Sen. Sullivan addresses Alaskans in long note about election, riots, future


The following letter was received by many Alaskans who wrote or contacted the office of U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan:

I.  Introduction

I want to thank the thousands of Alaskans who called or wrote in about the presidential election, and on the joint session of Congress to count the Electoral College vote. Regardless of where you stand on the presidential race, your engagement is appreciated. In fact, it is crucial for our democratic system of government. 

I also want to thank the many Alaskans who reached out to make sure my team and I were safe on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, as violence was underway at the U.S. Capitol while we were attempting to undertake our constitutional duty by counting the Electoral College vote. And, I thank the courageous work of our law enforcement officers today, including the Capitol police, some of whom were seriously injured and, tragically, one of whom died. 

The violence that engulfed our Capitol was a disgrace and will go down as one of the sadder and more dispiriting days in our country’s history. But those who chose violence in order to disrupt our constitutional duties did not have the last word. Early on Thursday morning, January 7, Congress fulfilled its role to count the votes of the Electoral College, ensuring that an orderly transition of power—one of the most sacred hallmarks of our great constitutional republic—takes place on January 20, showing the country, and the world, the resiliency of America’s democracy.

Like I have done with all critically important decisions—including votes to acquit President Trump on impeachment charges just 11 months ago—I’ve focused intently on fulfilling my constitutional responsibilities throughout the Electoral College process. I have refrained from talking to the media before I could fully absorb all of the material—particularly the relevant constitutional provisions, historical record, precedents, and input from Alaskans and fellow senators. Similar to the impeachment trial, I have been focused on the impact that our actions in the U.S. Senate would have, not just today, but the precedents that will be set regarding constitutional norms, our institutions, and states’ rights—giving serious consideration to the deep responsibility we have in the Congress to future times.  

Many Alaskans encouraged me to join some of my fellow senators in objecting to certain states’ Electoral College votes, but as I explain more fully below, I believe that by objecting to the votes of the Electoral College, Congress would be dramatically expanding its limited constitutional role in presidential elections by usurping the explicit constitutional power of the states and the people to elect the President. This would set unwise and troubling precedents, especially for Alaska.  

Like many Alaskans, I am deeply concerned that the incoming Biden administration will work to undermine much of the historic progress we have made during the Trump administration that has positively impacted working families, our economy, our military and veterans, access to our lands, Alaska Native communities, and the federal judiciary. But, ultimately, my oath is to the Constitution and the laws of our nation. This includes the Electoral College process and the orderly transfer of power. 

II. The Imperative to Restore Confidence in Our Elections 

It is increasingly clear that tens of millions of Americans, including thousands of Alaskans, question the legitimacy of the outcome of this election and the integrity of the American electoral process. This should trouble all Americans, whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent. These concerns should not be dismissed. The lack of confidence in the integrity of our elections began well before the 2020 elections, as we witnessed many prominent national elected officials questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election results over the past four years. It is vitally important that Americans have confidence in election integrity. To that end, I, along with a number of my colleagues, introduced on January 6, 2021, one of the first bills of the 117th Congress that calls for the establishment of a 9/11-type commission that will bring transparency to many of the issues and irregularities of the 2020 election with the goal of advancing state-led reforms that will protect and enhance the integrity of our electoral systems. 

III. Objections to the Electoral College Votes Will Not Change the Outcome of the Election

Elections are often contested, and commonly involve all manner of recounts and legal challenges—2020 was no exception. The pandemic, and the unprecedented number of mail-in and absentee ballots cast, made those challenges all the more pronounced. I supported the Trump campaign’s right to request recounts and pursue legal challenges through our courts. In our constitutional system of government, this is how electoral disputes and allegations of fraud are resolved.  

Numerous legal challenges have been heard across the six battleground states, including many before Republican-appointed judges. There were also appeals and reviews by the U.S. Supreme Court and investigations by the Department of Justice, under the leadership of Attorney General Barr. While some instances of election fraud and irregularities have undoubtedly occurred, no Supreme Court justice, state or federal judge, state legislature, or governor found sufficient evidence to overturn their state’s election results. Of the six states to which questions have been raised, five have state legislatures controlled by Republicans and two have Republican governors. Pursuant to their constitutional obligations, each of these states has certified Electoral College slates to be counted by the Congress. No state submitted multiple slates of electoral votes.  

Nevertheless, many are still convinced that widespread fraud took place. They encouraged me to join efforts by some of my Republican Senate colleagues to object to the counting of certain electoral votes. But it needs to be said that such objections would not have resulted in a second term for President Trump. The vote by a Joint Session of Congress on January 6 was never going to produce this result, even though many were misled into believing that this could happen. Even my Senate colleagues who were supporting these efforts acknowledge that, under federal law, it would have required Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats to reject Electoral College votes supporting Joe Biden and to vote to support President Trump instead. This was not going to happen. For that reason, Republican senators seeking to object to the Electoral College vote emphasized that they were taking such actions as a way to “raise the issue of election integrity.” 

