Sen. Click Bishop faces ire of his Fairbanks district Republicans, who vow to withhold support for 2022


Sen. Click Bishop has been politely tolerated by conservatives in his Fairbanks district for years, but no more. The Republican officers of District 36, who have been disgruntled with Bishop, have unanimously passed a resolution to censure the senior senator, who is a Republican, and to withhold all support for his reelection.

Bishop has served in the Alaska Senate since Jan. 18, 2013. He also served as the Commissioner of the Department of Labor of Commerce from 2007 to 2012. This year, he was co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee.

The district officers laid out a series of charges in their censure resolution, which passed unanimously:

Bishop voted against the bill known as the Vaccination Bill of Rights. SB 156 would prevent the State of Alaska from requiring proof of Covid-19 vaccination, or a vaccination passport, and would recognize religious, medical, and other reasons for refusing the shots.

Bishop voted against an amendment to HB 69, which also related to forced vaccines. The amendment stated, “It is the intent of the legislature that a business, state agency, or political subdivision of the state not require an individual to be vaccinated against COVID-19 for the individual to access an area or service that is open to the public. It is the intent of the legislature that a state agency or political subdivision of the state not adopt or issue a regulation, ordinance, order, or similar policy that requires an individual to be vaccinated against COVID-19 for the individual to exercise a right or receive a benefit that is available to the public.”

Bishop also opposed Amendment 11 to HB 69, yet another attempt to put curbs on the State of Alaska’s forced vaccination authority: “It is the intent of the legislature that no state funds be expended on an entity that mandates its employees to receive a vaccine approved for use under an Emergency Use Authorization granted by the United States Food and Drug Administration.”

The group says that by voting against protecting the rights of Alaskans who don’t want Covid shots, Bishop violated Plank #2 of the Alaska Republican Party Platform, under the Statement of Principles category, which recognizes that the “fundamental principles of life, liberty and freedom” are foundational both to the State of Alaska and to the nation, and must be protected. They also are holding him accountable for violating Plank #35, under the Health and Family category, which states, “We oppose any health care mandate as unconstitutional and support in-person access to patients.

The group has several other charges against Bishop, including violating Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects the inherent individual rights of American citizens under “due process of law” and declares, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.”

The censure resolution states that vaccine mandates and restrictions violate Point #1 of the Nuremberg Code, which says any medical experimentation or procedure requires the voluntary consent of the human subject.

The Republicans also say he voted against an amendment to HB 69, which stated that no public funds may be used to teach critical race theory in public schools. The resolution says “Senator Bishop violated the last sentence of Plank #3 of the Alaska Republican Party Platform, under Statement of Principles, which states, ‘We support the primary right of parents to control and direct their children’s education.'”

Finally, the group says that voting against the statutorily calculated Permanent Fund dividend was a repeat offense by Bishop, who voted to cut the PFD with his votes on SB 128 in June of 2016 and May of 2018.

Arbitrary changing by the Legislature of the dividend payments is “a violation of the above statute and subversion of the will of the Alaskan people, as shareholders, to decide the Permanent Fund Dividend’s fate,” the district says in its resolution.

No Republican has filed against Bishop, and the filing deadline is just 10 days away, June 1.


  1. Hopefully a few of the other Districts will follow suit against Legislators voting against the will of their constituents. It’s a step forward in taking our State back.

  2. Someone should look a little deeper into Click Bishop’s personal background going back about 25 years or so. Truly disturbing!

  3. More meaningless threats from the Republican party….As usual.

    In the mean time, when are they actually going to do something about Murkoski calling herself a Republican?

  4. Please someone, a Conservative preferably, run against this union hack! RNO’s hunters unite to take this traitor of the people out in the fall election. We don’t need any” holier then thou ” representatives !

  5. Click has always been a 302 Democrat & never has had a conservative bone in His body! They run as Republicans so as to get elected then the Union tell them how to vote, just like Kelly Merrick married to the Union thug Joey Merrick

  6. I am a registered Republican and would be proud to be censured by the clowns who run the State Party

  7. The #1 priority to restore our state and nation to a constitutional republic respecting individual natural rights granted by our creator is to remove Rinos from the Republican Party as office holders. In Alaska, this is a start, with a long list to go through. The Democrats are openly corrupt and incompetent, and fake Republicans are worse. Due to the duplicity and harm they cause.

    • Brian Simpson, while I largely agree with you I hasten to point out that you should never underestimate the zeal Republicans have for circular firing squads, it seems the purification rites of removing RINO’s some how always backfires.

