Seafood favorite? Division of Elections launches mock election to help Alaskans learn how to vote confusing ballot in 2022


With Alaska’s new Ballot Measure 2 having passed in November, confusion reigns about how the elections will be conducted in 2022. Ask the average Alaskan who voted for Ballot Measure 2, and you’ll get a mangled description of how it actually works.

But the Alaska Division of Elections has set up an easy-to-use mock election that can help Alaskans better understand how they’ll be voting in the primary, and then how they’ll vote in November, 2022.

To see for yourself, you can click on this link and vote on the “best Alaska seafood.”

You’ll have a choice of everything from king salmon to geoduck clams — there’s a list of 18 Alaska seafood choices. You can pick just one in the “primary” that is going on right now.

Then, you can opt to look at the preliminary results and see the top four primary winners that will go on to the “general election.” The mock election has a feature that lets you see how many votes the current top four got in this first “final four” round.

The seafood primary will last two weeks, and then you’ll be able to take part in the ranked-choice general election for seafood.

The current top candidates advancing to the final four are Halibut, King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, and King Crab, but only a few votes have been cast in the 24 hours since the game started. also allows interested persons to set up their own accounts and then create their own mock elections using their desired criteria. Must Read Alaska set one up at this link to rank the most biased mainstream media in Alaska.


  1. This what you get when Dark money pushes a Ballot initiative and the general public does not take the time to see what they are voting for. All the pretty commercials and buzz words and people would vote to take away all their rights. That’s why My vote was a NO.

  2. This is such bull! We are not choosing between a bunch of candidates that we like and support. Most often we are choosing the only one that we like! We are not choosing what flavor ice-cream we will all eat for the next term! Rank Choice Voting is forcing people to cast votes for candidates that do not represent our views and go against our will. This is a violation of my voting rights! Why is there not a class action lawsuit against such a despicable injustice?

  3. Stupider than stupid. If that is possible? If anyone that reads this site voted for this I would love to hear your glowing support as to why……. I am very much convinced this measure did not pass via simple voting but ‘enhanced’ and ‘aided’ voting.

  4. Agree with all commenters. This insane measure was pushed by out of staters interested in insuring marginal parties like socialist and communist get a chance to be elected by a confused and frustrated population. Time will tell the tale of how correct our fears are.

  5. I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to pick my preferred candidate as rank 1,2,3 and 4. This BS voting can go stuff itself. I still think a forensic audit of the nov 2020 election will show ballot measure 2 didn’t pass.

  6. The mock test is just as Babyish as the real test. Such babies! Only a toddler will want rank choice voting. That’s how parents today gives toddlers choices. (In a high pitch voice- Okay sweetie pick your first choice, now your second best choice, and just in case the store doesn’t have first and second candy choose your third best choice. Good boy! Yay!).

    Give me the adult ballot.

  7. If I only get to vote for one choice in the primary why is it wrong that I only get to vote for one choice in the general? Shouldn’t I be able to rank my choices in the primary also? What about deciding who makes it on to the primary, can we vote on that too? If we can vote on who makes it on the primary, of course that will need to be ranked choice.
    What if we tried this crazy idea where each person gets one vote? Then we could count up who gets the most votes, and that person wins…I know it’s ground breaking and revolutionary but just might be worth a try.

  8. So….. this past November’s (cough cough)”Election “? which showed many of those actually elected , to be outed once the number of needed entries to overturn. Is the same election that gave us rank choice?

    Forensic audit is needed and I’m sure this will go away.

  9. I voted against simply because the description was 19 pages long. I was suspicious.
    “ You know somethings happening,
    But you don’t know what it is….
    Do, Mr. Jones?”

  10. Silly that they play games with our election. Moves should be made to throw out BM2, or just ignore the law like Biden did on ANWR.,

  11. In Maine when this idiotic system was rolled out, the candidate with the most votes lost.

  12. In the real election primary, will my ballot be thrown out if I only choose one instead of 4? This all seems designed to screw everything up. If this is such a great idea, why have all the other states that have tried it, thrown it out?

  13. Meyer himself and his department made a mockery of the election.
    Do we really need another one?
    Hey Dunleavy wake up and keep your administration accountable.