As noted above, I am very focused on this issue and am leading legislative efforts in this regard. But an important reason I did not join these efforts by several Republican senators to object to the state-certified electoral votes was that I believed they lacked constitutional legitimacy and could have had profound and negative consequences for Alaska.  

IV. States Through the Electoral College Have the Primary Constitutional Power in Electing the President

Article II of the U.S. Constitution and the 12th Amendment govern how our country elects the President. This is one of the most important pillars of our constitutional order undergirding the peaceful transition of power, which is a cornerstone of our republic. Article II creates the Electoral College and provides that “[e]ach state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled to in Congress…The person having the greatest Number of [Electoral College] votes for President, shall be the President.” Acting through the Electoral College, the Founders entrusted the states and the people with the power to elect the President, explicitly giving each state the sole authority to hold their own elections and select electors for the Electoral College. Pursuant to Article II, every state has enacted laws governing how this process is conducted, and has robust mechanisms for challenging and reviewing election results through canvasses, recounts, and the courts. 

While Article II and the 12th Amendment commit the power and responsibility for electing the President to the states and the people, these constitutional provisions also make clear that the role of Congress is limited—primarily to count the Electoral College votes in a joint session of Congress. Congress has a larger role only in extraordinary circumstances, such as an electoral vote tie or if a state submits competing slates of Electoral College votes. More specifically, by objecting to state-certified Electoral College votes, members of Congress were not only asserting that Congress has the authority to overturn elections, they were  usurping the explicit constitutional power of the states to choose the President. 

Such a precedent would be unwise and troubling, especially for states like Alaska. It could create a system that would allow the President to ultimately be chosen by whichever political party controls the Congress, overriding the power of the states. It could also eviscerate the role of the Electoral College, which gives Americans in less populous states, like Alaska, a much greater voice in presidential elections. This has been a long-sought goal of progressives from large population states. But the Electoral College is not some antiquated vestige of the past. It is a wise institution created by our Founders that was intended to enhance federalism and individual liberty. Protecting our constitutional order and the explicit constitutional right of states to elect the President requires the Senate to respect the limits placed on our own power. 

From a more Alaska-oriented and partisan perspective, our state has voted for Republican presidential candidates every four years since 1964. Yet, in the past 32 years, successful Republican presidential candidates have won the popular vote only once, relying on the Electoral College for their victories, which Alaska supported, during this time span. This includes President Trump’s 2016 victory. 

The actions by some Senate Republicans to challenge electors in several states endangers this constitutional system, which has benefitted Alaska and enhanced federalism and our individual freedoms for decades.  

V. Conclusion

I was saddened and angered by the violence that engulfed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and I wish fervently that President Trump had accepted the results of the election, and more forcefully and earlier repudiated the violence on that sad day. 

This past November, a significant majority of Alaskans, myself included, supported President Trump’s reelection. These Alaskans should not be confused with or lumped together with those who perpetrated violence in the historic halls of the U.S. Capitol. Working with Alaskans, the Trump administration helped our state make historic progress on a variety of issues that positively impact working families, our economy, our military and veterans, access to our lands, Alaska Native communities, and the federal judiciary. Although I stand ready to work in a bipartisan manner with President-elect Biden, I am deeply concerned that the incoming administration will work to undermine much of the progress we have achieved in the past few years. 

But, ultimately, my oath is to the Constitution and the laws of our nation. This includes the Electoral College process, and the orderly transfer of power—one of the most sacred elements of our great constitutional republic—which will take place on January 20. For these reasons, I voted on January 6 and 7 against objections to the 2020 state-certified Electoral College vote, which helped to underscore for Alaskans, our fellow Americans, and the rest of the world that American democracy remains resilient and strong. I recognize that thousands of Alaskans did not agree with this decision, but I believe strongly that this was the constitutionally correct action to take as your Senator. 

About a year ago, right before the impeachment trial began, I was at an event in Wasilla where many Alaska veterans were in attendance. One proud veteran approached me with a simple but fervent request: “Senator Sullivan, protect our Constitution.” I believe I did as a result of my votes on impeachment and, although I am sure that some will disagree, I believe that I also did so regarding my Electoral College votes. 

On January 6, 2021, the world witnessed our Capitol under siege. On January 20, our country will swear in the 46th President of the United States. The world will witness the cornerstone of our democracy, a peaceful transfer of power—like there has been in our country for more than 200 years. Our Constitution will remain strong. 

Thank you again for contacting me on this issue. I hope you and your family find yourselves healthy and well during these challenging times. I am confident that Alaska and America will emerge stronger and more resilient as we all work together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or my staff. My office can be reached at 202-224-3004, or online at

Dan Sullivan
United States Senator 


  1. bs you went democrat out of fear for you family well trump is walking his road virtually alone he just might be threading the needle and history shall read all of the senate and tyrannical conspirators that upheld intolerable injustice ok here is what i believe happened
    epstein was a spy tasked with getting dirt on as many politicians as possible and he did such an outstanding job that the whole bunch had to follow the lead of there guilty constituents evolving into the current state of debacle
    nesara gesara martial law

    • Thanks for Nothing, Senator.

