Sen. Sullivan says he is a ‘Yes on Ballot Measure 2’


U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan sent Must Read Alaska his views on ranked-choice voting and why is is voting Yes on Ballot Measure 2:

“The stakes in this upcoming election couldn’t be higher and Alaskans have a real opportunity to elect strong Republican leaders up and down the ballot who will fight for hard-working families, defend our state’s critical interests, and stand up to the Biden-Harris administration’s far-left policies harming our communities and our way of life. With so much on the line, now is the time to do everything we can to ensure strong voter turnout on Election Day,” he said.

“I urge every Alaskan to make their voice heard by voting, bringing a friend, family member, or neighbor to the polls, and helping spread the word about the important issues we’re facing, Sullivan said.

“Alaskans will also face a critical question on Ballot Measure 2 –– to decide whether ranked choice voting should remain in Alaska. As I’ve stated before, I am voting Yes on Ballot Measure 2 to repeal ranked choice voting and encourage Alaskans to join me. Like many others who did not support ranked choice voting in 2020, I still believe this new election system has created unnecessary confusion among voters,” he said. “By returning to our previous election system, I believe we can restore confidence in our elections and reaffirm one of the bedrocks of our democracy: one person, one vote.”

Ballot Measure 2 undoes the scheme caused in 2020, when Outside dark money convinced Alaskans to adopt a controversial voting method called ranked-choice voting. This year, Ballot Measure 2 asks voters if they want to return to normal elections. Over $13 million in dark money has been spent by the Democrats and their operatives who are trying to prevent normal elections.


  1. We’re with you all the way, Senator Sullivan. Vote YES on 2 and repeal the abomination known as ranked-choice voting. ??

  2. This should be illegal as now we get more than one vote.
    I thought it was one person one vote and if you look at it your vote is taken over and assigned to someone else by the system so the system owns your vote and you’re not needed.
    Weather your a democrat or Republican you do not control your vote and you get multiple votes.
    This should be put back where you vote for one candidate and you control your choice.

    • It apparently is too confusing as you are demonstrating that you don’t really understand how it works. You still only have one vote and only you control that vote. The number of circles you fill does not equate to the number of votes you cast. Only candidates who you rank have any chance of receiving your vote. If you don’t support a candidate, don’t rank them. This results in a more accurate representation of who the people actually want, not really favoring any one party over another. Hopefully this measure will pass so hard-working folks such as yourself can have a system adjusted to accommodate their capacity for thought.

  3. Dan Sullivan serving himself and his cronies first at the expense of Alaskan citizens. As AG he settled the PERS/TRS deficits for his buddies at Mercer.

  4. Oh my, let’s wait until the day before the election. Maybe we need to start interview senatorial candidates, more like a 3 hour Joe Rogan interview. I think Dan, Lisa, Mary, and most couldn’t do it.

  5. I just overheard two voters discussing Prop 2. One said the language was so confusing she “just voted no.” The other said, “Me too—I don’t like waiting so long for the results.”

  6. A Senator who loves this state & his nation. Thank you Dan. You should be the senior Senator as you truely represent Alaskans. Lisa only represents her pocketbook.

  7. Voter interference by the democratic party, Lisa and dark money from outside the state Rank voting was suppose to stole that. We know who the president is but not who you voted on 65 miles away talk about a rigged system.

  8. It’s funny how the “No on 2” crowd warn about the return of ‘dark outside’ money, when they spent $12 million of dark outside money to oppose Prop 2.

  9. If the current results hold, and Prop 2 passes, look for Lisa Murkowski to officially switch to the democrat party before 2028.

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