Second Americans for Prosperity grassroots training set for Saturday at Hotel Captain Cook


Want to be a more effective conservative activist? More than 60 people have signed up for a second Americans for Prosperity grassroots training for conservatives, taking place Saturday at the Hotel Captain Cook in downtown Anchorage.

This is the same program as the “level one” training provided by the group last month, focusing on how to influence lawmakers, effectively communicate ideas, better advocate for freedom, and break barriers for opportunity. The first training attracted more than 100 participants, leading the grassroots organizing group to reprise the event for those who could not attend.

The training starts with breakfast at 9 am, the program beginning at 10 am, and the day ends with a cocktail hour at 4:30 pm for those who wish to stay and network.

Trainers include Steven Shadegg, state director for Americans for Prosperity Arizona; Jeff Crank, AFP regional director; and Zak Kubin, AFP strategic director, along with AFP-Alaska State Director Bernadette Wilson.

Wilson will also outline the group’s plan for advocating for some specific bills in the Alaska Legislature that her group will be working to pass that relate to medical freedom, lowering health care costs, and more.

There is no cost to attend, but those planning to join the training must register at Be sure to get to downtown early, Wilson said, since Saturday is also the ceremonial start of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, and parking and traffic will be challenging, with 4th Avenue closed near the start of the race at D Street. The ceremonial start begins at 10 am. The hotel has valet parking available.

Founded in 2004, Americans for Prosperity is a conservative political advocacy group funded by David and Charles Koch.

“Americans for Prosperity is dedicated to the belief that every person has a unique set of gifts and the ability to contribute to society in their own way, an idea that has inspired progress since our country’s founding. Driven by this belief, Americans for Prosperity engages in broad-based grassroots outreach to advocate for long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems that prevent people from realizing their incredible potential — unsustainable government spending and debt, a broken immigration system, a rigged economy, and a host of other issues,” the group says on its website.


  1. Perhaps the training can include a bit of research to expose the “Young Global Shapers” that are the beginning group for “Young Global Leaders” that are working against the Republican Conservative Party Leaders.

  2. I am unable to attend in person.Is Zoom or some equivalent available to follow the meeting?

  3. What a great idea. My downtown representatives totally ignore my suggestions and dismiss me because I’m in the minority. It’d be nice to learn how to get them to listen more.

  4. Long term solutions as mentioned in the article are not the long term problems. For that, read comparative religions. or start with every D word. Deviance, Debauch, Decay, Dissolution, Debilitation, Decapitation, How many more can you think of?

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