      Correct the state legislators that decide on electors. Five States wanted a second look at election results.
      We only wanted those states to have that opportunity. A 10-day look by those states at their elections would have given us a feeling of transparency.

      Obviously there was something to hide and you are now complicit.

      As to the facts of the storming of the Capitol, that started 45 minutes before the president ended his speech. ANTIFA was bused in to start that.

      The Capitol police officer who unfortunately died that day did so while at his office. Had he been injured protecting the Hall of Congress, he would have been transported by EMS.

      Sort of like claiming a covid death when your crushed by a tree.

      Wow Senator, you have spread much misinformation

  2. You, Sullivan, are full of ____. And, your time to do anything has changed dramatically. In other words…your job is stumped. Not the voters fault, not the rioters fault, your doing because you simply can’t get on with a job that takes courage. You don’t have it….. When you are in the unemployment line, like so many of the constituents that put you there, your actions on January 6th note your ability to work as a Senator for Alaska. So, you are done….that’s a fact. Excuses, excuses, excuses. You’re done…

  3. Senator Sullivan
    In states where the courts and Governor implemented rules that not constitutionally sound, Pa, Mi ex. Is it not within your right and duty to question those outcomes. If proven that the state election was not constitutional, why then would you not oppose the states electoral votes?

  4. I have lost all faith in the republican politicians, only good thing there good at is talking. They never act, they allowed the democrats a free reign for to long. They are allowing the destruction of our republic and freedoms. I say goodbye!

  5. Dan,
    That was a very long winded “nothingness” reply.
    You were / are a military officer and you very well know the power that leadership has on the masses.
    Donald Trump is unfit for the top office & just attempted to stage an insurrection on American soil.
    Lisa Murkowski has stood up and spoken truth to all Americans in calling for Trump’s resignation, but you still cannot back up your senatorial colleague?
    The GOP has just exploded and I am glad I left the party last year when things started to get ugly.
    Unfortunately you will ride the buggy to the very end over the proverbial “political cliff”.
    I suspect in the next election in AK there will be less Republicans than ever on the ballot.

  6. This letter went a long way to restoring my confidence in Senator Sullivan and may be now he will have time to find ways to prevent the new Administration from destroying everything good President Trump has done for and given to this great Nation this past 4 years. As you ended your letter “these are challenging times” and will be even more challenging as we move forward and the fight to keep our Republic as the new administrations attack plans unfold.

  7. What a long winded excuse for betraying President Trump. Don’t forget, Sullivan. Your backstabbing action against our president will follow you the rest of your ‘political’ career.

  8. What a long winded excuse for betraying President Trump and Alaska. Don’t forget, Sullivan. Your backstabbing action against our president will follow you the rest of your ‘political’ career.

  9. He’s an MIC owned RHINO, and will tow the “Party” line, he will not fight the communist take over of Western Culture. Be done with RHINOS, the real right aka working class can build a better party and drain our own swamps from the local level up.
    The Republican Party worries more about disavowing bad behavior by angry White kids than they do about CCP infiltration. Apparently the CCP pays better.

  10. Yep, he did not have the ability to give us the relief we wanted in the election. I have seen numerous posts that he is a trader and a bad guy. But there was no stopping Biden from taking office. Sullivan is not to blame.

  11. Senator Sullivan, thanks for the excellent letter. We don’t need another 9/11 type commission. President Jimmy Carter and James Baker issued a nonpartisan report on election integrity in 2005. The Congress did nothing. Go read the “Carter-Baker Election Commission Report”.
    Implement the recommendations and get on with increasing election integrity. Thank you for all you do, Senator Sullivan.

  12. Your comment about Biden bothers me. Why didn’t you stand with Trump? Are you really working for the people of Alaska? The economy has been destroyed by liberals running the state legislature. Even the Governor with shutting down the economy has made many people move to other states. You have shut down jobs yourself with support of closing down the pebble mine. Alaska could be a rich resource state but get ready with your support for Biden our country will down the tubes. We definitely will become a communist nation under Biden. Your silence on whether you supported Trump was the answer all Alaskans heard you were for Biden. What happened at the capitol was a setup by the Democrats and now the actors who participated in the madness will get paid while we Trump supporters will take the blame. Many people stood back and didn’t rush the steps. Antifa rushed the capitol doors but none of you representatives or senators will ever look into it. This was a false flag event. Maybe you need to listen to the videos of those who were there in Washington DC who weren’t violent and were there in peace. Alaskans are hurting from liberal agendas and policies. And your to blame for this. You have never stood with the president only when it benefited your legislation.
    Maybe listen to your constituents and see we are the people of liberty

    and freedom not control.

    • Joe- I agree with what you say. However, Pebble is dead and would have still been dead since Trump also disagreed with its development. Its not a resource that can be developed without possibly ruining a multi -billion dollar fishery. Trump, Biden, EPA, USACE all agree it wont get developed.

