notion of democracy. Since each of those who have voted to ignore the charter we have to make those lawbreakers pay personally. The muni’s E&O insurance should not cover deliberate violations by those making and executing our laws. A measure of damages should start with the pay that the officers were getting for this “protection” travesty.

  12. George Orwell reportedly once said, ” All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force”.
    This seems to apply to story above, I wish that the only sane member of the assembly would at least offer a motion that a bill for the Police present at this meet up be prepared and sent the the D.N.C. since it is clear that they and their Chi-Com masters are behind this ruse.

  13. The only way an illegitimate government can keep power is through force & censorship. The Left may be rejoicing now, but eventually the beast will devour them too.

  14. We are making the socialist scared on what they think could happen but we know won’t! So long was we keep up how we are acting, the APD will view us more and more in a better light and will be over time less likely to do the bidding of the socialist mayor and assembly.
    Keep the smart actions and what you guys in Anchorage are doing!

  15. How dare the Assembly condemn me for exercising my constitutional rights. You do not agree that you’re right as is mine. Condemning me for my choice which is different than yours is wrong.
    You Assembly members remember this. I am a veteran for many many years. I protected and defended your rights while you enjoy being home with family every holiday. It is the veteran that protects and guards your freedom

  16. Wait, this Assembly vote on a resolution to condemn “Trump Supporters” or “violence at the capital?”. If the former, how is it not violation to ‘condemn’ an entire group of people based on that from a LEGALLY BOUND NON PARTISAN ASSEMBLY!? Is the Assembly, more aptly, condemned for their part of Antifa and BLM violence? Even more, for their direct involvement in the political/bureaucratic violence and deliberate injury against Anchorage business to garner their non-partisan partisanship!? This Assembly is Romper Room with only a more extended vocabulary. They are a far great threat than any pathogen.

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