Sen. Micciche: If Alaska was a country, it would be second in world for sexual assault


If Alaska was a country,  on a per-capita basis it would rank #2 in the world for sexual assault, compared to 119 other nations.

That was one of the messages that Sen. Peter Micciche delivered to the Senate just before asking them to vote in favor of SB 49, a criminal justice reform bill he carried on behalf of the Dunleavy Administration.

HB 49 rolls back the previous reforms of SB 91, which was signed by Gov. Bill Walker in 2016.

In his remarks, Micciche cited the need to make victims the priority in crime legislation, and make sure those who break the law face consequences:

“We are prioritizing public safety, we are protecting Alaskans, we are putting victims and the law-abiding first and removing those from our communities that are a threat to safety and security.

“From the latest FBI data, Anchorage is next to the highest on the list of high property crime cities at 5,441 per 100,000 population, or roughly four times the rate of New York City and two times that of LA.

“For violent crime (murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault) Alaska is number one in the US at 829 per 100,000…more than seven times the lowest state of Maine, and more than twice the average of 373 per 100,000.

“Then there is Alaska’s dark secret…and today we declare a formal war on sexual assault.

“We dealt with the Schneider Loopholes through the passage of another bill this session (SB12/HB/14), but we have so much more to do.

“If the state of Alaska were a country unto itself, and we compared the number of sexual assaults per capita to the other 119 nations in the world, Alaska would be number two in the world at 116.7 per 100,000 in front of Botswana and right behind South Africa.

“Alaska’s sexual crime rates are three times higher than the national average, and child sexual assault rates are six times the national average.

“Six times. Disproportionately, victims of sexual violence are between 11 and 17 years old, from all over Alaska and were attacked by someone they knew.”

HB 49, amended and strengthened by the Senate, passed 20-0 and was returned to the House for concurrence. The House is now in session (11:20 am Tuesday, May 14, 2019).


  1. I believe Sen. Micciche is simply going with the re-election potential derived from his “representation” of anti-crime legislation. Why wait until public opinion is overwhelming, to take a stand supporting Governor Dunleavy’s SB-49? He has proven himself to withhold comment and support of any conservative opinions until he sees the “writing on the wall” regarding re-election. By the way, he’s my representative and I follow his deeds and words carefully. Political convenience is the only reasons he’s now speaking up in favor of SB-49. Other than that, he’s a “nothing burger” (to quote killary) in Alaskan politics. Supposed conservative to get elected, the worm turned until now. My, how politics work.

  2. There you go again Peter…. Stating reality! FYI for those who do not get it

    Think of your mom …everyone one of you have one
    Think of your grandma… Everyone has two.

    Now one of the by the law of averages were sexual assulted!

    Now could you stand before those ladies and explain your vote?

    • That isn’t how crime statistics work. Risk and victimization are nowhere near evenly distributed. Most people, at the local and neighborhood level where crime actually occurs, are, for most serious violent crimes, at essentially zero risk. “Hit by lightning” levels of risk. Others, in different areas and circumstances, are at much higher risk.

      That’s why claims about crime rates at the national, or even state, level are functionally useless when it comes to actually solving problems.

  3. After 60 years and 4 months of statehood, the best we can do is second place?
    Surely the Peoples Democratic House of Representatives will make the necessary changes to assure Alaska’s rise to first place.

  4. I understand that Crime and Punishment go together in our modern world, but what is being done to prevent the culture that creates this toxic environment for women?
    Passing stiffer penalties and creating another “War on Crime” does not get to the cause of this mental illness that is driving the sexual assault in the first place.
    Not only is Alaska at risk, but a recent survey by Reuters puts America as the only western country in the top ten worst countries in the world for sexual assaults.
    “UNITED STATES – The only Western nation in the top 10 and joint third with Syria for the risks women face in terms of sexual violence, including rape, sexual harassment, coercion into sex and a lack of access to justice in rape cases.”
    “Third with Syria for risks women face” should be a giant red flag for a desperately needed change in culture.
    We can start with leaders that are not sexist and derogatory to the women around them.
    Not only has there been allegations of Legislators in the past, but on the National level many politicians have been accused of sexual harassment.
    I believe the figure was 90 across the US in the last few years.
    This is unacceptable and needs attention to start to understand the severity of this problem.
    It is also fair to note that many of the countries in the top ten are also top Oil producers for the globe.
    Does the “man camp” culture and forgein seasonal worker cycle affect the causes of sexual assault?
    Overall putting more people in prison may cut down on repeated offenses, but without a change in culture and treatment of the “root causes”, sadly this trend will still continue in AK.

  5. “what is being done to prevent the culture…”
    Interesting concept…
    What did you have in mind… starting, for example, with the pro-crime-against-women culture in Alaska’s House of Representatives?
    What about women who advocate for Planned Parenthood’s “toxic environment” for babies?
    Got your work cut out for you, no?

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