    • Agree 100% Am now questioning why I voted for this man and pushed friends and relatives to do the same. So many cowardly Republicans. You know why everything is moving to the left? Because they make it known how they stand and fight (legally or illegally) to get their way all the while Republicans say “let’s just play nice, let’s not rock the boat, let’s just watch our country go to crap and hope eventually it will all work out. Ridiculous! So many Republican Senators and Representatives forgot what it meant to stand up for our rights and instead look out for their own personal interests and pocketbook. We are no longer a country by and for the people and are on our way to a socialist/communist country. Furthermore when big tech and mainstrean news can censor anything but their own agenda, the we are already doomed

  13. I received this BS letter from him and it only makes it that much worse in my view. His excuse is the constitution? I’m so done with all these worthless people on both sides! I’m done…..

  14. Disappointed in the Senator
    He ignores a fundamental right to dispute legitimacy of votes cast-he is willing to go along with thieves who cheated successfully and proves he is NOT a true leader. I’m very

    saddened by his lack of character

  15. Excluding the riot references, this stuff should have been said WEEKS ago.

    Nice of Dan to take a position after the dust settles. Student of the Dunleavy School of Conflict Avoidance?

  16. By your failure to protect the integrity of our election process you have done a grave disservice to the Nation, Senator. Where was your voice when rioters were trying to burn down police precincts & Federal Courthouses? Where was your outrage when Federal statues were defaced, torn down & vandalized? Where were you when State courts were dismissing election lawsuits on procedural technicalities so Judges wouldn’t have to look at the evidence of voter fraud? Where was your passion for the Constitution when the US Supreme Court denied Texas the right to a hearing on election irregularities & fraud? Sadly, you were missing in action.

  17. Senator Sullivan, I agree the violence should be condemned but where was the outcry when American cities were burning in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha and others? The next politician that calls us a democracy rather than a Republic, I think I will be sick. If you truly stand with the people and the Constitution, you would have objected and extended the deadline for certification to allow the State Legislatures to complete their review of the mountains of evidence of fraud including the stoppage of counting on election night that produced a spike in Dominion Voting Machines data not only giving Biden hundreds of thousands of free votes but also flipped or wiped votes from Trump. This data does exist and has been verified by forensic electronics analysts. The machines were only a small part of their corrupt voting apparatus with dead people voting, people who no longer reside in the State, underage people voting, felons voting and illegal aliens voting. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig! This election was rigged from the beginning and you are complicit in ignoring it. You have just joined the multitude of other corrupt politicians in stabbing this Republic in the back and turning it into a third world country where despots rule. You not only disenfranchised every Alaskan but every American Citizen and broke your military oath to defend the Constitution. Don’t sit there and lie to us about defending it when you are allowing a Presidency to be stolen! BS!

  18. Another condescending hand-job by Dan-O proving that he is yet another RINO who missed both the point and the opportunity, and voted to handover the election without a debate along with the other 93 senators. We didn’t ask that he facilitate nullifying the election, but to foster the much needed debate, and aid in the presentation of evidence to investigate what 50% of American’s suspect to be the truth; that the election was a fraud. He is adept at pandering and speaking without saying anything at all, as are most in Congress and I’ve had my fill. What happened on Wednesday was a tragedy; it should not have taken a fringe group of hijackers to get the attention of Congress, rather the hundreds of thousands of American Patriots standing outside Houses of Congress should have been loud enough and clear, in light of the deep divide that exists in our nation. But behind those hallowed walls, armed guards, controlled access and locked doors allow our representatives the freedom to act out their own selfish will and ignore the will of the people. In my book, RINO Dan and Lisa RINOwski have placed their own heads on the chopping block. Time to rebuild this party from the top down.

  19. So are you trying to say that you aren’t really a part of the swamp and that you only appear to be from almost every angle, Danny?

  20. I desperately hope this statement from Sullivan will convince people this election was not stolen and there was no amount of fraud close to being enough to have affected the results. The delusion around this issue is pushing people over the edge.

  21. You’re Fired.You will never get reelected, everything you said was —-. You could have stood up for the president and the people of Alaska who elected you and elected Donald J Trump as president and you had your chance. you’re fired go look for another job we should impeach you that’s what we should do. If that was possible you will never get another dime from me I help fund and donated and shared your name and convince people to vote for you that will never happen again and you will never get my vote. And yes I am angry because you stay in the shadows and you do nothing but come out later on and give excuses why you didn’t stand up for us your people here in Alaska who voted for you and the president. You know as well as I do there was voter fraud. I’m done.

  22. 1. Refusing to verify that all ballots were legitimate indicates there is something to hide.
    2. Condemning actions at the capital before proving who the instigators were is the same as condemning everyone there, physically and in spirit.
    3. The media is complicit.
    4. Congress is complicit.

