Semper Fidelis: Sen. Sullivan officially a veteran

Sen. Dan and Julie Sullivan. Photo credit: Lance Cpl. Sarah Pysher

Sen. Dan Sullivan officially retired from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves during a ceremony on Feb. 1 at the Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C. During the ceremony, Sullivan was honored for his time in the Marine Corps and congratulated for his 30 years of service.

U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. David Bellon (left), commander of Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces South,
shakes hands with Col. Daniel Sullivan for a photo during his retirement ceremony at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C., Feb. 1, 2024. Photo credit: Lance Cpl. Sarah Pyshe.

Sullivan is a U.S. senator from Alaska who pursued a career in the Marine Corps Reserve simultaneously with his service as a senator, retiring as a colonel, having served from 1993 to 2024 across the globe.

In his remarks at the podium, Sullivan said, “I think [the Marine Corps] represents the best of America, focusing on values that most Americans want and can admire – honor, courage, commitment. Our oath, Semper Fidelis, focuses on fidelity not just for America, but also to each other. Despite the hardness, toughness, and discipline the Marines are known for, there is an intense ethos of taking care of each other in the Corps.”


  1. Officially a globalist swamp scum who has a lot of blood on his hands.

    He is not a patriot or deserving of a thank you…all he has done is serve himself and the deepstate and war machine.

  2. He also signed onto an omnibus bill that would have mandated that females also register for the draft just like boys have to when they turn 18. I wrote to him strongly objecting. His response was basically, “Don’t worry, we won’t have any real wars where they would have to serve!” Yes, that is what he said. Also he mentioned how so many women serve honorable in the military now, which is of course true, which was beside the point. I pointed out that they are volunteering to sign on to the military life, not having it mandated by politicians, who inevitably drag us into never ending wars and conflicts! That bill was defeated, thanks to other republicans.

  3. Congratulations Col Sullivan. And as a reply to the person writing about women and the draft, all I can say is I was raising 2 boys in the 70s during Vietnam War. My best friend had 2 girls same ages. It scared me to death thinking my boys may have to GO someday but not her daughters. How is that fair. I don’t want anyone’s child to have to go to war but if there is a draft let it be equal. Oh and as a footnote, I joined AFAir National Guard in 74 and served 32 years( mostly Full time)And am a Vietnam Era Vet and Naturalized citizen of the USA. How’s that for being a good citizen of America.

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