Rynnieva Moss: Scott Kawasaki is ineffective

Alaska Sen. Scott Kawasaki takes a selfie with the 11 people who showed up at his town hall meeting in Fairbanks.


We are being bombarded by politicians and special interest groups with propaganda in the mail and on the radio. Balderdash. The money spent on attacks against Leslie Hajdukovich should be addressing Scott Kawasaki’s accomplishments as a legislator or the lack thereof.

Scott Kawasaki is a nice guy; but nice does not make an effective legislator. Scott has been in the legislature for 18 years. He has never chaired a standing committee until the last two years and his inexperience has shown.

Scott had 28 bills and resolutions referred to the Senate State Affairs Committee he chaired in 2023 and 2024, which died in committee. Even three of his bills assigned to his own committee died in his committee. His excuse was he ran out of time, but the final bill listed in his committee was on May 12, 2023, a year before the end of session. 

The Permanent Fund Dividend was one issue everyone thought was a priority this session. SJR 1, introduced by his own colleague Sen. Bill Wielechowski, would have put a question on the ballot for citizens to vote on securing the dividend. The bill did not even get a hearing. Scott claimed at the Chamber Forum in Fairbanks he had introduced similar legislation in the past, but the only PFD bills he introduced were two bills which would pay past PFDs to people whose convictions are vacated or overturned. 

He also claims to be a champion for education. The fact is Scott Kawasaki has introduced 157 bills and resolutions while in the Legislature. He had five passed and none of them had anything to do with the PFD formula or education funding.

Whether it is Scott’s inability to lead or his lack of influence in Juneau, the truth is Scott Kawasaki is ineffective. 

On the other hand, Leslie Hajdukovich is a successful businessperson, a proven leader as a former president of the school board and was a Congressional aide serving Interior Alaska. She has integrity, maturity, respect from dozens of legislators, and the gumption to serve our community well. 

I urge you to vote for Leslie Hajdukovich.

Rynnieva Moss retired after being a legislative aide for 28 sessions.


  1. Kawasaki isn’t ineffective. He does exactly what the democrats want when and how they want it.

    A useful legislator? Not at all.
    A useful tool? Absolutely.

  2. Kawasaki:
    the only legislator who invited his mom to live with him in Juneau during the session. So she could take care of him. The rest of his time spent was writing birthday cards to elderly constituents.
    That’s a lot of work.

  3. Is another reason voters need to be smarter people keep voting for him and they get what they deserve more taxes higher cost less reliable energy sources and a stolen PFD.

  4. It’s funny his supporters cannot phantom he’s part of their dividends being stolen from them. They believe that their portion the state keeps is being to texas billionaires. ?

    • Denali, sadly its his opponent that has caused us to lose our axxes with the lower dividends. She wanted SB-21, and the money that would go for full dividends has gone to Texas instead.

  5. Scott is Josh “RINO” Revak’s drinking buddy.
    They got busted speeding and open container racing to a political s**tshow together.
    We got rid of Revak now it’s Scotty’s turn to run and hide.

  6. Senator Scott Kawasaki has been a true supporter of Alaska seniors.
    Fighting against any Senate or House member that tried to dilute senior benefits or senior access to services makes him a true friend and supporter of Alaskas senior population!

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