The president of the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe has sent a letter to members warning of possible arrest and deportation due to President Donald Trump’s recent executive orders.
Cynthia Petersen said that tribal members should carry tribal identification cards issued by the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, or their “certificate of degree of Indian Blood card (CDIB). They should keep this ID on them at all times.
She said “there are discussions that include the potential deportation of Native Americans,” under the “troubling assumption that no one can tell the difference.”
The executive order she is referring to pertains to the immediate deportation of illegal immigrants, who flooded into the country by the millions during the term of President Joe Biden. She presumes tribal members do not have any other form of legal identification.
Navajo Nation Deputy Attorney General Kris Beecher preached the same fear message last week, saying that tribal members should carry their state and tribal IDs at all times, since the Trump Administration is acting quickly to deport illegals and mistakes could be made.
Petersen’s letter can be read here:
What an idiotic thing to release. TDS is real
Did you all get your Alaska driver’s license when the new law took hold in 2019? If not, you need to get it done and carry other ID and passport or like, identification. We all had an inkling this was going to be our reality. Some did not pay attention. Keep your children with you and always pay attention to your surroundings and whom is in your comfort space.
Really DK ?? Let’s see to board an airplane you need picture id. To buy booze you need picture id. To buy cigarettes you need picture id and to fn drive you need picture id. Any more stupid comments. It’s been like this for 80 years or more.
You are right! the world is like a festering sore on a bed of red hot burning coals. It’s getting hotter too! When it gets hot enough, its WWIII. Intrusion and invasion into every area of life. Protecting self and family with every good means available is smart and accepting that the world keeps changing is a good thing. Quit fighting it and make the changes as they come.
To get welfare you need an ID.
To get Section 8 housing you need ID.
To get food stamps you need an ID.
In reality, comments like this towards white people are racist.
Stop it.
You have plenty of problems in your community – incest, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, illiteracy – that are you’re own doing.
Stop pointing fingers at others – that’s a slave mentality believing others are in control of your destiny.
Trump won – we can speak the truth, right?
Under the 4th and 5th Amendments no one need carry any ID unless they anticipate a circumstance whereby they will need it. Say, to pick up certified mail, vote in an election, travel on a commercial aircraft, buy liquor or cigarettes, etc. Otherwise, the only justification for government representatives to demand your ID is if they are arresting you for a crime. In that case they must clearly articulate their reasons for accusing you of said crime. You don’t “need” a driver’s license to freely exist as a citizen in our republic.
Just wear a cedar bark hat and a button blanket when you travel and you should be ok.
Oh, the drama…Really WWIII? There were zero wars under Trump before, Name one war Trump started….I’ll wait.
Can we get some real news please? Is that possible.?
Go on over to MSM Greg – you’ll get all the “real” news you can handle!
This is ridiculous! Way to make all of us Alaska Natives look stupid!
I am glad you can see that, CA. When folks make up these scaremonger tactics, they don’t even realize how it insults the natives in this case. It’s like saying we can’t have VoterID because some people (minorities) don’t know how to navigate the internet or the DMV or… Eventually, these groups must wake up and tell the “noble caretakers” to stop treating them like children.
Lots of hysteria based on total ignorance. It’s hard to imagine that this made it into a news story. Perhaps our esteemed Senators can inform these tribal member about the truth involving the national immigration policy.
Pathetic, but then most Native are products of the Great Society.
Does anyone else get tired of Woke histrionics.
Not at all The entertainment value of it alone is immense.
It doesn’t take much to entertain me either. They do love their Drama though!
No we like it when cman, Frank and Greg get their keyboards going with far fetched visions of utopia.
Entertainment is their only thing they know how to do.
How about your Alaska id. Drivers license. How absolutely ignorant. It’s so ignorant it’s actually insulting to the brain.
The bigot in this case is Petersen.
Everyone I know carries a picture id everywhere and at all times. Hell Fred Myers requires a picture id to buy a cigarette lighter for god sake.
Go Chiefs!
Now that we are talking about colonizing Mars, people in Yakutat should worry about someone shooting them with “death rays from Mars.”
We put hysterical and incompetent people in positions of power and then wonder why things are falling apart. This needs to stop. We can do better.
Trump needs to charge all of the South and Central American countries …..and Mexico for deportation air flights home. Send them bills,
Donald, large bills. Make them pay for their own criminals
That would be nice, but unrealistic. The justification for using military flights is that it is much cheaper than airliners, welfare, or prison. Just pack’em full, Mr. President.
Could someone please produce a training video on differentiating between Hispanics and Indigenous Peoples? Would make a great comedy bit.
Check and mate. 2 birds, one stone.
With these actions, not only will we eliminate the invaders from our country, but the Dems will now push minorities to get IDs. No more excuses against voter ID.
Hell yeah
Deportation to where?
How about the Murkowski luxury villa in Mexico for starters.
Making Lisa proud
Didn’t realize you had to be that hysterically stupid to be president of the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe.
If you, Cynthia Petersen, are not spending every waking minute using your exalted position to get justice for Thomas Jack, then, in our non-humble opinion, maybe you should just be quiet, carry identification like every other American, and let the adults handle America’s border emergency?
Won’t you have plenty to say when illegal aliens squat on Tlingit land… when dopers start growing product in Tlingit country? What, deportation’s a problem now because it disturbs certain arrangements, shall we say, that are better left undisturbed?
That’s just stupid. It makes good sense for everyone to carry ID, anyway.
Easy, just ask them something in Spanish.
So ignorant. Anyone who has dealt with ICE or Border Patrol knows they have many Hispanic officers (and I know of one native) and they know how to identify illegal aliens. So much paranoia and the press fans the flames.