Senate leaders organize: Pete Kelly is President

Sens. Peter Micciche, Pete Kelly, and Anna MacKinnon

News from sources familiar with leadership meetings underway with the Alaska Senate tell us that Pete Kelly is the new Senate President.

Chairmanships are as follows:

  • Majority Leader – Peter Micciche
  • Rules – Kevin Meyer
  • Finance – Anna MacKinnon (capital) and Lyman Hoffman (operating)
  • Natural Resources – Cathy Giessel
  • Judiciary – John Coghill
  • Health and Social Services – David Wilson
  • State Affairs – Mike Dunleavy
  • Community and Regional Affairs – Click Bishop
  • Legislative Budget and Audit – Gary Stevens
  • Labor and Commerce – Mia Costello
  • Transportation – Bert Stedman,
  • Education – Shelley Hughes
  • Finance Committee: MacKinnon, Hoffman, Bishop, Micciche, Dunleavy, Von Imhoff