      It has been said that we have a two party system, an Evil Party and a Stupid Party, Republicans are the stupid party. I know I’m one, a recovering Republican…

  8. Suzanne,

    You buried the lead.

    “No Republican has filed against Bishop, and the filing deadline is just 10 days away, June 1.”

    • Translation: we are just happy as we can be being ruled by Click Bishop.

      Example 306 why Alaska can’t have nice things anymore.

      • Being “ruled by Click Bishop?”
        Isn’t that a little bit like being ruled by an old mule that brays when he runs out of hay?

  9. Bishop sounded good going in, but he’s gone lefty WAY too many times to claim he’s an actual conservative. Sadly, this is becoming an all too familiar story. – M.John

  10. Any private business has a right to mandate that their customers must be vaccinated with the Covid injection. I have not received the Covid Vaccine. I do not want it at this time. But I’m pro vaccine and am glad it is available to those who want it.
    Last year, a restaurant in Fairbanks (Lavelle’s Bistro) mandated that customers must have been vaccinated. That means that I would have been discriminated against if I tried to eat there. But I respect their right to run their business as they see fit on their own property. That is American freedom. I have the freedom to patronize a different restaurant. (By the way, Lavelle’s Bistro recently dropped their vaccine mandate. Market forces at work?)
    However, the state government should have no vaccine requirements for the citizens.
    i agree that no public funds should be used to teach “critical race theory” in public schools. I’d like to know why Senator Bishop voted against the amendment that wanted to ban the teaching of “critical race theory”.
    There is nothing wrong with trimming the PFD during times when we had giant budget deficits due to the crash of oil prices in 2014 and 2015. it is the responsible thing to do, and Senator Bishop should not be condemned for being fiscally responsible.
    The legislature passed the 1982 PFD statute, and the legislature has every right to amend the effect of that statute on a one-year basis by passing subsequent legislation; – namely the budget statute that appropriates a lesser amount than what the earlier superseded 1982 statute says. However, the alteration only applies for one year, because the 1982 statute remains on the books.

    • Randy, your argument only proves the need for the constitutional convention. You are so confused on so many levels. A business operating under a business license must follow the rules, or lose their license. But, you are correct about the legislature having authority to change statutes. That is why the legislature is vehemently opposed to placing the PFD formula into the Constitution. Their biggest lie is the world “sustainable,” when each PFD payment is for the current year only, and is based on money already earned. Thanks for showing again the need for the constitutional convention.

      • Natural Alaskan. It would be bad to enshrine a free cash handout as a basic human right. The transients that would move up to Alaska to grab the free cash, would become smug instead of grateful. They would not only want our free cash, but they would want more government services too. This would lead to a state income tax, which means they would be picking the pockets of hard-working Alaskans. If we told them that we do not like them doing this, they would sneer in our faces and consider us saps. And they would be right. Let’s not be saps before it is too late. Once it gets stuck in the Constitution, it will be near impossible to get it out. We and the nation will spiral into the gutter of the Universal Basic Income, sloth and depravity.

    • So you agree that businesses have the right to refuse service to blacks, Asians, homosexuals or other groups? Is that the “American freedom” in which you supposedly believe?

      • AK Pilot. I think it would be wrong for a business to deny service to any particular group such as old people. If I was blocked from entering a swinging night club because I am an old fogey (I’m 67), it would hurt my feelings. But I would still support the right of the night club to discriminate against me on their own property (even though I would not like it).
        The government can play a role in discouraging discrimination without being coercive or taking away a business owner’s right to choose how to run his business. Upon receiving complaints, a government agency can send letters to the business urging it to be accommodating to all. It can threaten to publicize the discrimination that the business is involved in. Many people would choose to boycott that business, and that would hurt the business in the pocketbook and would persuade them to change their policies.

    • Randy S. Griffin,
      You are correct the Legislature can amend the Statue regarding the formula for figuring the dividends sum. They however have chosen to ignore this lawful procedure and instead have begun a process where they are the arbiters of whether you will receive a dividend or not. The intent of the fund was to keep the political class away from a part of the oil revenues set aside “for the people”. This Government has forgotten or willfully ignored the funds purpose and now looks at the fund as their “Stash” to support their special interest friends.

      This story is about accountability, your government is not accountable to any part of the citizens of the State except for their “Pals” who write checks to their re-election campaigns. Don’t believe me? Look at the crappy “services” they provide. Our Schools are a joke and we haven’t built any meaningful infrastructure to enhance our development in almost 5 decades, this despite blowing untold billions. Wally Hickel once ran on a platform saying ” There must be a better way”, ( or something like that). It’s past time to find a better way and it begins by replacing the patronizing self serving Parasitical Political Class that now runs your government. Begin with getting Click unelected.

