Saturday protest in Fairbanks looked like tour group to locals


Trump bad. Elon bad. Deport Musk. It’s the same playbook being repeated across the country and in Alaska by Democrats following the orders of Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries to deny the results of the election by acting out.

The national group 50-50+1 staged another demonstration in Fairbanks this weekend. The Saturday protest involved some of the same people as were seen outside the Republican Lincoln Day Dinner protest on Friday.

Locals said that many of the protesters looked like they were not locals.

“They looked like a tour group. They dressed like a tour group,” said one source who described them as NPCs (non-playing characters).

Fairbanks is a small enough town where political activists on both sides recognize each other and still smile and wave even if they are on different sides. The protestors did not look familiar to local residents and seemed unfamiliar with local residents who were waving to them.

Local Fairbanks residents drove past yelling things like “We love Trump” and “Thank you Elon.” But they got no reaction from the protesters.


    • And all the protesters looked like Whidbey the Dog. No difference. Easy to spot. Lots of free time on hands, and all deranged with TDS.

      • Geez, I thought all the protesters kind of looked like me. Mean, twisted, sour-looking, and filled with hate. Current donations to my blog just aren’t commenserate with my talent. I always do a better job with a quart or two of spirits nearby.

    • Yes because large groups of people would travel to Fairbanks, AK in the middle of winter to protest. What a joke.

  1. From where ever they reside, a close look at the faces and profiles of those participating continue to reflect my earlier observation being as a whole, would make a “Freight Train taking a Dirt Road”

  2. So apparently what is happening is people are being PAID to protest and be shuttled to places to try and push the nonsense. Those people weren’t even from Alaska or our area. Check out Joe Rogan podcast. Had footage of people being asked if they were being paid to protest and they all said yes. So yes, those were nothing but TOURISTS! Absolutely ridiculous.

  3. Suzanne: Please post more “touristy” photos so we can make up our own minds. Outside tourists are, what — 95% ? — only here in the summer. A few come for northern lights or visit families or are here for professional reasons. How is a tourist supposed to dress in late winter or break-up?

  4. Delusions of grandeur much? No one is flying in people to protest in Fairbanks, Alaska.

    This is actually just an unpopular administration. I went to a protest and recognized dozens of local people I know.

    • Yep. All Democrats. So sunken in by TDS, that they have become a laughing stock to the rest of the country. Election victories look doubtful for a few decades.

  5. LMAO, Next they will be chanting, “George Soros where’s our Money/”. Just like all the paid protesters across the nation. I’m sure DOGE will find the correct Soros NGO that is paying for it. The exact same thing that is going on in the states. They even have a guy on Tik Tok who clearly states he’s being paid or he would not be there.

  6. The protestors did not look familiar to local residents and seemed unfamiliar with local residents who were waving to them…..Probably imported ‘professional” demonstrators brought in from down south by the democratic party,,,,,,food and lodging provided by your generous donations.

  7. What nonsense. Those were Fairbanks folks. Stop spreading misinformation. I spoke with several Fairbanks people there that I knew.

  8. You source for a supposed local is identified as “said one source.” I’m a 30+ year Fairbanks resident who was there Saturday. No tourists. Lots of regular Fairbanks folks who all knew each other. If there’s no news, MRA, just don’t make a report. Or state there were protests in Fairbanks on Friday and Saturday. Which is true.

    • Democrats are like rats. A little sniff of cheese brings the rest of them out looking for freebies. Most of them look old and weathered. But the marijuana parties help them with respirations and saturations.


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