Sen. Sullivan, EPA’s Andrew Wheeler in Fairbanks to listen


Sen. Dan Sullivan and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler will be in Fairbanks on Monday for a community listening session and public meeting that begins at 10 am. The topic is the air quality in Fairbanks and the EPA standards that govern the allowed particulates.

Sullivan and Wheeler will hear testimony from stakeholders at the beginning of the meeting, with public testimony to be hear starting at about 11 am. Afterward, they will have a short meeting with members of the media.

The meetings and sessions will take place at the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly meeting room at 907 Terminal St.

The State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation is developing an implementation plan to help Fairbanks meet EPA standards.

Later in the week, Wheeler is expected to be in Utqiagvik the town formerly known as Barrow.

Sullivan this weekend said he met with Ahtna board members, tribal representatives, and community members in Cantwell on his road trip through the Interior. He hear concerns about about encroachment by federal agencies, particularly the Park Service.

“I look forward to working with them to continue protecting Alaskans’ access to lands and our rights under ANILCA,” Sullivan said.


  1. People need to read the Constitution of the United States for EVEN ONE LAW that allows ANY Federal Agency or Any Federal Government involvement in ANY State for ANY reason besides what it says in Article 1, Section 8 concerning Places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the State for Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dock-Yards and other needful buildings. NOT ONE AGENCY has ever been created under the Constitution of the United States for ANY purpose whatsoever. ANYTHING done in America contrary to this Constitution is TREASON. Corporations and Business purchasing ANYTHING from a Communist Nation is Aiding and Abetting our enemies. That is also TREASON. I am a “citizen of Alaska.” Seymour Marvin Mills Jr. sui juris

  2. We have rights under ANILCA? What?
    No rights of way, no motorized vehicle use . . . rights? What rights does the state have under ANILCA, Dan?
    How about telling the EPA that FBKS and Glenallen and anywhere else in AK that is in a bowl will have a degree of air pollution in the winter, but that wood is necessary, not everyone can afford fuel oil or has access to NG or Propane.

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