Season starts: Anchorage Concert Assn. says you must be masked, vaccinated (or show proof of test) for live shows


The Anchorage Concert Association says to attend any of their events this season, ticket holders must show proof of a Covid-19 vaccination or they must show proof of a recent negative Covid-19 test.

The association is joining Anchorage Opera, Anchorage Symphony Orchestra, and Alaska Center for the Performing Arts in mandating the requirements for attendees over the age of 12. The vaccination will need to be completed at least two weeks prior to the event, or the negative test result must have been within the 72 hours prior to the show.

In addition, the concert association has a mask mandate in effect, regardless of one’s vaccination or test status.

“These requirements will remain in place while transmission levels in Anchorage are High or Substantial according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services,” the association warned.

Anchorage Concert Association is willing to refund tickets to accommodate those not willing or able to meet these requirements. To receive a refund for your tickets, contact the CenterTix box office at 263-2787 or complete this form.

The association’s season offerings are at this link.


  1. Another business under the Kiss of Death for following non-science narratives. You’d think Libs would learn, but no.

  2. Their right to mandate as it is my right to not attend their productions.
    I just defeated their website. Enough is enough and too much is plenty.
    Another reason to avoid Anchorage.

  3. Well then. They won’t be getting any of my money. I wonder if there will be too few sheeple patronizing them for them to regret their loss of income.

  4. Obviously, there’s a “scientific specification/requirement” for what constitutes a properly effective Sars-Cov-2 mask?
    No you say.
    Well color me shocked……..

  5. Advice to all.. Avoid any concerts that require this nonsense.. When they have no body filling seats, and they can’t pay the singers the money they require for coming here, only then will they learn a valuable lesson. You can mandate all day long. It’s no one’s business who has chosen to be vaccinated, and as far as the face muzzles go? Why would you attend a concert like that? What is the point?? Concerts are for people to enjoy, singing with or yelling with the crowd.. Not being muzzled like a canine!

  6. Awwwwww noooooo…….I really wanted to see lady smith black mambazo, oh well. I’m still not getting that poison injected into me.

  7. Do these people still think the “vaccine” stops transmission, or even that vaccinated individuals are immune?
    Negative test within 72 hours? Do negative tests mean you are covid free for 72 hours?

    There is no logic in these rules.

  8. Yet the banned play on
    … while the Anchorage Concert Association plays out.
    Goodbye and good riddance to them.

  9. Over 40% of the people in Alaska have not been vaccinated and most of the 40% likely will not get vaccinated for any reason. Many of these people have already had Covid and have natural immunity to it and there is no need for vaccines or further testing. The liberal left and the bureaucrats in state and local governments around our nation think they know what is best. When someone is blinded by their views and can only see what they wish to see cannot be trusted to make decisions that affect others. I have supported many of the organizations in this article in the past with my hard earned $$$ dollars. I have supported AK-PBS as well and have tried to inform in the past that if they wish to continue to be supported by people like me they need to leave the politics out of their performances and their entertainment endeavors. They cannot survive without our support and money.

  10. Tell you what, Anchorage Concert Association, I’ll consent to wear a mask to your events as long as all the performers are doing the same. What, you say, the performers won’t be masked? SUPERSPREADER EVENT!!!

  11. I’ve had 8 Piano Guys tickets “on the books” since thier show in Anchorage was cancelled a couple years ago due to the initial outbreak of Covid. I told the ACA just hold on to them, I will attend when everything is open and you can get them up here again.

    But I immediately called today and asked for a refund when I got the email with the testing and masking rules. Madness!

  12. The PAC lost both myself and my husband as patrons when a BLM sign was hung on that building!!!!! We went to sooo many shows through the years! Also, we have NO intentions of getting that shot!!! We won’t be wearing masks in public either. C’est la vie.

  13. So sad, I was looking forward to seeing some shows this winter. I’m so sick of the liberals trying to ruin life at every turn.
    I’m honestly appreciating seeing everyone’s comments and knowing I’m not alone in how I feel.

  14. So a public building built with public funds can be controlled by a small subset of Anchorage citizens? This is the same problem at the Sullivan Arena, the bulk of Anchorage citizens being marginalized at the behest of a very small subset of Anchorage population. It isn’t legal, not is it proper use of public structures. But the socialists are driving the clown car now.

  15. Give up my rights to see some third string performers, no thanks. Next are they going to expect an additional government bail out?

  16. Discrimination always has unintended ramifications for it. This attitude will not only affect customers and young performers of performing arts families. the attitude sets a dangerous precedent how others will treat and respond to people in general.

  17. You can take all the tickets and start a burn pile. Once started, you can fuel it with masks! They are estimating that there are or will be over 1 billion of these ridiculous masks in our oceans very soon. Gee, just when you thought all the libs who care so much about the environment would be slamming masks, they are dead silent! Doesn’t fit the leftist narrative I guess.

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