Save Anchorage gives $5,000 to Covenant House


Save Anchorage made a $5,000 contribution to Covenant House Alaska on Sunday. Covenant House is the largest provider of services to homeless and runaway youth in the state of Alaska.

“Covenant House is a critical bridge for many teens experiencing homelessness in the Anchorage Municipality, and their organization provides a wide variety of essential services to the community by sheltering and protecting the most vulnerable of our city. We salute Covenant House Alaska’s staff – their tireless efforts make a lasting, tangible difference in many young lives,” said Assembly member Jamie Allard of Chugiak-Eagle River, who is associated with the group.

Save Anchorage describes itself as a “grassroots effort to create positive change within our community,” and has been active in encouraging citizens to attend Assembly meetings and get involved in the decisions impacting Anchorage neighborhoods.

In its most recent Facebook post, the group asked people to attend the Dec. 8 Assembly meeting to provide public testimony about the most recent economic shutdown in Anchorage:

“We need to flood the assembly meeting. Voice your concerns about EO-16. If these shut downs have negatively affected you let your voice be heard. You can provide testimony by phone, email or in person. We need as many people as possible there to show the assembly the face of the people they are hurting.”


  1. I’m glad I was reminded here about the next Assembly meeting this coming Tuesday. I am not one to seek attention or the spotlight in any way, just the opposite in fact, but I am strongly motivated to speak up at the meeting, and confront the nine Marxist morons who are driving this city into the ground, and my life into poverty, misery and despair.

  2. Covenant House is another democrat plantation of a few masters and a whole lot of slaves. Prove me wrong! Show me 100 percent of its youth up to 24 are 100 percent successful and not indoctrinated by liberalism but instead they are independent thinkers. All the youth i seen coming out of and around its building are Free loaders and old enough to be working at a fast food restaurant. All their youth over 15 years of age should be employed since they have no family caring over them.

  3. On Saturday Dec.5th we went to La Mex restaurant to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary but found it closed to customers. This stupid policy of closure is hurting the Restaurant, its staff and its customers. Come election you all need to be replaced.

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