Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin signed a memo on Friday reserving for himself the authority to enter into pre-trial agreements with three terrorists behind the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., as well as the third jet that was being used as a missile on Sept. 11, 2001.
Austin, in a sudden pivot, has withdrawn from the pre-trial agreements that were signed in those cases. The agreements spared the terrorists from having to face the death penalty.
Three of the terrorists behind the attack are being held at a U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay, on the coast of Cuba. They are Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the accused principal mastermind of the al Qaeda attacks, along with two alleged co-conspirators: Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi.
The secretary said in his memo: “I have determined that, in light of the significance of the decision to enter into pre-trial agreements with the accused in the above-referenced case, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me as the superior convening authority under the Military Commissions Act of 2009. Effective immediately, I hereby withdraw your authority in the above-referenced case to enter into a pre-trial agreement and reserve such authority to myself.
“Effective immediately, in the exercise of my authority, I hereby withdraw from the three pre-trial agreements that you signed on July 31, 2024 in the above-referenced case.”
The Austin memo can be found here.
as far as I’m concerned the death penalty should have been executed making them martyrs in their back asswards country.
Yes many years ago
Diversionary tactic. Nothing more. The terrorists will die of old age in a cage. No pun intended.
So they floated it out there to see what the reaction would be and this is how they take it back and pretend like they never agreed to it.
That seems unusual for harambi.
Just the political blowback, or something else?
Probably polled for crap. Kamala needs every possible vote.
This is a regime that would sell all our grandmothers for the right amount of votes.
THANK GOD!!!!????
The plea deal should have never happened in the first place. As far as SECDEFs go, this guy is worse than Les Aspin. First he drives conservatives out of the military. Then he uses COVID to drive out more. Next he turns the military into woke inc. Finally this. If the balloon goes up, and if we write the history afterwards, he’ll be known as the worst secretary of defense in American history.
So in the quote above “I hereby withdraw your authority…” whose authority is he referring to? Was this signed by the President or who? I think the death penalty is long overdue for those guys but I’m a little concerned how this is worded.
Gretchen, I was thinking the same thing!!
Clown World.
The heat must have been intense. And the polling must have been damning.
Bigger question is 9/11 was nearly 23 years ago ! These animals should have been lynched a generation ago with any legal counsel representing them hung as well in a public spectrum . Wheels of Justice are turning too slow !
Dan, while this is a military court and we can argue all day long about whether or not the proceedings should be taking this long, I take great issue with your choice of words AND your demand that legal counsel, should be “Lynched” along with these terrorists.
If we follow your path, we are truly no better than these creeps. Having rules and laws sets us apart from people like that and in our system of justice everyone even evil people like them are entitled to counsel. Even Nazi Germany leaders received a trial (see Nuremberg Trials)
It seems to me that no administration really wants to deal with these guys, as the political fallout of any action like this agreement is unfavorable to them.
For the record the ultimate authority here lies with Joe Biden not Mr. Austin, regardless of the protestations to the contrary!
Defending mass murders the attorneys are no better than the criminals.
Amen Dan.
Even though they claimed the White House was hands-off on this “deal” and it had been negotiated by some low-level military court, who didn’t believe lyin’ Joe wasn’t ultimately behind it? He’s always wanted to add closing Guantanamo to his list of ‘accomplishments’. My bet is that this package has been on the back burner for some time, waiting for an opportune moment to announce it. When the high profile prisoner swap with Russia was announced, they hoped to slide it through under the radar. Fortunately for the rest of us, the blowback was much stronger than they’d expected and Austin was instructed to step forward and fall on his sword.
I generally agree with your analysis. With Joseph Robinette Biden, everything is political. Kamala’s weakness – and it is severe – is on national security issues. And now the Leftist media will rapidly bury this issue.
> Lloyd Austin signed a memo on Friday reserving for himself the authority to enter into pre-trial agreements
Under what legal controlling authority does he take this? Just more bureaucrats ruling our country.
Death is what they hope for. And their 72 virgins.
Yes but they could die with a mouth full of bacon.
Lets not forget when VP Dementia Joe was the lone vote against the raid on Bin Laden”s mansion in Pakistan when they were presented with the proposal in the situation room.
His reason at the time was risking relations with Pakistan if info was false and a raid would be offensive to Pakistani dictators.
What the heck was He thinking other than spoiling another potential cash source using Biden Crime family Inc. with his prostitute son as the cash cow to haul in more loot.
A vote against going after a self admitted murder suspect of thousands of innocent victims was a treasonous act in itself.
But instead they installed him as President.
Obama even had the balls to admit Joe had the worst foreign policy ideas of anyone when the DNC picked him as their horse for the 2020 race.
No surprise Joe wanted to plea deal at all!
Isn’t Austin the Black man who Joe Biden believes is somewhere in his Cabinet? No Joe,
he’s not in your kitchen.
Austin epitomizes what results from the complete avoidance of using merit when making appointment decisions. Affirmative action and DEI are a material and measurable part of why the United States has not won a war since WWII. Austin, and Colin Powell before him, show us that better than Hollywood could should Hollywood ever want to champion a return to emphasizing merit in western society.
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