Sen. Dan Sullivan heads to Ohio to campaign for Senate candidate J.D. Vance


Sen. Dan Sullivan is heading to Ohio this week to campaign for J.D. Vance, who is running for U.S. Senate. Vance has been trailing behind Democrat nominee Rep. Tim Ryan, who also has raised more money than Vance and who has campaigned more aggressively this summer.

Ryan’s campaign has branded Vance as not a real Ohioan, but rather a San Francisco transplant.

Vance is the author of the best-selling memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy.” He grew up in Middletown, Ohio. A lawyer, he worked as an investor in San Francisco before returning to Ohio.

Sullivan, Donald Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. are filling in where mega-GOP donor Peter Thiel has left off. Thiel has turned the attention of his network of funders to Arizona to come to the aid of Blake Masters for Senate, who has been trailing in polling to Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly. Masters is a close associate of Thiel, having worked at Thiel Capital earlier this year.

Meanwhile, the Ohio race has gotten a lot tighter, surprising many in a state that Donald Trump won easily in 2020.

Sullivan’s fundraising link for J.D. Vance is at this link.


    • As Darth Vader says, “your training in the dark side of the force is complete.” Or should I say brainwashing. Look up Mass Psychosis Theory. Either you are willingly complicit in the lies of the left or they have brainwashed you to the point, where truth no longer registers.

      • Sullivan supports Vance. Vance believes Trump is the legal president. The Big Lie is a lie. Those who believe it are either willingly complicit or brainwashed.

  1. I would expect nothing less from our elected carpetbagger who is otherwise known as “Ohio Dan”.

    Note for Kelly Tshibaka: If you are unsuccessful in your current race, I hope you will consider running against Dan at the next opportunity.

  2. In 2020 Dunleavy, Young, and even Murkowski helped Sullivan get re-elected. This time around Sullivan retreats to his original home state to campaign while we lose our only House seat. Looks like Sullivan would prefer a Democrat to getting involved.

  3. Sullivan should be supporting candidates such as Kelly and Sarah or Nick election to office.
    How much is Sullivan being paid by Vance Campaign

  4. I can’t figure this one out. Is Dan trying to save face? Why would he reject supporting Kelly Tshibaka (MAGA) and support the leftist Murkowski, then go support J.D. Vance (MAGA)? I also noted that the traitor McConnell starting pumping some money into J.D. Vance’s race while spending big on attack ads against Kelly. Makes me think Vance may be giving in to the establishment? No wonder you need a shower once dipped in politics.

    • Not to defend Sullivan cuz I dislike his policies, but maybe he, like me, thinks Tshibaka is an obvious grifter and not worthy of representing Alaska.

  5. A better story is the Democrats re-introducing legislation to pull all of our military defenses including Patriot Anti_missile defenses out of Saudi’s Arabia that was originally introduced by Sen Sullivan. This will be a slam dunk, we will be out of SA by XMas. All of their high priced F16 s and hi tech weapons systems we supplied will be grounded quickly without spare parts

  6. Why will Lieutenant Dan go Ohio to campaign for a MAGA candidate, but not endorse our own excellent MAGA Kelly Tshibaka?
    Instead, here in Alaska, he supports mega-RINO Witch Murkowski ?

  7. How about supporting Kelly, get Lisa out….Dan is a opportunistic politician. No spine. Wont vote for him again.

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