  14. If we would have had Rank Choice Voting for this year, it could have easily gone to Dunbar. Here is why it is better to have a run off.

    Anchorage 2021 Mayoral Race had serious candidates, 3 Conservatives and 2 Liberal candidates. Although there were more votes for Conservatives collectively than were cast for Liberals. With a run off a Conservative would still win the election, because the majority of the public voted Conservative. If we had Ranked Choice Voting, the Liberal Dunbar would have won, even though the majority of the people wanted a Conservative Mayor.

    Say NO to Ranked Choice Voting!

  15. I believe we need to audit our last election, after seeing what is going on in other states. Just maybe prop didn’t pass, I don’t know anyone who voted for it.

  16. Wait old school, voting Works
    1. Go to polling location near you, not stupid drop boxes
    2. SHOW ID, your handed a ballot. You vote in private. You get one vote
    3. Take filled out ballot to counting machines. Not dominion machines
    4. Have a nice day, thank you for voting

  17. Check out Katherine Gehl………one of the people behind the IPI group tied to this RCV movement.

    She is an Obama appointee to OPIC.

    ‘ Nuff said IMO!

  18. Ranked choice relies on, in fact requires vote counts by computers and programmed software. The voter brochure that came out when it was on the ballot stated that clearly. That alone was why I voted no. Think about it. Imagine, if you will, trying to hand count manually all the ranked choices and combinations entailed in that. Ballots spread out on a table 1st choice, 2nd, 3rd & 4th. Mix and match. Piles here & there. No, it will all be done inside machines electronically. Meanwhile more ransom ware attacks. What could go wrong?

  19. I still believe Measure 2 was shoved down our throats fraudulently. It was losing fairly substantially and then over night it suddenly pushed ahead. It is a ploy of the left to get their candidates into office. Ballot Measure 2 must be repealed and it is past time for Alaskans to demand a complete forensic audit of our past election to determine were the problems are so we can fix them. We need to demand that Governor Dunleavy bring election integrity to Alaska’s voting. Arizona is leading the nation in this effort and sets a very high bar for the rest of us to follow. It is past time for all Americans to demand better out of our elected officials. They are supposed to represent us and not their special interests and lobbyists. We do not have a free nation without secure elections!

  20. This card trick happens –before– votes are tabulated by Alaska’s Dominion vote-counting equipment.
    From Joel Davidson, Alaska,, December 2020:
    “Three weeks after discovering that Alaska’s Online Voter Registration System was hacked by nefarious outside actors, the Alaska Division of Elections produced a video against what it called dangerous “misinformation” being sowed by those concerned about the election.
    Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer, who oversees Alaska’s elections, has already fielded numerous concerns about the state’s use of the controversial Dominion voting machines, which are known to be vulnerable to fraud and tampering. He has completely dismissed these issues about election security and went ahead and certified the results on Nov. 30. All the while, he knew that the online voter registration system had been hacked but kept this information from Alaskans.”
    In Octoner 2020, Alaska’s Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling waiving the absentee ballot witness requirement.
    Our take away is the integrity of Alaska’s election process was blatantly stolen.
    Alaska voters can’t say with confidence whether they approved ranked-choice voting or whether, through computer magic, ranked-choice voting was approved for them.
    What could possibly go wrong with an election process so complicated the State must “teach” voters how to vote, so non-transparent the State must hire the vote-tabulation company to maintain the vote-tabulation machinery and software?
    In other words, what protects Alaska’s new and improved election process from corruption? Like their Florida and Texas counterparts, are Alaska’s legislators and governor creating laws and executive orders to protect election integrity under a mail-in vote system?

    Voters are unlikely to find out until they elect a legislative team with at least some herd immunity against special interests
    … which we hope Ballot Measure 2 is not completely successfully in preventing.

  21. The entire concept of BM2 (irony?) is fraudulent.
    State law requires that a ballot measure be confined to a single issue. This BM (lol) contained two issues – open primary, plus rank choice voting.
    I believe there was a legal challenge based on that fact. The court (as has become typical) decided the wrong way.

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