Sharon Jackson sworn in — across the street



Reps. Josh Revak of Anchorage and David Eastman of Wasilla took things into their own hands today, and, with the authority of Alaska State Statute, swore in Rep. Sharon Jackson as the representative for House District 13.

It was three U.S. Army veterans breaking through the partisan gridlock to get the job done.

Jackson was appointed by Gov. Michael Dunleavy to replace the newly elected Nancy Dahlstrom, after Dunleavy tapped Dahlstrom for Commissioner of Corrections. The House Democrats had refused to allow her to be sworn in with the rest of the legislators on Tuesday.

The ceremony was conducted not in the House Chambers, but in the courthouse across the street.

House Republican leadership appears to not accept it as final, however.

“The House Republicans were notified this afternoon that a Deputy Clerk had administered an oath of office to Rep.- Appointee Sharon Jackson,” said Rep. Dave Talerico of Healy. “While the sentiment of this effort to get Ms. Jackson seated quickly is appreciated, the House Republicans anticipate the official swearing-in of Ms. Jackson to take place on the House floor, as in accordance with Alaska Statutes and the Constitution, and we look forward to welcoming her to the body as soon as possible. We have no further comment at this time.”

Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer also said it was not valid.

“The Department of Law has advised the Lt. Governor’s office that the actions taken today did not constitute an official oath of office. Because the House has not selected a Speaker or Speaker pro-tem, under statute the only person to administer the official oath of office to new members of the Alaska State House is the Lt. Governor. We look forward to the timely seating of Representative-nominee Jackson,” read a statement from the lieutenant governor’s office.

“Talking to countless neighbors as I was campaigning last year, Alaskans made one thing overwhelmingly clear. We were elected to get the job done. Us legislators only have 90 days to work with, and we do not have the time to waste on partisanship and political maneuvering,” Revak said in a statement.

“There are over 17,400 Alaskans in Representative Sharon Jackson’s district, they are entitled to representation. When Representative Sharon Jackson reached out to me, we read Alaskan statutes together and the letter of the law is clear, she has been legally sworn in at the Juneau Courthouse,” Revak said.

“I look forward to working with Representative Sharon Jackson, lets put Juneau to work we do not have a single day to waste,” he said.

Jackson raised her right hand and was sworn in by a court official.

Although the Democrats robbed her of the very meaningful ceremony of being sworn in inside the historic House chambers, Jackson rose to the occasion without malice, but with the usual twinkle in her eye, and took the oath of office. There was no yellow corsage.

View the Revak Facebook video here.

The ball is now in the court of the Democrats, who will have to decide if, on the eve of Martin Luther King Day, they want to fight the right of Rep. Jackson to vote as a seated member of the body.


  1. If Rep. Chris Tuck and Rep. Geran Tarr wish to fight this any further, and obstruct the agenda of Gov. Dunleavy and bring Alaska on line and out of the ditch, never again can any Democrat look Alaskans in the eye and say they care for Alaska and it’s people. Their move against Rep. Jackson was blatant, bare-knuckled dirty politics and an unabashed abuse of a procedural move in an attempt to keep power for the liberal Musk Rat caucus one more day. Every representative who agreed with this maneuver needs to look deeply into their soul and decide if bringing Alaska out of a deep recession is the plan, or simply keep their liberal agenda going.

    Tuck is my representative. I donated to the Republican candidate in the 2018 election, and will continue to oppose Tuck at every election and his campaign. He does not have his district’s voters best interest at heart; he always has been and always will be a union lackey.

    As for Rep. Tarr, that lady is simply mean-spirited.

    • Wow! I’m so very tired of the obstructionist politics at EVERY LEVEL! I have lived in this state for 55 years and I am now willing to vote to move the capital to a place where constituents have access to the working of the legislature. Perhaps that will get their butts in gear. Congratulations to Ms. Jackson and thank you, representatives, Josh Revak and David Eastman for getting the job done!!

  2. It seems that the Democrats at all levels of government are nothing but obstructionist, and the bane of the Republicans in everything they do. Shameful action by those the people elected to do our business in an honorable and responsible manner. I am sorely disappointed after only the second day of the session.

  3. I’m sorry Ms Jackson, this isn’t for real. Legislators are required to be sworn in by the Lt. Governor.

    • The Lt. Gov was not allowed, by an interpretation of the Uniform Rules, to swear in Sharon Jackson. But the House does not confirm Gubernatorial appointees to vacant seats, the Party Caucus does. The formality was taken care of outside the Body, and now just needs the Lt. Gov to recognize the fact. To allow the Legislature to postpone the appointment is outside the intent of the Statute. Vacancies can be filled whether the Legislature is in Session or not.

  4. Every media outlet conceivable should be broadcasting/publishing this travesty – Sharon will bring a lot of energy and compassion to the House. Tucked & Tarred need to go away and grow up.

  5. “We were elected to get the job done. Us legislators only have 90 days to work with, and we do not have the time to waste on partisanship and political maneuvering,” Revak said in a statement. BEST STATEMENT THAT I HAVE READ ALL WEEK. MAYBE ALL YEAR! Get things done people, do your jobs!

  6. Can we get moving along now, please? Tick tock, tick tock. Or should I say tick Tuck, tick Tuck? We can’t afford to be sniffing out per diem payments and special sessions into June. Let’s get this party started. The picture of the capitol building in lieu of Sharon’s smiling face for district 13 on the State’s web site is gross. Insert some scooby-doo music here and drift back….what if…there had been “real” Republicans…not those turncoats…and recent ones that came on board ready to caucus… what if…. Oops, I better snap out of it! What is Tuck and Co. afraid of? Looks like a mighty fine veterans caucus in the House! From what I can tell, Eastman; Revak; Shaw; Thompson; Jackson. Might be others I’m not aware of. Niiiice. All R’s. Just an observation.

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