Senate rejects funding to open government, build border wall



The U.S. Senate voted down President Donald Trump’s $5.7 billion border wall today. The compromise would have given additional leniency to DACA — young, illegal immigrants also known as “dreamers.” Importantly, it would have reopened the portions of the government that are currently in shutdown mode.

HR 268 was expected to fail, as it needed 60 votes to pass and went down 50-47, but with yes votes from Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan. (The vote was incorrectly announced on the Senate floor as 51-47).

One Democrat voted for the funding: Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Two Republicans voted no: Tom Cotton of Arkansas, and Mike Lee of Utah.

The Senate also voted down a Democrat-backed bill to keep the government open through Feb. 8. That bill excluded money for the border wall. That measure failed 52-44. Sullivan voted no and Murkowski voted yes.

Today is the 34th day of the partial government shutdown. The Democrats are blocking the president on his promise to secure the southern border with Mexico, and are blocking legislation that includes funding for his proposed wall. They also want permanent status for the “dreamer” immigrants, and a pathway to citizenship.

This bill would have provided $12.1 billion in FY2019 supplemental appropriations to several federal departments and agencies for expenses related to the consequences of recent wildfires, hurricanes, volcanos, earthquakes, typhoons, and other natural disasters. It was designated as emergency spending, which is exempt from discretionary spending limits and other budget enforcement rules.


  1. So Lisa sided with the Democrats……. again. I’m Shocked!!! Why doesn’t she just change her party affiliation already. Oh Wait! I think she might have done that a few times back in 2010.

    • I think she has. Her picture this morning on the front page of the Fairbanks Daily News-Minus she is flanked on each side by Sen. Ben Cardin, D on the left side and Sen. Chris Van Hollen D on the right side and she is at the podium holding a news conference on the demoncrat shutdown failure.

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