  23. I agree with the conclusion that an effort by Congress to seek to change electoral votes is inconsistent with the Constitution. That said, my thoughts turn to the necessity of making sure that there is some uniformity and integrity in the process used by states to select electors. The premise of the litigation brought by the State of Texas regarding the election process in Pennsylvania is that voters in Texas and elsewhere are harmed when an election process in another state is fundamentally flawed and corrupt. This principle must be defended. While it may be difficult, with 50 Republicans in the Senate and 213 Republicans in the House, sufficient leverage should exist to force passage of nationwide legislation to clean up the voting process. Absent such an effort, our democracy will wither away rather quickly. I urge Senator Sullivan to start playing hardball on this issue. Nothing is more important.

    • If ALL the Republicans in Congress were to stand together and push for this much needed reform it would happen, even being in the minority. Both Houses of Congress are basically 50/50 at this point, our Republic is and was set up to allow the minority party to have a voice the minority party, in this case Republicans, need to use their minority voice to address this issue.

    • Typical whine from a bunch of sore losers and after the fact. Those Texas goofballs couldn’t find anyone from their suspect states to file their lawsuit? They had no case and were incompetent, to boot. Tough noogies JMARK.
      Get Rudy to help out with your “hardball on this issue.” Heheh!

  24. Senator Dan, Guess what? Turns out people get very upset when they see an election tampered with. There is wide spread and irrefutable evidence of election fraud and dare I say the the “T” word? Tell you what Dan, I supported you in your last contest, sent you $ and worked comment sections like this in support of you and through word of mouth persuaded many friends and business contacts to vote for you. I feel like a chump after reading your Legal Beagle missive posted on MRAC. The simple fact is Dan, you did not defend the constitution. As a Senator and a Marine you swore an oath to protect and defend this document. Your vote was an affirmation of a LIE. Sorry Dan, I expected this from Lisa but from you? Turns out you have cast your lot with the Corporate Fascist who control the media and the swamp. This has nothing to do with TRUMP. It has everything to do with voting integrity. Count me out for ever supporting you again since you have embraced an Illegitimate regime change. Look for many more “outbursts” from this and other former supporters.
    What did T. Jefferson say about the “Tree of Liberty”? Maybe you should tear yourself away from the tyranny at hand, ( and your groveling to the new totalitarian state) and brush up on the thoughts of our Founding FATHERS. You see Danny Boy there are still us dinosaurs out here that understand what you just did.

  25. Dear Senator Sullivan:
    First of all, I have lost all confidence in fair elections. End of story.
    It was not the oddities, red flags, and just plain “WTF” moments witnessed on Election day and immediately following. That is not what ruined my faith in the election system across the USA.
    No, Senator Sullivan, I lost my faith in fair elections due to the lack of action on the part of yourself, the rest of the AK Congressional Delegation, and elected officials across the United States. The silence coming from Congress about the numerous anomalies witnessed on Election day and the following days is what destroyed the American voters’ faith.
    When the news media insisted on ridiculing the President when he questioned the integrity of the election, you stood silent.
    When social media deleted, hid, or shadowbanned anyone who posted information questioning election integrity, you stood by silently.
    When various states refused to allow an independent entity to audit their voting systems, the results, or their processes, you did nothing.
    When the States allowed the person accused of abetting the election fraud to conduct the investigation, you did not speak up.
    I no longer have confidence in the US Election system because of people like you. Those who will not open their mouths and ask the difficult questions when they have to.
    No, Senator Sullivan, initiating a 9/11 style commission will not restore my faith in a fair election. It might have done something had it been initiated on November 4th instead of eight weeks later.
    Let’s take a trip to the land of make believe for a second, Senator Sullivan. Let’s pretend that there are perfectly reasonable explanations for all of the odd things that went down on Election day. Your silence, the complicit media, and tech giants downplaying it told anyone inclined to cheat in a future election to go ahead and do so. Your silence laid out a road map for those that want to cheat. And, it told them in no uncertain terms that you will turn a blind eye to their cheating.
    My only consolation is that you, Senator Murkowski, and Representative Don Young will never hold public office at any level ever again. We, the people of the great state of Alaska deserve better. We deserve representation that has the backbone to point to fraud, and demand answers.

  26. Well said, Trained Observer!
    Senator, I will not contribute another dime to any future campaign of yours. You failed to stand with our president (and we, the people) when he most needed it. You have allowed the usurpers to get away with a treasonous act against our country. Do you honestly believe any future election will be honest and legal? Enjoy your “rino” status. I am most seriously displeased with you.

    • I respect those with the courage to express their political opinions openly. Good for your powerful comment. .

  27. As always Senator Sullivan studies any issue to evaluate its correlation and effect on our Constitution. That is his job and he does it well without compromising the State of Alaska residents.
    He is hard working, thoughtful, and compassionate. This decision must have been difficult because I am sure his friend, Senator Cruz , called him more than once!
    Keep up the excellence, Senator, and thank you, Suzanne , for sharing.
    Just remember the goal must be legitimate and confidence building elections!

  28. Democracy was stolen from us Dan. It was the perfect crime. You tamper where you can, steal the rest. Cast doubt on the process. Next, tax everything, open borders, amnesty to the rest. You aren’t a true Republican or you are dumber than a box of rocks not to see it. I’m going with a poser. The guy they send in to patch things up. Calm the masses. Got you figured out Dan. Probably best for you to resign now before SHTF.

