Shifting loyalties: Curiosities from campaign filings



Among items of interest found in the 30-day campaign financial reports, which were due on Monday at midnight:

Former Walker Administration Attorney General Craig Richards (and former Walker business partner) has gone with Mike Dunleavy for governor, maxing out to his campaign with a $500 contribution.

Over the past two years (2017 and 2018), Richards had maxed out with $500 each to Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott. Richards now serves on the Permanent Fund Board of Trustees. He’s playing it safe.

Mike Robbins, campaign manager for Mead Treadwell’s gubernatorial campaign, had already maxed out to Mike Dunleavy’s campaign in April, but when he took on the Treadwell campaign was a contract, he maxed out there too, with $500. He has a nice (ca-ching) contract, though, so he can afford it.

Michelle Toohey, who was chief of staff for former Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, maxed out to Mike Dunleavy before Treadwell got in the race, but her husband, Cam Toohey, has evened it up, giving $250 to Treadwell.

Marcia Davis, the former deputy chief of staff for Gov. Bill Walker who ran an illegal campaign group for his last election and paid a hefty Alaska Public Offices Commission fine for it, isn’t giving to Walker’s campaign this time around, but instead has donated $250 to Mark Begich.

This must mean she won’t be putting together an independent expenditure group as she did in 2014 for Walker/Mallott — the one that cost her a hefty fine.

Robin Brena, who bought Gov. Walker’s law firm and has been a staunch supporter from the start, hasn’t donated to the governor’s campaign this year. Perhaps he is getting ready to launch an independent expenditure group?

Brena was the kingmaker in 2014 and 2016, spending a quarter million dollars on Democratic candidates, including for Rep. Zach Fansler and Rep. Dean Westlake, who shortly thereafter resigned in disgrace.

Brena pushed for higher oil taxes with his “Our Fair Share” campaign.

This year, he’s the top contributor to the Alaska Democratic Party, with $10,000 — the maximum allowed — given in March.

And who does the Alaska Democratic Party support for governor? Mark Begich.