      • Robert A Schenker. The intent for the Permanent Fund when it was created by the legislature in 1976 was to keep the bulk of the money from immediately being spent by the legislature willy-nilly (like you say).
        But the intent was also to use the earnings (not the principal) of the Permanent Fund for use by the Alaska government, far in the future (like 2018), for when oil revenues ran low. There was absolutely no mention in the 1976 newspapers (that can be found) or in the official 1976 election pamphlet guidebook, about there being any cash payout to all the citizens from the Permanent Fund.
        The PFD program did not come about until 1980 (revised in 1982) when there was so much surplus oil revenue pouring in, that the legislature decided to create the PFD program to pass out some free cash to the people. The oil flow through the pipeline topped out in 1988, and then started its slow natural decline. It’s now only one quarter.

        • Randy S. Griffin,
          Sir, Oral Freeman, the creator of the fund told me the Whole Purpose(INTENT) of the Fund was to KEEP their (legislators) GRUBBY mitt’s of the $. Both in 1976 and forever.
          Again, pay the dividend, and TAX if you need additional revenues. But that would make the Legislators unpopular with RICH FOLKS, so we go on stealing from poor folks and the real cost of Government is never even audited.
          Funny thing is, the rich folks who want to rob you of the dividend will pay the price once the Special Interest folks blow through the fund. A bloated government will tax the hell out of the Rich Folks and everyone else.

        • At 30% throughput, the pipeline is still generating way more money than it should take to run our state. I have been here 65 years and over that time have seen myriad welfare programs developed to support everything from food to fuel to electricity to medical services, complete with travel costs all over the state. Nobody will convince me that the giveaway programs to 30% of the population is not the problem with the state balancing the budget. The giveaway programs to the various useless programs like the Alaska gasline development corp. just support people that are on the payroll.

          • Robert Rubey. I agree that any wasteful spending should be cut out. I favor getting rid of collective bargaining for state employees. The only time I worked for government was when I worked for the U.S. Census (federal government) for 2 months in 2010. It had no collective bargaining. It was a great job and paid $25 per hour. When I heard that wage, I said wow! And I applied for the job.
            I’m for a big PFD as long as there is a budget surplus to support it. There should be no budget deficit. I want the dividend to be a true and honest dividend. I don’t want it to morph into a vicious income transfer scheme, where hard working Alaskans are taxed to pay for non-working people and freeloaders and drug abusers that move to Alaska to get on the government dole.

    • Your premise of fiscal responsibility is invalid. It died when he chose to protect his per diem very first thing in session.

      If you don’t want a legally required statutory PFD, I’m sure Cluck will be happy to take it from you.

      • Randy,
        If you don’t like your PFD check, then send it back to the state with instructions to spend it on a government welfare program. But don’t speak on behalf of majority Alaskans who could use the money on fuel bills. You need help, fella.

      • The Masked Avenger. I sent my uncashed 2021 paper PFD check ($1114) back to the state. My letter to the Alaska Dept. of Revenue said that I’d like to donate it to the general fund. I said that I hoped it could be used to help build the Knik Arm bridge and to help upgrade the narrow and overloaded Knik Goose Bay Road (near Wasilla) to a 4-lane road. I also said I hope money can be found to make the necessary repairs to the Port of Anchorage and Port Mackenzie. We in Fairbanks depend on the ports.

        • Randy,
          All I can say is that you sound like a cross between Bernie Sanders and Elmer Fudd. Or is it Pochahontos and Forrest Gump. Please stick to driving your delivery truck and leave the thinking to us.

  11. Check the district maps, 35 is the component that more accurately represents “Fairbanks;” 36 is the “Nenana to Tok” rural roundabout portion.

  12. Tales from up North have Click Bishop tied-in with police reports. Apparently, union mafia connections. Interesting reading.

  13. From the inside room where click sits:
    I was working under the department of labor when click was commissioner. He appointed Fred Esposito and Dick Harrell to run Avtec in Seward. Both of clicks appointees were fired for fraud and abuse.! Click at the time gave a one week notice of his quitting for “ family reasons”.? Two conclusions: Fraudulent people hang out with each other until they get caught. And when they get caught the others quickly scatter.
    You folks in Fairbanks were too dumb to not check clicks reputation when he came to your town and immediately ran for senator.!
    I guess family problems really weren’t his issue after all!
    Quit being a sucker

  14. This is fantastic news. Bishop and his fellow foot dragging partner (Steadman) did more harm to the citizens of Alaska this legislative session, than will ever be illustrated. They both need to be ousted, from the Senate ASAP!

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