Safari Club International convention names Dunleavy ‘Governor of the Year’


The Safari Club National Convention took place for the first time in Nashville last week. The largest ever in attendance, over 17,000 hunters, patriots, outfitters, and guides traveled to the Music City from around the world to take part in the event.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy of Alaska won the prestigious “Governor of the Year Award.”

In his acceptance speech he talked about the great state of Alaska and the opportunity to harvest big brown bear, moose, Dall Sheep and, he joked, now Alaska has “big Chinese balloons”  to add to the list. The crowd loved it.

Alaska was front and center as discussion topics with the numerous of federal government overreach issues. Biden Administration has, at last count, made 44 executive orders and actions against Alaska. Safari Club International has hired another attorney to specifically work with Alaska issues that threatened public land access and hunting rights. 

The Alaska Chapter of Safari Club International won the Top Gun Award for 2023 at the annual convention in Nashville.

Other notable Alaskans attending the convention were John Sturgeon, who won at the Supreme Court — twice — on hunting rights. Also attending were Mike Crawford, National SCI Board Member; Ted Spraker, former Alaska Board of Game chairman and current president of Kenai SCI; Elaina Spraker, Office of U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan; Louis Cusack, Alaska SCI executive director; Ruth Cusack current Alaska Board of Game member; Deb Moore, executive director of Alaska Professional Hunter Association; Jen Yuhas, Outdoor Heritage Foundation of Alaska; Ben Mulligan and Eddie Grasser, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

The Alaska Chapter was awarded “Top Gun Chapter” out of 180 chapters worldwide. 


  1. Why? He still hasn’t answered for the shutdown of the State during COVID and why he allowed vaccine mandates. Also, why does the State still contract with the corrupt ERIC for cleaning our voter rolls and why are we still using Dominion Machines that can be hacked to steal elections? Governor of the year? Really? What a joke!

    • Michael, if you are going to respond be sure to have your facts straight. The Governor never shut down Alaska during covid. That was local towns and cities. He did allow people to work from home. He also NEVER NEVER allowed or did vaccine mandates. He also never required masking. He has no authority over school districts, most certainly Anchorage or the city of Anchorage which is a First City and has its ow charger. He is also an avid hunter and fisherman and fights hard to fight any infringement to the 2nd amendment.

      • That is a very disingenuous response, Judy, and you know it.
        While Governor Dunleavy did not literally mandate shutdowns or vaccine mandates, he did absolutely nothing to hinder them or to speak against them on a local basis, either. NOTHING! Nor did he fire or even attempt to counter our lead statewide Covidian activist, Anne Zink, who was and is fully onboard with every aspect of the anti-science, pro-authoritarian Covidian control agenda, including mandating the clot shots for all school-age children. He even appeared in TV commercials encouraging visitors to take the experimental, unsafe and ineffective clot shots. His overall response to the entire officially-orchestrated Covidian campaign of terror against the American people was one of spineless acquiescence and tacit endorsement.

        Also, your attempts to mention Dunleavy’s pro-gun, pro-2nd Amendment sentiments are irrelevant and a total non-sequitur.

  2. Who would have ever thought it would be good to receive a reward from a group that supports the killing of animals for trophy? What a shame.

    • Tell me that you know nothing about SCI without telling me.

      Now go sit in the corner and STFU. Leave this to the adults.

    • Your ignorant statement reveals you know nothing about SCI, Alaska or hunting. SCI is the leading organization in the world that protects hunters rights and promotes sound principles of wildlife conservation.

    • It might be helpful to know that organizations such as SCI-Alaska and Alaska Wild Sheep Foundation raise more money for basic ADF&G surveys and research than any other group. Each has raised and given ADF&G more than $2 million over the years. This money is then matched at a 1 to 3 ratio by Pittman-Robertson federal grant funds (excise taxes on firearms, ammunition, etc.). So $4 million from these two groups alone when matched has become $16 million directly for the budget of ADF&G Division of Wildlife for annual surveys and research. If you support wise wildlife conservation, it might be beneficial to understand these organizations and the contributions they make. Have you heard of the Innoko Wood Bison reintroduction project? SCI-Alaska donated $250,000 directly to the Department to help make that happen. The Department is now in the process of planning for a second reintroduction, and private funds help significantly.

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