Sen. Rand Paul: Republicans in Senate are ’emasculated,’ have ceded all their leverage in omnibus spending bill


Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said on Wednesday he opposes the new omnibus spending bill, and wants his Republican colleagues to take a stand against runaway spending that Democrats are going to put into the bill.

On Fox Business’s Kudlow show, Paul said that his fellow Republicans are “emasculated” and have ceded power to the Democrats.

The way the Republicans can get spending in line, he suggested, is to “divide the spending into 12 bills and then decide to hold one of them hostage or two of them hostage. And then apply policy changes in the House. But they’ve got to do it.”

“They’ve got to capture this, and we’d have to do the budget the way it’s supposed to be. Budget — 12 appropriation bills, then try to attach some policy like removing the 87,000 IRS agents from the IRS budget,” Paul said.

Paul, a conservative Republican who ran for president in 2016, pointed out how Republicans always cave.

“When we try to do it in one bill, Republicans don’t have the intestinal fortitude. They always collapse, and they fear shutting government down, so no policy objectives ever get added,” he said.

Senate negotiators on Tuesday reached what they call a bipartisan framework agreement for funding the remainder of the federal government’s fiscal 2023, and avoiding a government shutdown on Friday

Congress is expected to pass a continuing resolution by Friday to avoid the shutdown and give the lawmakers until Dec. 23 to finalize and pass the final agreement.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who will be the incoming House Speaker, has reportedly told his caucus members that he was a “no” on the omnibus bill and had asked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to approve continuing resolutions into January, when Republicans can at least take control of the House and have more leverage in negotiations.

But it appears that the fix is in with McConnell and the Democrats — and some Republicans — in the Senate.


  1. Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution tells you exactly what is money. TPTB wouldn’t dare come to your house and take physical money out of your hand to pay taxes if every man, woman, and child had to pay $400,000 each to settle the debt.

  2. Wow total shock the tens are going to fold. And the voter gets it in the shorts. let’s just print money as fast as we can and see if we can spend trillions on nonsense. People don’t worry it’s just money and when we crash it won’t matter.

  3. It’s what is in this Bill that is very dangerous. They are trying to abolish the Electoral College in elections and give the Supreme Court Justices term limits so they can pack the court. Every person that believes in liberty and freedom needs to melt your Senators phones. They don’t call it the lame duck session for nothing. While America is focusing on the holidays, they will stab you in the back! McConnell and Murkowski are selling out your country, don’t let them! The communist insurrection was Nov. 3rd, 2020, and they are trying to finish us off. Stay vigilant and make your voice heard! America is in grave danger!

  4. It’s funny how it is always, ALWAYS Republicans who fold, and yield, and compromise, with the Democrats, not the other way around. Somebody try explaining, and rationalizing, that fact to me.

    • It’s predetermined by the swamp. It’s all a game to steel our money and assets then control us like China and Russia. The guns seam to be a stumbling block for them as they keep trying. Everybody needs to look no further than Australia and New Zealand.

  5. John Boehner Cries in Nancy Pelosi Tribute During Speaker’s Portrait Unveiling


  6. This is why I vote for conservatives who walk the talk, not anyone with just an “R” in front of their name. Many politicians with “R”s in front of their names are as corrupt as those on the other side. And then republicans wonder why they keep losing elections, when they ultimately cave and fail to stand up for their constituents. Pretty useless bunch.

    • The reason why non-radical-leftists have to compromise, always compromise with and give in to the radical leftists, is because too many Republicans/conservatives are not more like the radical leftists. Or some such ‘logic’ like that.

  7. You could add the word Alaska in front of the word Senate and everything in this piece would still be true. Further support to my belief that most Republicans are actually Democrats.

  8. LOL, he’s just throwing up the opposing side. Of course just enough rino’s will pitch in to pass this. Some in conservative states take turns throwing in when needed to pass this crap. This won’t end until a sizeable group goes to prison for crimes against the country. Then we will need term limits. Humans just aren’t capable of handling this kind of money. Somewhere I’ve read that the love of money is the root of all evil.

    • Reed, I like repealing the 17th amendment idea, return to the days when the State Legislatures appointed their Senators, that alone would take care of a lot of this graft, not to mention term limit troubles. U.S. Senators today do not Represent the States from which they come, they represent the Governmental / Crony Capitalist Industrial Complex. Those boys over at GCCIC back in D.C. know how to blow smoke up Senator Lisa’s skirt, and then follow it up with a Golden Shower of Campaign Ca$h to insure that she and her vote stay put. It’ a Vortex of Corruption.

  9. Raining Senate Kings of Queens of earmark spending in the Senate strike again on the Omnibus Bill. Of the top ten 8 of them are “conservatives”. Who knows what the top spending will be. 3000 page bill no one will read. They just keep spending! Want to know what is causing inflation, look no further then the inflationary spending of the government. Sad the GOP are not standing up for the US citizens. All that needs done is CR and then the new congress could do a realistic budget. But these Senators don’t seem to want to get spending under control!

  10. Raining Senate Kings of Queens of earmark spending in the Senate strike again on the Omnibus Bill. Of the top ten 8 of them are “conservatives”. Who knows what the top spending will be. 3000 page bill no one will read. They just keep spending! Want to know what is causing inflation, look no further then the inflationary spending of the government. Sad the GOP are not standing up for the US citizens. All that needs done is CR and then the new congress could do a realistic budget. But these Senators don’t seem to want to get spending under control!

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