  29. The 17th amendment needs to be reviewed here. Any cursory review of the debate our Founding Fathers had when forming our Government makes it clear that the State, (legislative bodies therein) selected U.S. Senators. This because the Senate was to be the voice of the States as the House was the voice of the people. Much mischief came about in 1913 when the 17th was passed, for one thing it made Senators elected by popular vote and dare I say gave birth to Lisa MurCOWski, since it allowed for the Gov. of any State to appoint a vacancy in the Senate. But that is not my point. My point is that D.C. has become the Versailles that our Founders feared it would become. It has become fashionable to call it the Swamp, others might point out given the battalions of Corporate Lawyers who infest the place that it has fallen to Corporate Fascism. Ike warned about the Military Industrial Complex, sadly I think we are way beyond Ike’s description at present. Anyway, when someone like a Danny Boy or Daddies little Princess goes back to D.C. they are absorbed and co-opted by the dwellers of the swamp in short order. If you doubt this, look no further then the Gross campaign which netted tens of millions of “Outside” dollars. Senators in D.C. apparently are easily purchased and sadly as we have seen, remain true to their financial masters.
    Repeal the 17th!

    • I agree that a significant amount of work needs to be done in regard to campaign finance reform. Luckily those millions of outside dollars were completely wasted and did not influence our Congressional races besides becoming incredibly annoying and divisive. Outside dollars come from both sides and need to be curtailed everywhere. Margins of victory were in line with past elections.

  30. Once Communism takes hold, as it did with YOUR help, we can never vote it out. Even though I worked on your first campaign, I can now say I am embarrassed to share the same uniform as you do. This had NOTHING to do with Trump. It had EVERYTHING to do with maintaining a fair election. The evidence was overwhelming but you, and the rest of your GOP members failed to uphold your constitutional duties. The GOP is now what the Whig Party was 2 centuries ago. This will be your last successful election. Then again, does it even matter as America will have completely destroyed itself from within by then.

  31. Dan Sullivan I can’t believe I voted for you you were definitely part of the swamp and I will never vote for you again I hope that you get hit with treason because you have win against one of the best presidents that our country has ever had he has been trying to clean up the swamp and apparently you’re part of the swamp so I hope you drowned in the light of your betrayal

  32. Senator Sullivan,
    The Capitol Police do not work for the President or the Executive Branch. They work directly for Congress including you.
    Video evidence all over the internet shows the Capitol Police had minimal staffing outside, and they moved the small barricades out of the way for the crowd. Then the Capitol Police opened a set of doors to the Capitol and let the crowd into the Capitol.
    Who ordered the Capitol Police to let the crowd into the Capitol with zero security screening Senator Sullivan?
    You are being dishonest with Alaskans and America, and it is duly noted.

  33. This is my response to Senator Dan Sullivan. By all means, state you views at

    Mike Coons
    President, Matsu Chapter, AMAC Action

    Dan, I thought that 2020 was bad and will go down in history as one of the worse years in history, however, with what you and the majority in the Congress did will show that 2021 and beyond is the start of a dictatorship and takeover by the Socialist’s! That said.
    “Many Alaskans encouraged me to join some of my fellow senators in objecting to certain states’ Electoral College votes, but as I explain more fully below, I believe that by objecting to the votes of the Electoral College, Congress would be dramatically expanding its limited constitutional role in presidential elections by usurping the explicit constitutional power of the states and the people to elect the President. This would set unwise and troubling precedents, especially for Alaska. ” The reason for the objections and the appointing a commission for 10 days, which had historical precedents was because the elections in 6 States were illegal. Pure and simple. We were not asking for Congress to over-ride rightful votes for Biden, if he had won, fair and square. There are mountains of evidence, one of the Congressmen from Arizona submitted stacks of documents proving the fraud. But did you and the Senate look at it? No. Did the House? NO! As sad and in a lot of ways even sadder was that the courts refused to even look at the evidence and then said the President, the States, the voters had no right to bring forward the evidence, nor to call for the Judge to even review, much less rule on that evidence! That was from the Circuit to SCOTUS! Believe me Dan, I have NO faith in our Elections nor our Judicial system, NONE AT ALL!
    “But, ultimately, my oath is to the Constitution and the laws of our nation.” Yes, to both and the latter is to the RULE OF LAW! You can’t support the rule of law while allowing gross violations of that law that is in your face, much less the Judges faces! Look at Wisconsin’s Supreme Court ruling, the Chief Justice was hot against the blatant actions of the 4 Justices! Hell, look at Alaska! Lance Pruitt had, do nothing Judges, when he proved the fraud and the actions of the Division of Elections had screwed up the precinct so bad that people that were going to vote, when they went to the closed precinct, the went home and did not vote! Much less the ballot harvesting and lies from his opposition in court! Yet the lower court kinda sorta sided with him but didn’t have the guts to rule for a new election, so that the Supreme Court was given the out to do the same! Again Dan I have ZERO faith in our Judiciary and especially with our Supreme Court, both at the State and Federal levels!
    “I, along with a number of my colleagues, introduced on January 6, 2021, one of the first bills of the 117th Congress that calls for the establishment of a 9/11-type commission that will bring transparency to many of the issues and irregularities of the 2020 election with the goal of advancing state-led reforms that will protect and enhance the integrity of our electoral systems. ” TOO DAMN LATE!
    ” unprecedented number of mail-in and absentee ballots cast,” Many of those in States that never had done mail in and the legislatures did NOT AUTHORIZE but elected socialist Judges in PA allowed it anyway! GRRR Gee Dan, think I’m a little pissed off?
    “Numerous legal challenges have been heard across the six battleground states, including many before Republican-appointed judges. There were also appeals and reviews by the U.S. Supreme Court and investigations by the Department of Justice, under the leadership of Attorney General Barr. While some instances of election fraud and irregularities have undoubtedly occurred, no Supreme Court justice, state or federal judge, state legislature, or governor found sufficient evidence to overturn their state’s election results. Of the six states to which questions have been raised, five have state legislatures controlled by Republicans and two have Republican governors. Pursuant to their constitutional obligations, each of these states has certified Electoral College slates to be counted by the Congress. No state submitted multiple slates of electoral votes.” Dan that was because, even those Judges that were picked and nominated and confirmed by President Trump were and are GUTLESS! Again, Judges refused to read the evidence and in Nevada, he didn’t give a damn even after he said he read the evidence!
    “Nevertheless, many are still convinced that widespread fraud took place. They encouraged me to join efforts by some of my Republican Senate colleagues to object to the counting of certain electoral votes. But it needs to be said that such objections would not have resulted in a second term for President Trump. The vote by a Joint Session of Congress on January 6 was never going to produce this result, even though many were misled into believing that this could happen.” Again Dan, you got it wrong! Sure we knew that the Socialists were never going to vote to turn this around. However, we Alaskans and across the nation wanted you and those whom say they stand for the law to vote Yes, along with Cruz, Kennedy, Hawley and others. But you didn’t, which I can tell you with full certainty that my AMAC members are highly pissed off that you didn’t stand tall for the election process and the Constitution! I know, I asked Saturday!
    “For that reason, Republican senators seeking to object to the Electoral College vote emphasized that they were taking such actions as a way to “raise the issue of election integrity.” Well at least they had the guts!
    Your two paragraphs on Article II miss one thing that was not done. You and I took an oath to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That in my boat includes Criminal acts against that same Constitution by domestic enemies like those that violated about every law in the books on elections! Sure, you can hide in the strict letter of Article II and the 12th Amendment and for some that will appease them, I does no such thing for me!
    “I was saddened and angered by the violence that engulfed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and I wish fervently that President Trump had accepted the results of the election, and more forcefully and earlier repudiated the violence on that sad day.” This statement angers me more than you can know! I sat and watched Chucky, Durbin, Danang Blumenthal, and all of Socialist Senators attack the President and do everything including calling him a traitor and not one damn word from you or others, not one! Why in the world should he have accepted a totally fraudulent election? Why? Would you if someone pulled this same stunt in your Senate race? Hell, Gross did ballot harvesting, the media suppressed your comments and accomplishments! So, would you not have fought just as hard with so much evidence of fraud? Sure you would have! If you didn’t then you sure as hell wouldn’t be worthy! First of all at his speech before the march on the capitol (like so many others in the past!) he called for calm and peaceful demonstrations! He never once indicated it was OK to do otherwise! Then when he tried to use social media to call for calm, Twitter blocked both the tweet and the video! The MSM did the same! Then social media had the gall to block him? No Dan, there never was any intent by us to be violent! That was ANTIFA AND BLM and I don’t give a damn what the deputy director of the FBI said, because I have lost all faith in the FBI as well!
    “On January 6, 2021, the world witnessed our Capitol under siege. On January 20, our country will swear in the 46th President of the United States. The world will witness the cornerstone of our democracy, a peaceful transfer of power—like there has been in our country for more than 200 years. Our Constitution will remain strong.” Yes Dan the world did witness our nation under siege, but not as you see it! It was and has been under siege since Jan 20, 2017 and before! For more than 4 years the Socialists have put together a coup against, not just Donald Trump, but the office of the Presidency, our Constitution and our PEOPLE! Sadly with a few short months of Biden before Nancy, Chuck and Camella Harris remove him, our Constitution will be ripped to shreds and there will be an attempt to turn us into the new USSR! When that happens, God help us all because the blood will flow far worse than the Civil War of 1863!
    I hope you can live with yourself and your votes. I know I cannot.
    Mike Coons
    President Matsu Chapter AMAC Action.

  34. Well, the truth comes out… but only AFTER all the lies & hate… even from the right, conservatives who should know better than to claim “murder” before the facts are in.

  35. I am happier Alaska has U.S. Senator Sullivan over Al Gross. But, I know he struggles fulfilling doing what is Alaskan best as U.S. Senator Stevens legacy is rembered doing for Alaska. Careful not to complain about U.S Sullivan, he better than Al Gross and U.S Represenative Don Young does better by Alaskans than Alyse Galvin all Galvin and Gross leaves in their campaign wake is a tummy ache from digesting their fake kindness. Hahahaha
    Back to the first sentence, Alaska has a short list of Alaskans who intellectually can and chooses to serve Alaskans only. You know what Alaska is bigger than Texas but Texans are smarter than us. The latest Texan Republican rally meeting on its Austin capital steps after Texans returned from D.C, its party is smart enough to Repent from their own sins and in part of recognizing God presence played Christian songs after the speeches while republican members lingered and exchanged ideas along one another about regrouping how to keep Texas from being engulfed by running away New York and California Democrats.

  36. Senator Sullivan, Thank you for your integrity and political will to do what is right in the face of extreme division and chaos. I hope you help us move past this troubling period in our history and wish you well as you keep our country away from the tyranny of nationalism and communism. It is a fine line you walk, but in a time of not knowing who to trust, I trust you, our Congressional delegation, and Vice President Pence to move us toward a more secure and “Republican” future.

    • Idiot! They have no spine. The traitorous attempt of a coup by impeachment didn’t get your hackles up too much. Bribery and a takeover of the DOJ didn’t ruffle your feathers. He didn’t seem to care all last summer when they were rioting in the streets killing people and destroying businesses and trying to burn down a police precinct while barring the doors with cops inside, you didn’t seem to care when they were destroying statues of George Washington. You didn’t even seem to care when the traders and I don’t say that lightly, we’re successful in their coup attempt this time to steal the election and destroy democracy. I would like to submit that you don’t have a pair at all or a spine but rather some kind of a gelatinous creature that slithers around under rocks only to come out from time to time to release a little gas. George Washington and all the founding fathers and Patriots wouldn’t even allowed you to lick their boots.

      • Actually, I don’t think violent protests are ever ok. Storming the capital isn’t equivalent to anything else I saw at all this summer though- including a police station (in my opinion). They all bother me and the desecration of our monuments and memorials make me sick. Especially when what used to be like minded people of mine do it (AKA Wednesday). I don’t see a coherent counter to the last part of your post so I won’t respond. I am sorry you are obviously so discouraged.

        • What are we going to do next to erase our history? Tear down the Washington monument or the Jefferson memorial because both of those presidents were slaveholders. You think Washington state is going to change the name of it state? 10 of the first 12 presidents owned slaves. Are you going to wipe out them off of the list?

  37. It looks to me like the Republican party is splitting in half. You have the old school conservatives who care about the constitution and the Republic; then you have the crazies who are domestic terrorists and want a Fascist America. This should be fun to watch in the long run; I will stock up on popcorn…

    • We don’t have any crazies who are domestic terrorists and want fascism in America. Come clean you’re in Seattle right? We have Patriots who think they are fighting back the only way they can since the judicial system is non-existent.

  38. “But, ultimately, my oath is to the Constitution and the laws of our nation. This includes the Electoral College process, and the orderly transfer of power—one of the most sacred elements of our great constitutional republic—which will take place on January 20. For these reasons, I voted on January 6 and 7 against objections to the 2020 state-certified Electoral College vote, which helped to underscore for Alaskans, our fellow Americans, and the rest of the world that American democracy remains resilient and strong. I recognize that thousands of Alaskans did not agree with this decision, but I believe strongly that this was the constitutionally correct action to take as your Senator.”

    Your oath is to the Constitution and the people of Alaska, we voted for President Trump to lead this country yet you completely disregarded that and turned your back on him when he needed support the most. As a 20 year vet I sorely disappointed in your lack of courage to stand up against the Democrats and those that want to change this country into a socialist state. My wife and I voted for you believing you had the moral courage to stand up against these tyrannical leftists that are trying to bring down this country, it is quite apparent that we were both wrong on that account. I can tell you this much, we won’t be wrong when the time comes for your reelection.

  39. I will keep this short Senator. We can talk all day about the constitution, how we interpret it, and how we live by it. However, everyone agrees the sanctity of the voting process is one of the cornerstones of our constitutional republic. It is readily obvious the multitude of issues regarding voting improprieties and fraud nationwide is unprecedented. Granted, proving the allegations may be difficult and take time. However, for the judiciary and congress to simply refuse to even investigate is ridiculous.

    • Unless there was a nationwide conspiracy, including Trump-appointed judges and Republican elected officials, then there was no fraud. Logic dictates Trump lost, fair and square. Can you imagine a poker player announcing that unless he won, the game was rigged? There was a method to Trump’s madness. He got scared when he realized millions of people planned to vote by mail bc of the pandemic. He planned to ensure a win by crippling the post office, getting states like Texas to reduce voting locations in Democratic counties, and shortening early voting days. There is nothing to admire in a man who tries to prevent or make it extremely difficult for people to to exercise their constitutional right to vote.

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