Sen. Sullivan doubles down: 16 Democrat senators want to impoverish Alaskans


Sen. Dan Sullivan took environmental hypocrites to task today during a hearing in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Wednesday.

He rebuked 16 Democrat senators for signing several letters to the heads of the nation’s 15 largest banks, calling on the institutions to refrain from investing on Alaska’s North Slope, particularly within the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

“Unprecedented. I’ve been here five years. Over one-third of Democrats in the Senate sent a letter to some of the top bankers in America to further impoverish my constituents. Unprecedented,” he said. He went on to say he doesn’t tell other senators how to run their states, but this action by mainly Democrats is something he’s seen time and again.

“I’m beyond steamed on this one. I’m disappointed. It’s sad,” he said.

“Nothing fires me up quite like Senate Democrats, who represent states that have already degraded their environments with irresponsible development, telling Alaskans how to manage our pristine environment and seeking to further impoverish some of our poorest citizens,” Sullivan said.


  1. Good on Sen. Dan Sullivan for just saying it like it is. Surely a few Democrat voters in Alaska will begin to realize that even if they have been taught to hate the “evil” Republicans, they will cease to want to be associated with the party of vindictiveness and they’ll vote Republican out of spite, if not for the selfish reason of desiring that their own State should flourish in the face of “foreign” Democrats advising us how to live.

    • I have a saying for people that try to do that. Stay in your lane and I’ll stay on mine… Other states have zero say as to what we do. It’s ours, we live here. Thank you Senator Sullivan for telling them exactly that!

  2. Good for you Dan. I look forward to casting my ballot for you once again.

    Never forget that the act to allow the Trans Alaska Pipeline back in 1973 was passed by one vote, cast by Vice President Agnew to break a tie.
    Who we elect to represent us in DC is very important.

    East Coast Elites are not your friends. This mumbo jumbo letter to top Bankers is straight out of an Ayn Rand novel.

    • *crickets*

      She’s checking to see which way the wind blows before she makes a statement. What … “leadership”

      GO GET ‘EM DAN!!!!

  3. Senator Sullivan: Don’t wait for “sad” just get “mad” and know you have the State of Alaska behind you!! Send us a copy of your letter to sign on with you!!

  4. Good on Sen Sullivan. It is long past time for republicans at every level to quit being obsequiously polite and be firm, but courteous, in making clear the radical designs of the Progressive Dems. They need to be called out and not allowed tacit consent.

  5. “Nothing fires me up quite like Senate Democrats, who represent states that have already degraded their environments with irresponsible development, telling Alaskans how to manage our pristine environment and seeking to further impoverish some of our poorest citizens,”

    Perhaps Senator, they know something you don’t know. Perhaps they are aware that resource “development” leaves behind impoverishment and a destroyed landscape. Look at West Virginia. High poverty level, high levels of pollution, not a lot left over because the wealth goes into the pockets of the owners, not to the state or the people who lived and worked there.

    Montana was that way. Raped by the copper barons and left for dead. They’re still dealing with it. Idaho, northern Wyoming, northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, too. For some reason, once the boom is over and the resources are taken away by, say, a Canadian mining firm like Pebble, there’s nothing left for those who live there. Just big holes in the ground and polluted water. Is that your idea of how to manage our pristine environment, Mr. Senator?

    • Like Generals, they are fighting the last war. Things have changed dramatically in the way resources are developed today, as opposed to 50 or 100 or 200 years ago. These Democrats are pandering to the radical eco-fascists that want us to go back to the Stone Age, and we need to stand up to them. We certainly don’t need them sticking their bought and paid for noses in our business.

  6. Day after day for the past 3 years, this is what democratic party reps have done and continue to do, showing their true colors, true hate , total hippocracy; right in the light of day or darkness of night.
    I can see the fast decay of a once moderate party turn hard left and drive right off a cliff to bottom feeding socalists who want everything for free. Pathetic ! Vote Republican.

  7. Suzanne, this letter from Senator Dan needs to be published in the Arctic Sounder… Can you facilitate?

  8. Amazing that the only argument made is for projects that took place a hundred years ago, before the EPA and other regulatory bodies existed, resurrecting “robber barons”, and original WV coal mines. I could just hear John Prine lamently singing, “and Mr. Peabody’s coal trains hauled them away.” Really? Really? That’s your irrelevant argument? That’s all you have? Like I said, irrelevant.

  9. It’s also possible to look at mines like the Kennicott Copper Mine which was started 100 years ago. There were ZERO environmental regulations in place then and it did not destroy the Copper River Salmon. We didn’t mess up every place but the few exceptions are made into a big deal. With all the safeguards in place now, we can have even more confidence.

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