Send a red pen to lawmakers



While unions and their fellow travelers noisily are demonstrating against Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s budget proposal that aims to close Alaska’s $1.6 billion budget without resorting to taxes or slashing Permanent Fund dividends, there is something you can do to be heard.

Send your state representative or senator, and the governor, a red pen to remind them you support Dunleavy using his veto pen like a chainsaw on any budget that arrives at his desk with the same ol’ budget bloat that got the state into trouble in the first place. You can get instructions and a sample letter here.

The unions and others who benefit from government spending are working hard to keep their gravy train on the tracks. They would rather you be taxed and your dividend slashed to the bone before giving up a penny in spending.

They would have all of us believe Alaskans want the spending to continue, but 145,631 Alaskans voted for Dunleavy and his agenda in the last election.

Read the rest of this editorial at Anchorage Daily Planet: